Individual Document Upload Standard
NMLS Checklist Language
Starting September 12, 2016, individual licensees, who submit the Individual Form (MU4), and control individuals, who submit the Individual Form (MU2), will be able to upload documents for regulator review in NMLS.
Document Upload TypesThe following document types will be available to be uploaded by individuals who submit the Individual Form (MU4):
- Credit Report Explanations – General
- Legal Name/Status Documentation – General
- Memorandum of Tax Certification – State Specific
- Verification of Experience – State Specific
- Credit Report Explanations – General
- Legal Name/Status Documentation – General
- Memorandum of Tax Certification – State Specific
- Personal Financial Statement – State Specific
- State Background Check Authorization – State Specific
- Verification of Experience – State Specific
After updating your Individual Document Upload license settings in the License Settings and Fee System, use the language below to update the appropriate New Application, Transition and/or Amendment Checklist.
If the checklist you need to update is in the “Old”/Brown Checklists format, use this language.
If the checklist you need to update is in the “New”/Blue Checklists format, use this language.
When you are ready for the updates checklist(s) to be reviewed by SRR and posted to the NMLS Resource Center, select to Request to Publish a Major Version of the document. SRR will not review/post the checklist updates until this step is completed. /“Old”/BrownChecklist Format
Add the appropriate document upload items below to the END of the existing checklist
Do not add the document upload item for document types you do not permit or require to be uploaded.
filed in NMLS / Attached / Not applicable / [State Abbrv.] [License Name] / N/A / / Credit Report Explanations: Submit a line by line, detailed letter of explanation of all derogatory credit accounts along with proof of payoffs, payment arrangements and evidence of payments made, or evidence of any formal dispute filed (documents must be dated). Accounts to address include, but are not limited to: collections items, charge offs, accounts currently past due, accounts with serious delinquencies in the last 3 years, repossessions, loan modifications, etc.
Note: Items regarding bankruptcy, foreclosure actions, outstanding judgments or liens, or delinquent child support payments should be addressed in the Disclosure Explanations section of your Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
This document should be named Credit Report Explanations – Sub Name – Document Creation Date.
Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Credit Report Explanations in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
/ N/A / / Legal Name/Status Documentation: Upload legal documentation of legal name or legal status. This may be certified copies of divorce decree, marriage certificate, copy of driver’s license, passports, etc.
This document should be named [Document Name] (Ex. Drivers License, Marriage Certificate, etc.).
Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Legal Name/Status Documentation in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
/ N/A / / Memorandum of Tax Certification: Provide a certified memorandum indicating all tax obligations to the State have been paid or that a payment plan (if applicable) is in place. (if applicable) Click here to access the form.
This document should be named [State Abbreviation] – Memorandum of Tax Certification.
Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Memorandum of Tax Certification in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
/ N/A / / Personal Financial Statement: The followingindividuals, as specified below, on the Company Form (MU1) are required to upload a personal financial statement.
[Enter state-specific personal financial statement requirements.]
Direct Owners
- [Enter the specific Direct Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Executive Officers that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Indirect Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Qualifying Individuals that are required to upload this document.]
Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Personal Financial Statement in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form (MU2).
/ N/A / / State Background Check Authorization: The followingindividuals, as specified below, on the Company Form (MU1) are required to upload a personal financial statement.
[Enter state-specific State Background Check requirements.]
(if applicable) Click here to access the form.
Note: This is separate from the NMLS federal background check for the submission of the Individual Form (MU4).
Direct Owners
- [Enter the specific Direct Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Executive Officers that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Indirect Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Qualifying Individuals that are required to upload this document.]
Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type State Background Check Authorization in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form (MU2).
/ N/A / / Verification of Experience: Providea license specific resume with detailed job descriptions and/or duties performed evidencing experience in the industry the company is applying for a license. Detailed job descriptions and duties with all employers need to be incorporated into a resume to demonstrate experience related to the specific state license being applied for. (If applicable)State specific requirements include:
- [Enter the specific documents or attributes that are required to be included in this document.]
Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Verification of Experience in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
“New”/BlueChecklist Format
If you are updating a checklist for a company or branch license type, add the appropriate document upload items below to the REQUIREMENTS/DOCUMENTS UPLOADED IN NMLS section of the existing checklist
If you are updating a checklist for an individual license type, add the appropriate document upload items below to the END of the existing checklist
Do not add the document upload item for document types you do not permit or require to be uploaded.
REQUIREMENTS/DOCUMENTS UPLOADED IN NMLSComplete / [State Abbrv.] [License Name] / Submitted via…
/ Credit Report Explanations: Submit a line by line, detailed letter of explanation of all derogatory credit accounts along with proof of payoffs, payment arrangements and evidence of payments made, or evidence of any formal dispute filed (documents must be dated). Accounts to address include, but are not limited to: collections items, charge offs, accounts currently past due, accounts with serious delinquencies in the last 3 years, repossessions, loan modifications, etc.
Note: Itemsregardingbankruptcy,foreclosureactions,outstandingjudgmentsorliens,ordelinquentchildsupportpaymentsshouldbeaddressedintheDisclosure Explanations sectionofyour Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
This document should be named Credit Report Explanations – Sub Name– Document Creation Date. / Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Credit Report Explanations in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
/ Legal Name/Status Documentation: Upload legal documentation of legal name or legal status. This may be certified copies of divorce decree, marriage certificate, copy of driver’s license, passports, etc.
This document should be named [Document Name](Ex. Drivers License, Marriage Certificate, etc.). / Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Legal Name/Status Documentation in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
/ Memorandum of Tax Certification: Provide a certifiedmemorandumindicating all taxobligations to theStatehavebeenpaidorthatapaymentplan(if applicable) is inplace.(if applicable) Click here to access the form.
This document should be named [State Abbreviation] – Memorandum of Tax Certification. / Upload in NMLS: under the Document Type Memorandum of Tax Certification in the Document Uploads section of the Individual Form [(MU2) or (MU4)].
/ Personal Financial Statement: The followingindividuals, as specified below, on the Company Form (MU1) are required to upload a personal financial statement.
[Enter state-specific personal financial statement requirements.]
Direct Owners
- [Enter the specific Direct Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Executive Officers that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Indirect Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Qualifying Individuals that are required to upload this document.]
/ StateBackgroundCheckAuthorization:The followingindividuals, as specified below, on the Company Form (MU1) are required to upload a personal financial statement.
[Enter state-specific State Background Check requirements.]
(if applicable) Click here to access the form.
Note: ThisisseparatefromtheNMLSfederalbackgroundcheckfor the submission of the Individual Form (MU4).
Direct Owners
- [Enter the specific Direct Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Executive Officers that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Indirect Owners that are required to upload this document.]
- [Enter the specific Qualifying Individuals that are required to upload this document.]
/ Verification of Experience: Providea licensespecificresumewithdetailedjobdescriptionsand/orduties performedevidencingexperienceintheindustrythecompanyisapplyingforalicense.Detailedjobdescriptionsanddutieswithallemployersneedtobeincorporatedintoaresumetodemonstrateexperiencerelatedtothespecificstatelicensebeingappliedfor.(If applicable)State specific requirements include:
- [Enter the specific documents or attributes that are required to be included in this document.]
Updated 7/18/2016