Vocal Music Advanced
- A perfect or minor interval that is made a half-step smaller
- Augmented Interval
- Diminished Interval
- Chromatic Interval
- An perfect or Major interval that is made a half step larger
- Augmented Interval
- Diminished Interval
- Chromatic Interval
- A scale that uses all 12 tones within an octave
- Chromatic Scale
- Major Scale
- Minor Scale
- Moving in half-steps
- Augmented
- Diminished
- Chromatic
- Produced when a combination of notes give the feeling of rest.
- Consonance
- Dissonance
- Diatonic
- A harmonious or satisfying arrangement of a piece.
- Balance
- Diatonic
- Augmented
- Within the whole and half tone system of major and minor scales
- Chromatic
- Diatonic
- Enharmonic
- A pattern of pitches arranged by whole steps and half steps
- Enharmonic
- Chromatic
- Scale
- A combination of two or more tones that create tension and must be "resolved" with standard chords (ones that are expected or pleasant to the ear)
- Consonance
- Dissonance
- Diatonic
- The first tone of a chord or scale.
- Octave
- Tonic
- Diatonic
- The distance from one pitch to the same letter name; 12 half steps or 8 notes apart
- Octave
- Tonic
- Diatonic
- A symbol (8va) that, placed above a pitch, directs that it be performed an octave higher than written.
- Articulation Marking
- Ottava Sign
- Tonic
- The combination or mixing of voices so that no single voice is distinguishable from the group sound
- blend
- trio
- Sextet
- The ability to direct the breathing mechanism to provide a well regulated supply of air to the vocal chords
- placement
- Breath control
- resonance
- A song that can be sung independently, but fits well when sung with another song, and creates pleasant harmony
- Nonet
- Trio
- Partner-Song
- The degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation and articulation in singing
- Diction
- Blend
- Tutti
- To create music spontaneously
- Improvise
- arrange
- compose
- Three performers, performing three different parts
- Nonet
- Trio
- Sextet
- A collection of music that the student has learned and is prepared to demonstrate
- Aria
- Ballad
- Repertoire
- The historical period in Western Europe from 1400 – 1600 known as a period of re-birth
- Medieval Period
- Renaissance Period
- Classical Period
- Musical period in Western history from 500 – 1400
- Medieval Period
- Renaissance Period
- Classical Period
- The historic period in music approximately between 1600 and 1750. The music of the this period tended to be highly ornamented and sometimes elaborate
- Classical Period
- Baroque Period
- Romantic Period
- The musical period in Western history beginning around 1750 and ending around 1820
- Classical Period
- Baroque Period
- Romantic Period
- The musical period in Western Music beginning in the 1900’s until today
- Classical Period
- Contemporary Period
- Romantic Period
- The historical period in Western Music from 1830 to 1920
- Classical Period
- Contemporary Period
- Romantic Period
- A note that receives a quarter beat of sound in 4/4 time
- Cut Time
- Sixteenth Note
- Sixteenth Rest
- A rest that receive a quarter beat of silence in 4/4 time
- Cut Time
- Sixteenth Note
- Sixteenth Rest
- An alternative way of identifying a time signature representing 2 beats in a measure where the half note receives the beat
- Cut Time
- Down Beat
- Anacrusis
- Beat one of a measure
- Anacrusis
- Down Beat
- Hemiola
- An upbeat or pickup
- Anacrusis
- Down Beat
- Hemiola
- The change of rhythmic feeling within a composition. The relationship usually is 3 to 2
- Anacrusis
- Down Beat
- Hemiola
- The musical style in which a pair of eighth notes is no longer performed evenly, but instead like a triplet.
- Swing
- Waltz
- Canon
- "Between beats" where the emphasis does not fall on the expected beat of 1, 2, 3, or 4, but between them. Characteristic of jazz and some rock music
- Cut time
- Hemiola
- Syncopation
- A dance in moderate ¾ time
- Swing
- Waltz
- Canon
- Three part form ABA
- Binary
- Ternary
- Canon
- The term used for the way the parts of a piece of music are assembled. (verse/refrain; ABA; Rondo; mass; symphony, etc.)
- Divisi
- Form
- Ternary
- When one group (or leader) "calls" and the other group "responds", usually by echoing what the first did it
- Call and Response
- Parallel Motion
- Contrary Motion
- The strictest form of musical imitation, where one part begins, and the other part begins later the exact same line (much like a ROUND)
- Binary
- Ternary
- Canon
- A form in music consisting of two parts
- Binary
- Ternary
- Canon
- Movement of two parts when the interval separating them remains the same
- Call and Response
- Contrary Motion
- Parallel Motion
- Two melodies of musical lines going in opposite directions
- Call and Response
- Contrary Motion
- Parallel Motion
- Directions to a performer typically through symbols and icons on a musicalscore that indicate characteristics of the attack, duration, and decay (or envelope) of a given note
- Hemiola
- Divisi
- Articulation Markings
- Indicates that a large group is divided into two smaller groups.
- Binary
- Divisi
- Ternary
- Changing a phrase or composition to a key other than the one in which the piece in which the piece is written
- transpose
- Texture
- Call and response
- The "thickness" of harmony (how many interwoven parts)
- Binary
- Ternary
- Texture
- A symbol that looks like an archer's bow (also called curved brackets) that are used to connect two or more different staves in a musical score into a system
- Articulation Marking
- Hemiola
- Brace
- An obbligato part, or second melody, that is above the main melody
- Call and response
- Divisi
- Descant
- The ability of a person to identify a musical sound by name without any previous pitch being sounded; also called perfect pitch
- Articulation
- Absolute Pitch
- Texture
- The character or quality of a sound that distinguishes one voice from another
- Timbre
- Descant
- Canon
- Unique qualities that characterize and identify the variety of types of music available (country, classical, jazz, rock, folk, gospel, bluegrass)
- Texture
- Style
- Canon