Owens Community College Department Meeting
Group: Dental Hygiene Department Fall Meeting Course: Department Meeting
Date: March 28, 2017 Time: 9:00 AMPlace: HT 410
Attendance: J. Darah, B. Tronolone, S. Wannemacher
Chairman: Elizabeth Tronolone
II. Appointment of Secretary / Janice Darah
III. Minutes Approved from / 3-14-18
IV. Old Business
Assigned cubicles
If students want to change AM/PM, they must ask Beth Tronolone CDCA Site Coordinator, to contact the CDCA Chief / Students are assigned cubicles. Students cannot switch cubicle assignments after this Thursday.
Students must contact their own patients. / Organization
Joanne is not responsible for CDCA patients.
- Outcomes Assessment
V. New Business
A. CE/Teaching Methodologies / Miram Armstrong, Brittany Moore and Beth Tronolone used Perkins Grant money for CE credit. They must show the college that they have done this. / Brittany and Beth attended 21 hours of “Curriculum Revitalization”. They will put information on line about flipping the classroom.
Beth and Miriam attended 20 credit hours of “Public Health Educators’ Symposium”. / Discussion boards, on line classes, calibration.
B. IntraOral Camera / In a first year clinic session, the dentist wanted an intraoral picture of a lesion on a patient. No one in the first year clinic session knew how to use it comfortably. / We need to calibrate faculty and act as a team when helping other faculty. / Professionalism
Facilitate clinic
C. Textbooks / Beth Cress emailed the textbook order.
K. Unterbrink is teaching Pharmacology and has taken the necessary CE to teach the course. / We need to check all ISBN’s of latest editions and respond to Beth by this Friday, 3-31-17.
The tooth morphology textbook will be in DHY 122 and not DHY 120 so that the text will be available in the summer classes. / Bookstore order in time for fall semester.
D. Student Awards / Discussion of possible student candidates for the dental hygiene awards 4-21-17. / Full time faculty will meet briefly on Thursday, April 6th at 3:15, to decide recipients of the awards. / In time for Awards Luncheon
E. Senate Bill 98 / Beth Tronolone is working on a letter for students and faculty to send to their senator in support of a Dental Therapist. / Student and faculty letters will be sent to senators (Randy Gardner or Edna Brown), in April.
Beth would like to initiate working toward a BS degree for dental hygienists and dental therapists at Owens Community College.. / Passage of Senate Bill 98
F. Orientation / DHY 122 - - / DHY 122 will be available for summer and fall classes for accepted students into the dental hygiene program as well as alternates. / This will lighten the load for accepted students in the fall, and help all students decide if they will like dental hygiene or not.
VI. Faculty Reports
1. Darah, Janice / All first year students have a class 3 calculus patient.
The contact person for printing bulletin boards and table clinic posters is no longer available. Need to find out new contact. / Ask Nicole Miller or Miriam Armstrong for new contact.
2. Wannemacher, Susan / The dental materials class visited Dresch Lab.
Mock CDCA is today.
Everyone at this point has a board patient.
All 14 ultrasonics are working.
Linda Blackiston has a webinar on 4-20-17. Students may need a room such as HT 102.
3. Tronolone, Beth / Beth reviewed National Board scores.
Students were low in microbiologyand immunology and community. / Beth would like to add the Hesi to Perio 107 / 207 (Micro and Immunology questions), and to Local Anesthesia (oral anatomy questions). / Improve board scores
VI. Announcements / Beth will be gone April 7-15, 2017.
VII. Adjournment / 10:45 a.m.
VIII. Next Meeting / April 6, 2017 at 3:15 am in HT 410