Missionary workshop
The goal of this activity is to spark an interest in missionary work and to help the youth understand the very important role missionary work plays in our spiritual life and the life of the church. We have created this project as a thought-provoking activity that uses the talents and abilities of our youth to understand how to reach out to others in both a practical and spiritual way.
Plan of Action
Ten groups will be formed consisting of 10 participants each. Your group will plan a missionary project which theoretically can be used as a model in your Orthodox parish/diocese. These projects will be presented by each group to a panel of priests who will act as a Board of Directors or Sponsor to approve or support your plan.
Project Instructions
1. Once the project groups are formed, every group member, starting from one and moving around the circle to the right, states their:
· name
· where they are from- country, city
· what church they attend
· what they are studying in university/college or what job or profession they hold
· their particular interests or hobbies
· what are their talents
2. Choose a team leader/chairman for the project.
3. Choose a secretary/notetaker
4. Discuss the project options from the suggested list or think of one on your own that fits the theme of the conference.
5. Consider the talents, interests and abilities of the group and then decide on the project topic.
6. Discuss what human resources are available to your group e.g. talents, abilities, interests of your group members and what clergy mentor could be approached for advice.
7. Decide on the format of your presentation. You may choose from the suggested list or come up with other ideas.
8. Make a plan for your missionary project to be presented before the judging panel who will be acting as your prospective sponsors/or support team at the parish level.
9. Presentation should include:
· Project theme/title
· Goals/objectives
· How you plan to execute the project
· What you wish to get from your sponsor/parish support team
10. Enjoy this project and may your group be the winning team.
Project Suggestion List
· Soup/food kitchen
· Food bank
· Orthodox coffee/teahouse as venue for Orthodox books, DVDs and other media and lecture talks
· Orthodox website
· Orthodox television or radio show
· Publish an orthodox pamphlet, bulletin or magazine
· Write a computer program for Orthodox learners
· Set up an Orthodox choir for concert engagements or church services
· Set up a parish school program
· Set up a youth group program
· Plan and Orthodox/cultural festival
· Set up an orthodox historical/cultural Museum or Center (permanent or traveling)
· Set up after school Orthodox program
· Set up an Orthodox camp or camp programs
· Set up a resource center for the poor, elderly or for children’s needs
· Medical clinic with Chapel
· Set up a counseling center
· Any other missionary ideas in your local parish setting or internationally
Format Suggestions for Presentation
· Interview of lecturer to be published in bulletin, magazine etc. (each group member can take turns as interviewer)
· Interviews of conference participants for their reflections on missionary conference
· Right or present a song or poem as an example of their choir concert/CD/DVD as a missionary tool
· Present an outline of a parish school/youth program
· Present an outline of a summer Orthodox camp program
· Role-play or present a skit which demonstrates the roles of the missionary workers/program staff for camp/TV show/radio show/youth programs
· PowerPoint presentation of your missionary program
· Write a magazine story/pamphlet or present a pamphlet/bulletin/website layout
· Present a business model/plan of your project