7.30 pm Port Bannatyne Village Hall
1. Apologies:
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Police Report
4. Adoption of Minutes of 15/7/2015 Meeting
5. Matters arising from the Minutes
6. Matters raised by BCC members
Improving conduct of business – Mr H. Tait, the Secretary
Tea/coffee at meetings? – Mr H. Tait
Argyll and Bute Council expenditureproposals – Mr D. Williams
Top Ferry off for fog – Mr A. Harrison
Rothesay Ferry not letting people on near to sailing time – Mr R.Beverley
Gourock ferry boarding problems – Mr P. Duffy
Results of survey at Pavilion Closing event – Mr M. Catlin
7. Correspondence and Matters Arising
Since the last meeting on 16/9 the Secretary:
17/9: Replied to email from Dunoon Community Council re possible joint letter on Boundary Commision proposals, as instructed, saying Bute Community Council could not sign a letter with Option 2 in it, as it had Bute reduced to 2 councillors. After further email exchanges, a draft was received in which Option 2 has Bute with 3 councillors. This was circulated. Email sent to Dunoon Community Council saying that Bute Community Council would put its name to this version.
17/9: As instructed, sent email to Mr S. Richmond of Calmac with queries about RET and Gourock-Glasgow concession discounts. Reply received, and circulated, 18/9.
21/9: As instructed, sent email to Mr Ellis-Jones of the Mount Stuart Trust advising that the issue of deer management is likely to be raised when he gives a presentation on 18/10.
21/9: As instructed, sent letter to Mr A. MacDonald of the Parks Department conveying the community council’s thanks and congratulations in respect of Bute in Blooms successes.
22/9: Received email from Argyll and Bute Council asking for views on Community Payback Order scheme. Circulated. Replied asking whether looking for individual responses or a Bute Community Council view. It is a collective response that is required. DISCUSSION AND RESPONSE DECISION REQUIRED
22/9: Received email from Administrative Data Research Centre (Scotland) looking for expressions of interest in membership of their public panel. Circulated.
22/9: Received email from Mr S. Richmond, Calmac, asking for agreement to the same ferry timetables for summer 2016 as in 2015. Circulated. Relayed community councillor responses to Mr Richmond 30/9.
23/9: Received email from the Leader of Argyll and Bute Council notifying forthcoming consultation on its responses to budgetary crisis. Circulated.
23/9: Received email from Helensburgh Community Council re charging for synthetic pitches. Circulated. As were several follow-up emails on this subject.
25/9: Received email from Argyll and Bute Council with information submitted to the Community Planning Partnership. Circulated.
25/9: Received email from Isle of Bute Trust with Bute Community Council’s application for a grant from the Town Centre Communities Capital Fund for improvements to Victorian toilets and pier ambulance shelter attached. Circulated.
25/9: As instructed, sent by email Bute Community Council response to Argyll and Bute Council request for to development of Development Plan for Community Councils.
1/10: Sent email asking Inspector Wilson to proceed for October meeting with trial of police reports being circulated by email prior to community council meetings, and advising that the police report would be moved forward on the agenda.
1/10: Sent by email to Scottish Boundaries Commission, Bute Community Council’s input to its consultation on proposed changes to Argyll and Bute electoral arrangements.
2/10: Received from Argyll and Bute Council email giving access to Supplementary Pack for Bute and Cowal Area Committee meeting 6/10/15. Circulated.
5/10: Received from Mr S. Richmond of Calmac an email clarifying position on tickets refunds, and asking if Bute Community Council wanted a visit from him. Circulated. Members replying were of the view that visit at this time was not necessary, and that matters could be raised with him by email. Mr Richmond so informed 8/10.
6/10: Received email from Scottish Rural Parliament asking if Bute Community Council interested in co-hosting a Fairer Scotland event. Circulated. Replied asking for more information – none yet received.
7/10: Received from Argyll and Bute Council email asking about interest in a half-day training session on relationships with other community organisations on 23/10, ‘location mid-Argyll’. Circulated. Replied asking for specificity on location and possibility of a video link to Rothesay. No response as yet.
9/10: Received email from Argyll and Bute Council with Agenda for Bute and Cowal Area Planning Group meeting 10/11. Circulated.
9/10: Received by email from Argyll and Bute Council fortnightly CPP Bulletin. Circulated.
9/10: Received by email from Argyll and Bute Council minutes for Bute and Cowal Area Committee 6/10. Circulated.
12/10: Received email from Helensburgh Community Council regarding synthetic pitch charging, suggesting raising with Area Committee and asking for suggestions for inclusion in a response to Councillor Walsh. Circulated. ACTION TO BE TAKEN?
13/10: Received email from Festive Lighting Company looking for discussion about Rothesay festive lighting 2015. Circulated. RESPONSE?
8. Councillors’ Reports
9. Treasurer’s Report: Mr R. Beverley
10. Health Report: Miss G. Strong
11. Advice Centre Report
12. Transport Report: Mr F. Baxter
13. Planning Report: Mr G. Gillespie
14. Holiday Leisure and Tourism Report: Mrs B. Hill
15. Sports Hub Report: Mr H. Tait
16. Heritage, Culture and Arts Report: Mr P. Duffy.
17. AOB
The next meeting is scheduled for 18/11/2015, starting at 7.00pm in the United Church Hall.