VGSA LEAGUE RULES (updated 4/9/17)
For all league play youth players MUST wear an approved batting helmet while on the field of play. Removal of the helmet while on the field of play by an offensive player shall result in an out being charged to the offense.
(NOTE: Under this rule it is possible for the offense to be charged with two outs on one play. i.e. A batter strikes out and removes her helmet while returning to the dug-out.)
Jewelry during league games at VGSA may be worn, however they cannot wear hoops or spikes and if the umpires deems the jewelry dangerous (unsafe) they may ask the coach to have the player to remove it. Standard USA rules for jewelry.
The double first base (safety base) will be used in all games.
Any youth warming up a pitcher within the Salmon Creek Sports Complex must wear a catcher's mask.
All players shall have their jerseys tucked in while they are on the field of play.
No child with an arm, wrist, hand or leg cast will be allowed to play without a written verification from her physician that the child can play fast pitch softball. The cast must be sufficiently padded, per ASA rules.
If a player throws a bat they may be called out, and a warning will be issued to both benches by the umpire. Any subsequent infractions will result in an out being called, and the offending player may be ejected.
Games shall begin promptly when scheduled. There will be a ten (10) minute grace period allowed for the purpose of fielding a team. At the end of the grace period, the team in default shall forfeit the game, 7-0.
Games forfeited because of too few players may be played as practice games if the "short-handed" team borrows player(s) from the opposing team. Each team must be able to field eight (8) players. The grace period will count as playing time. Teams with more than 8 players must field at least 9.
A pregame conference will be held with the umpire(s) prior to the start of each game. The conference will be attended by managers, coaches and may include Team Captains. One item that will be covered is the application of the “Rule Ahead Rule”. Unless both teams specifically agree that they desire to play the full one hour and forty-five minutes, the “Run Ahead Rule” will be in effect.
Open substitution and re-entry will be allowed only for those teams who bat their rosters. VGSA requires10U and 12U teams to bat their rosters.
The "Designated Player Rule" is permitted only for 14U age division and above.
For league play, Training League, 8U and 10U have the option to field ten (10) players on defense. 12U & 14U will follow ASA rules with 9 players on defense.
• For 10U through 14U Leagues, one hour and forty-five (1:45) minutes shall constitute a regulation game. Games will be stopped after 1:45 minutes (Hard Stop). If inclement weather, darkness, or other factors should shorten the game, the game shall be considered over and will not be rescheduled, nor finished at a later date.
• TIED GAMES - For league play, games in all age divisions may end in ties
Once either team is ahead by an insurmountable number of runs, the game is considered unwinnable. (Insurmountable number of runs equals 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4 innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings.) Unless rescinded at the pre-game conference the “Run Ahead Rule” shall apply and the game will be stopped.
Teams will be limited to the following number of runs per time at bat.
The distance between bases and the distance from the apex of home plate to the front of the pitching plate shall be as follows:
10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 18U – Bases are at ASA regulation distance of 60 feet. Pitching is as follows:
• 10U – 35 feet
• 12U – 40 feet
• 14U – 43 feet
If a team plays another team from a higher age division then the longer pitching distance will be used.
Teams are allowed pregame practice only in the area outside the 1st & 2nd and the 2nd & 3rd base paths following the completion of field preparation.
For league play10U and 12u coaches must bat their entire roster. For all other age classes, coaches may elect to bat their entire roster at game time during the pre-game conference. During league play all eligible players must play in not less than two (2) full innings in a 4/5 inning game, or three (3) full innings in a 6/7 inning game. Managers and/or coaches not complying with this rule may be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the board.
All official protests must reach a VGSA Executive Board member within twenty-four (24) hours of the game, accompanied by a signed letter of protest with a full explanation, and a five dollar ($5.00) protest fee and the scorebooks from both teams (photo-copies preferred). The protest fee may be refunded at the board discretion. The board's review and decision on the validity of the protest is final.
Once the pitcher has control of the ball and is inside the pitcher's circle, the ball becomes dead, and all base runners not over half the distance to the next base shall return to the last touched base. The lead base runner (if more than one runner is on base) is the controlling runner for determining the half way mark.
Offensive teams will bat their entire roster, including substitutes. If the third out is obtained before the five (5) run limit is achieved, the inning is ended and the offensive team resumes the batting order where it left off, their next at bat.
Until the mid-point of the season, the following coach assisted pitching rules apply to allow more development time for pitchers and catchers and to facilitate more defensive plays:
• Pitching will occur in all games with the standard amount of pitches per batter. Per ASA rules, up to six pitches - 3 balls, 3 strikes; 4 balls, 2 strikes (more if fouled off). Three (3) strikes will be out.
• In each half inning, a youth pitcher can only walk two batters. The next batter to receive ball 4 (after the initial two walks), that batter's coach will pitch a maximum of three (3) additional pitches from the pitching plate. Any strikes on the batter will carry over to the coach's pitches.
• If the batter strikes out or fails to put the ball into fair play during the coach's three additional pitches, the batter is out.
• Only those batters struck by a pitch from a youth player shall be awarded first base.
• There will be no base coaching from the pitcher's circle when the batter's coach pitches the additional three pitches.
• Drop third strike, and The Infield Fly Rule are not in effect at this level.
Upper Level Division:
This level will play by ASA/USA rules, with the exception of the Illegal Pitch. Umpires will provide warnings should an illegal pitch occur until the mid-way point of the season or May 1st. On or after May 1st penalties for illegal pitches will apply.
Below is listed VGSA’s policy concerning UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT/BEHAVIOR. It is being provided here as an informational item only. As policy it will be rigorously adhered to, especially in light of events surrounding incidents that have occurred recently at youth sporting events. We know each of you appreciates this and we rely upon you for your full co-operation and compliance.
During the playing season: any coach, player or fan who is ejected from a ball game or asked to leave the complex because of un-sportsmanlike conduct or behavior shall be subject to the following:
a) If a coach is ejected for his/her own personal conduct, the coach may be asked to sit out the remaining of the game and the next game pending review by the board. At least 3 board members will discuss options.
b) For 2nd infraction: they will be suspended from that game as well as the next game AND routinely may not participate in any subsequent games until after they have appeared before the VGSA Board of Directors for a hearing concerning their behavior.
c) For 3rd infraction: typically, in addition to the first infraction penalty, ejection for a 3rd time routinely results in the offender being restricted from involvement in *any* VGSA functions (including: auctions, meetings, tournaments, etc.) for a minimum period of one calendar year.
The decision of the VGSA Board of Directors is final.