Leverington Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Leverington Parish Council held in the Leverington Village Hall, Gorefield Road on Tuesday, 16th February 2016.
PRESENT: Councillors J.A. Downes (Chairman), R.Nutter (Vice Chairman), B.Baker, B.Beales,
Mrs. S.Davey, R.Keymer, A.Sutton.
District Councillors: Mrs. S.Clarke, M.Humphrey. Clerk B.Boyce
13 members of the Public.
- Opening remarks.
- The Chairman welcomed everyone. A message from County Councillor A.Lay said that he could not attend due to a county meeting in Cambridge.
- The Council Chat in the March issue of the Leverington Letter asks for names of any parishioner having a 90th birthday during this year of the Queen’s birthday celebration.
The meeting was closed at this point for a Public Forum.
- Ms S.Rowe, spokesperson gave views on the detrimental effect of the proposed 3 dwellings F/YR16/0064/O(see item 17.1).
- Mr. Buckle (above plan applicant) also gave the Council an insight into his proposal for the 3 dwellings.
The meeting reopened at Item 2 on the agenda.
- Declarations of Interest on agenda items.
- Police reports.
- To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2016.
The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.
- Any matters arising from those minutes (for information only).
The nomination of the Leverington Street Pride team for Pride of Fenland has been accepted.
- To receive a Financial Report.
- Current Account.
Opening balance: 22477.28
Receipts. 0.00
The following payments were approved:
Standing Order B.Boyce Dec’15/Jan ’16 476.67x2 953.34
Payments 101389 R.Collins (removal of allotment sheds) 700.00
101390 The Royal British Legion (wreath) 17.00
101391 Wicksteed Leisure (wetpour repair) 216.13
101392 PC World/Currys (computer) 824.98
101393 SLCC (subscription) 103.00
Closing balance 19662.83
6.2 Cemetery Account
Opening balance 76680.00
Receipts 100010 Mr&Mrs. O’Leary (res. 2 plots) 850.00
Closing balance 77530.00
- Parish Cemetery.
- Safety Log.
Councillor Baker submitted the safety log for the past month. One safety issue (see 7.3)
2 plots had been reserved (Mr. & Mrs. O’Leary). 1 full row plus odd plots remain in Phase One.
7.3Earth requirements on 3 burial plots
Mr. Richard King of King Memorials has offered to fill the sunken plots and returf.
7.4Phase Two
Mr. R.Masham, the contractor for Phase One had not replied to the request for a meeting. It was proposed by A.Sutton that tenders should be invited. This was seconded by S.Davey and agreed by the council. A meeting will be held at the cemetery on Saturday, 20th February to discuss the position of Phase 2. (see 10.4 for further discussions).
- Allotments.
- Church End.
S.Davey, R.Keymer and J.Downes met with Mr. Fennelow, (contractor) regarding barren land.
Mr. Fennelow will plough, power harrow and seed the land (minutes 12.01.16 (165), page 3 item 10.3). A quote of the cost will be forwarded to the council.
8.2Ringers Lane.
The land is now cleared, ploughed and let to H.Collins
8.3Common Gardens.
Council considered the cutting down of the hedge adjacent to the road and resolved to leave this item for consideration after the nesting season.
- Benches.
- Safety log.
Submitted by A.Sutton. No safety issues reported.
9.2Cleaning and painting.
J.Downes (Chairman), A.Sutton, (benches) and R.Keymer (inspections)met with handyman, Mr. P.Mondey regarding the refurbishment of the benches. This will commence immediately.
- Foal Ground Family Park
- Safety log.
Submitted by R.Keymer.
10.2Hedge cutting.
This will be cut imminently by Mr. Proctor as agreed.
10.3Hole in the hedge and fencing repair.
The possibility offencing the park was discussed. As the RoSPA report indicated the holes as a low risk, it was proposed by R.Keymer and seconded by B.Baker that fencing was not erected and this was agreed by the council. The existing fence along by the drain will be inspected to determine what repair is needed.
10.4Erection of swings, goalpost and picnic tables.
The council willmeet on site on 20th February to agree the lay out of the equipment.
Mr. Mondey will refurbish the seating (see item 9.2).
10.5Proposed date for Open Day.
Will be considered when all equipment is in place.
- Noticeboard, memorials and Village sign.
- Safety log.
Submitted by S.Davey. No safety issues evident.
11.2 Ground slabs at village sign.
These will be laid by contractor Mr. T.Blackamore when the weather improves.
- Parish Paths
- Safety Issues.
R..Nutter reported that there were no safety issues
12.2Missing links.
This is an initiative to link all paths. Two surveys were given, one by S.Davey on line and the paper survey by the clerk. These highlighted the needs of the existing paths. J.Downes attended the ‘Drop In’ session at Newton and gave a verbal report.
- Playground.
- Safety log.
Submitted by R.Keymer. No safety issues.
13.2Painting of railings.
As reported at item 9.2, a quorum metwith Mr. P.Mondey and gave instructions for the refurbishing of the railings, seats and tables.
13.3Repair to surface.
Wetpour repair kit received. R.Keymer has completed the repair.
13.4Weeding of play area.
R.Keymer will investigate the possibility of a spray. If this can go ahead, notices will be erected and the gates locked for 48 hours.
13.5Laying of slabs.
The contractor is waiting for the weather to improve.
- Street Lighting.
- Report of meeting at Doddington.
Chairmen of Fenland parishes met with Simon King of FDC to discuss the street light renewal issues. J.Downes gave all councillors a copy of the questions and responses. Councillors are requested to attend half an hour before the Finance meeting on 22 March to discuss the responses and make decisions for the way forward.
- Highways
- LHI Assessment.
No decision received yet on the council LHI for speed reductions at the centre of the village and along Leverington Common.
15.2Leverington Road Safety Group.
No response from C.Clarke to a second e mail offering help from the council.
- Web site
- Proposal from S.Tierney.
S.Tierney has apologised for not updating the web site. He is willing to let someone else take over the responsibility. S.Davey has spoken to an IT person who is willing to keep the web site up to date and to give it a ‘face lift’.
- To discuss any Planning Applications and note decisions.
17.1 Applications.
F/YR16/0064/O / 636 / Buckle / Land NW of 146 Leverington Common / 3 dwellings. Access involving demolition of garage at 146 Lev Cmn.Council observations: / The council still has major concerns on emergency vehicle access, drainage, blocking of light to adjacent properties and over development along the Common. Does not meet LP12, LP16(O), LP16(F). For the full comments objecting to the proposal, contact the clerk.
F/YR16/0089/F / 637 / Spurling / 3 The Still / Erection of single storey rear extension to dwelling
Council observations: / No objections
17.2 Decisions.
F/YR15/0982 / 629 / Taylor / Six Ringers , 47 Gorefield Rd. / 2 storey side ext. (bed/breakfast accommodation) demolish garage. GRANTEDF/YR15/1065/F / 633 / Faulkner / Portass House, Sutton Road / Change detached building to 1-bed annexe ancillary to existing. GRANTED
17.3 Revised Proposal.
F/YR15/0951/F / 628 / Smeeth / Land N. of 115 Gorefield Rd / Erection of 2 storey,2-bed dwelling extending vehicular access. Change to design17.4 Appeal Decision.
F/YR14/0928/O / 597 / Love & Gumbley / Land NW of Seafield Fm / Erection of 3 dwellingsAPPEAL GRANTED
- Balfour Beatty. Questionnaire. The Chairman has replied.
- SLCC Regional Roadshow programme. Noted.
- FDC. Equalities Policy. Does it need updating ?. Resolved to contact FDC for an update.
- Street Pride AGM 9th March. All welcome. The Chairman will attend.
- Street Pride. Special litter pick w/e 6th March, starting at 10.30am. S.Davey will attend.
- Acre Community Fair 7 June, Burgess Hall. Drop in 2.00 to 6.00pm
Other correspondence was tabled and noted i.e FDC (bins), Boundary Commission.
19Close of Meeting.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm.
- Saturday, 20th February. Site meetings at cemetery and Family Park.
- Street Lighting. 22nd March from 6.30 to 7.00pm
- Finance meeting 22nd March at 7.00pm.
- Parish Assembly 19th April at 7.00pm