- Describe how the woman’s suffrage movement respond to the congressional debates over the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments?
- In 1871, how did Victoria Claflin Woodhull present the case for the New Departure?
- Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in Minor v. Happersett
- Describe how many freedwomen responded to the defeat of the Confederacy.
- What was the relationship of black women to the new all-black universities established after the Civil War?
- Explain why office work become the fastest-growing sector of the female labor force by 1900?
- How did the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor (AFL) treat working women in the late 1800s?
- Describe the expected role for women in the growing number of wealthy American families after the Civil War.
- Describe how elite white women affected by Reconstruction?
- What was the danger that African American men faced in the Reconstructed South for the slightest suspicion of disrespect to a white woman?
- Write Ida B. Wells into U.S. history.
- What was Harriot Stanton Blatch encouraging women to do when she advocated “voluntary motherhood”?
- What did the term “New Woman” mean in terms of women’s work?
- How did the Dawes Severalty Act affect Native women?
- What was a difference between farm women’s experiences in the West from that of their life in the East?
- What was the distinctive reason that young women immigrants had for moving to the United States in the late nineteenth century?
- Explain why immigrants sent their teenage daughter into the workforce and what was the result?
- Write Emma Goldman into U.S. history.
- How did the lives of Hispanic women differ from those of white women living in the West in the late 1800s?
- Describe the obstacles immigrant women faced on their journey to the United States?
- Why was legislation passed in 1875 to discourage the immigration of Chinese women?
- What role did women play during the Pullman strike of 1894?
- Write Florence Kelley into U.S. history.
- What was a result of the practice among immigrants of sending teenage daughters into the American labor force?
- How did clerical work change as more women moved into the occupation?
- Describe the goals of the Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL)?
- What was a central principle of “Maternalism,” a term coined by recent historians to refer to the Progressive-era justification for women’s programs?
- Describe the Supreme Court’s decision in Muller v. Oregon (1908).
- How did a new generation of suffrage leaders try to bring the suffrage movement into conformity with the realities of urban, industrial, modern America in the early 1900s?
- Why did female progressives fail to end child labor?
- Write Ida B. Wells-Barnett into U.S. history.
- What did the disparity in average working men’s and women’s wages reflect in 1900?
- Describe the idea of public housekeeping and how it impact the public sector.
- Explain why the power of the maternalism was not successful in child protective labor legislation.
- Explain why it too so long to win the vote for women.
- In 1920, white women formed the League of Women Voters for what purpose?
- Write Dorothea Lange’s photograph, “Migrant Mother,” into U.S. history.
- How did the Depression affect jobs for African American women?
- Describe women’s role during World War II.
- How did some white women respond to the employment of African American women in the defense industries?
- Describe what the National Woman’s Party (NWP) focused on after the woman suffrage amendment was ratified?
- What did the organization Daughters of Bilitis defend?
- What was Betty Friedan referring to when she wrote about “the problem that has no name” in her best-selling book The Feminine Mystique?
- What did the Supreme Court rule in the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)?
- Describe one legacy of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women.
- Describe the type of revolutionary change the women’s liberation movement sought.
- Describe the changes in higher education for women as a result of the women’s liberation movement.
- Write Sandra O’Connor into U.S. history.
- What is one idea you have for change in the future for young women.
- Write yourself into U.S. history.