Present: Cllr R H Wade – in the Chair
Cllr J Bolton
Cllr J G Finnie
Cllr B McKenzie-Boyle
Cllr N M Kilvert (arrived 8.25pm)
Cllr J B Newland
Cllr R M Price
Cllr C G Robertson
Cllr S M Thompson
Mrs A Swadling – Clerk to the Council
Mrs J Robertson – Assistant Clerk
Mrs C Anderson – Accounts Assistant
35 members of the public
0 members of the press
Apologies: Cllr Mrs C M McKenzie-Boyle
The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 27 March 2014, as circulated, were taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
The Chairman welcomed the past Mayor of the Borough of Bracknell Forest,
Cllr Mrs Jennifer McCracken and her consort Cllr Iain McCracken, Mr John Nike OBE, DL and Sergeant Lorna Rivett from Crowthorne Police Station.
The Chairman proceeded to give a brief outline of activities which have taken place during his past year as Chairman, as the attached report shows.
Ø John Nike OBE, DL and Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Bracknell Forest
Mr John Nike gave a brief history of his early beginnings as a resident of Crowthorne and his purchase, in the late sixties, of the old Binfield Brick and Tile Company site on which the Coppid Beech Hotel and the John Nike Centre now stand. He envisaged providing community facilities on the site and managed to obtain planning permission to build a hotel and ice rink followed by the ski slope. Bracknell was not very developed then and he wanted to help bolster the community and provide local people with jobs. Free ice skating was introduced on Christmas morning for the community and this still takes place to this day. He feels a sense of joy in being able to support lots of different local causes, including the Lions Club, Rotary Club, Guides and Scouts, amongst others.
Ø Sergeant Lorna Rivett, Crowthorne Police Station
Sgt Lorna Rivett outlined her early career as a police officer in Crowthorne, followed by working in the northern Bracknell Forest parishes and returning to Crowthorne to replace Sgt Steve McSweeney as Neighbourhood Sergeant in 2015. Lorna informed the audience of a website which gives crime statistics by area – and reminded the audience that the statistics for Crowthorne also include incidents which happen at Broadmoor Hospital. She also reported that there was an App which shows a ‘rogues gallery’ where it is possible for members of the public to anonymously identify criminals. Bracknell Forest’s Safe Place scheme is being expanded and re-launched this year. The scheme provides support to vulnerable people in the community when they are out and about by providing a number of local shops, businesses and amenities that people can access if they are feeling anxious, intimidated or unsafe. The premises display a sticker to let people know that they provide a temporary safe place and are able to telephone for the necessary support service. Sgt Rivett concluded by adding that following significant budget cuts, the face of policing will be changing over the forthcoming years. Presently the police service pick up lots of work that is not policing and this takes them away from dealing with crime, which needs to be addressed.
Ø Past Mayor of the Borough of Bracknell Forest Cllr Jennifer McCracken
Cllr McCracken stated that she had been Mayor during 2012-13 at the time of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics. She said that this had been a very special time during which she had attended many events and had met the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. She stated that with her Council work she has a special interest in ‘looked after children’ and had been able to bring a lot to this role in her position as Mayor. She had been successful in organising local schools to visit the Council Chambers to view and try on mayoral regalia and to take part in school council role play.
The Chairman, in conjunction with Cllr McCracken, presented grants to the following organisations present at the meeting:
1st Crowthorne Scouts, Age Concern, Berkshire County Blind Society, Berkshire MS Therapy Centre, Bracknell Executive Job Club, Bracknell Parkinson’s Branch, , CATS, Crowthorne Community Minibus, Crowthorne Musical Players, Crowthorne Stroke & Disabled Club, Crowthorne Traders, Cruse Bereavement Care, Home-Start Bracknell Forest, JAC, Keep Mobile, South East Berks Gang Show, St John the Baptist Church, Station Parade Retail Group, Victim Support, Wokingham Job Support Centre, Youthline.
Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Crowthorne Village Singers and Pinewood Festival 2015 also received grants but were unable to be present at the meeting.
A total of £12,850 was awarded in financial year 2014/2015.
Meeting closed at 9.07pm
Signed …………….……………….………….
Dated …………………….………..…………..
Annual Parish Meeting 25.3.15 1