APWH History Lesson Plans
Teacher: Haber / Class: AP World History / Date: 8/12-8/16AKS: NA
- How does human-environment interaction affect the development of human society (and history)? (Key Concept 1.1)
- How did the discovery of agriculture fundamentally change the nature of human-human and human environment interaction? (Key Concept 1.2)
Assessment / Non-Verbal
Representation / Model Strategies and Skills / Content Vocabulary / Summarizing / Collaborative Groups
Goal Setting / Literacy / Inquiry-based Problem Solving / Cuing and Prompting / Build background knowledge / Compare and Contrast
Procedural Content (Applications) / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
EQ: Pretest
Main Lesson:
Check for Knowledge: / EQ: How does human-environment interaction affect the development of human society (and history)? (Key Concept 1.1
Activating: Is the World Flat?
Main Lesson: What are hunter-gatherers?
How did humans use technology to adapt to the environment? How are we continuing to adapt?
Check for Knowledge:Ticket out the door—was the paleolithic world flat? / EQ: How does human-environment interaction affect the development of human society (and history)? (Key Concept 1.1)
Activating:What do you see in the picture? (Describe)—Cave painting and small artifact
Main Lesson:
Class Discussion: What was the social structure of paleolithic societies? How were women and men treated? What effect did technological advances have on paleolithic society?
What can we tell about paloelithic society from these artifacts? What additional evidence would we need to know for sure? Is this type of life style seem inferior or superior to life today?
Check for Knowledge: What are 3 things that I learned today about paleolithic society? What is 1 thing I am curious about (and will look up tonight)?: / EQ: How did the discovery of agriculture fundamentally change the nature of human-human and human environment interaction? (Key Concept 1.2)
Activating:Neolithic Revolution Map-
Main Lesson:
Students will analyze various depictions of Paleolithic and Neolithic society. (PPT). Questions:
What do you see?
What assumptions can you make about these societies? What was the social hierarchy/What role did men and women have in society? Who was in charge? How do these pictures represent changes in society between Paleolithic and Neolithic.
Check for Knowledge:Students will create a Neolithic/Paleolithic Double Bubble / EQ: How did the discovery of agriculture fundamentally change the nature of human-human and human environment interaction? (Key Concept 1.2)
Activating: Read Jared Diamond’s article
Main Lesson: Debate:
Why did human domesticate plants and animals?
How did this change affect the structure and workings of social groups?
How did pastoralism affect environmental diversity and the environment?
Was the Neolithic Revolution a mistake?
Check for Knowledge:Students will compose an answer to the focus question: Was the Neolithic Revolution a Mistake?
- Homework:
Ch 1 / Ch 1 and 2 / Ch 2 / Ch 2/ Print Jared Diamond Article / Ch 3
Summarizing Strategy
3-2-1 / Ticket out the door / The Important Thing / I have/Who has / Teaching Questions / Closure/Sharing
Learning Log / Diagram / Written Summary / Survey /
- Other:
Cause and Effect / Compare and Contrast / Analyzing / Inductive Reasoning / Classifying / Writing Prompt / Error Analysis
Deductive Reasoning
Chronologically / Debate
Fact/Opinion / Abstracting
Charts/Graphs / Predicting
Research / Application/ Real Life / Map/Globe / Main Idea
Assessment (formal or Informal)
Test / Writing Activity
Project / Oral Presentation
Quiz / Computer Activity
Research Paper / Notebook: Class work and Homework check