13th CACR Information Security Workshop & 5th Annual Privacy and Security Workshop
Privacy & Security: Seeking the Middle Path
October 28-29, 2004, The University of Toronto, Canada

Schedule of Talks:

Speaker's Only Kick-off Dinner: October 27, 2004
Flavelle House, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
78 Queen's Park Crescent

6:00-7:00pm / Refreshments & Dinner
(For Cast and Crew Only)
Hosted by the Centre for Innovation, Law and Policy
7:00-8:00pm / Address to Speakers
Nart Villeneuve, Citizens Lab, University of Toronto
(Flavelle House, Faculty of Law)

Day 1: October 28, 2004
Faculty Club, University of Toronto, 41 Willcocks Street

8:00-8:50am / Breakfast
8:50-9:00am / Introduction to Conference Themes and Objectives (Main Room)
Mike Gurski, Conference Chair, IPC/Ontario
9:00-9:30am / Exposing the myths, exploring the solutions (Main Room)
Introduction: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario
Ann Cavoukian, Commissioner, IPC/Ontario
9:30-10:30am / National Security Technology: Canadian & U.S. Privacy Assessments and Solutions (Main Room)
Moderator: Ann Cavoukian
Bruce Schneier, CTO, Counterpane Internet Security Inc., author of Beyond Fear
Barry Steinhardt, Director, Technology and Liberty Program, ACLU, U.S.A.
Peter Sand, Director of Privacy Technology, Department of Homeland Security, U.S.A.
Bill O’Brien, Security Architect, BellCanada
10:30-10:45am / Discussion Break
10:45-12:00pm / Security & Privacy Hot Button panel (Main Room)
12-12:30pm / LUNCH
12:30-1:30pm / Privacy in British Columbia and the USA Patriot Act: Risks and Responsibilities (Main Room)
Introductions: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario
David Loukidelis, Information and Privacy Comissioner for British Columbia
1:30-2:30pm / Managing risk in times of uncertainty (Main Room)
Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario
Doug Randall, Senior Practitioner, Global Business Network
2:30-2:45pm / Discussion Break
2:45-4:00pm / Session 1: (Main Room)
Identity Management Projects
Introductions: Jason Young, Deeth Williams Wall LLP
PRIME (Privacy and Identity Management for Europe)
Henry Krasemann, Team Member, PRIME
Len Sassaman, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Session 2: (Virtual Room)
New Developments and Privacy issues in Biometrics
Moderator: Peter Hope-Tindall, dataPrivacy Partners
Jim Alexander, University of Pennsylvania
Sharathchandra Pankanti, IBM/USA
Peter Sand, Department of Homeland Security
4:00-4:15pm / Discussion Break
4:15-5:20pm / Session 3:(Main Room)
Private Sector ID Management initiatives
Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario
John Sabo, Computer Associates
John Weigelt, Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft Canada / Session 4: (Virtual Room)
On the Identity Trail: Understanding the Importance and Impact Anonymity and Authentication have within a Networked World
Stefan Brands, Credentica
Andrew Clement, University of Toronto (Me and my Nyms: Personal identity management from a citizens perspective)
Ian Kerr, Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law and Technology, University of Ottawa
Stephanie Perrin, Digital Discretion
5:20 pm - onwards / Reception, Dinner and Talk (Lounge / Main Room)
Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario
Quantum Computing and the Future
Michele Mosca, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Day 2: October 29, 2004
Faculty Club, University of Toronto, 41 Willcocks Street

8:00-8:50am / Breakfast
8:50-9:00am / Opening Remarks
Mike Gurski, Conference Chair, IPC/Ontario
9:00-10:30am / Projects from the Data Privacy Lab (Main Room)
Introduction: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario
LaTanya Sweeney, Director of the PrivacyTechnologyCenter, CarnegieMellonUniversity
10:30-11:00am / Discussion Break
11:00am- 12:00pm / Privacy and Security: Market Failures (Main Room)
Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario
Alessandro Acquisti, CarnegieMellonUniversity
Jean Camp, HarvardUniversity
12-12:30pm / LUNCH
12:30-1:30pm / Lunch Talk
Identity Theft and Solutions Research for the Future (Main Room)
Introductions: Ann Cavoukian, IPC/Ontario
Dr. Milena Head, McMaster eBusiness Research Centre
1:30-2:45pm / Session 5: (Main Room)
The User Experience in ID Management
Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario
InfoCard: New ID Management Platform
Caspar Bowden, Microsoft EMEA Technology Office
Ari Schwartz, Center for Democracy and Technology / Session 6: (Virtual Room)
Identity Management and Privacy Languages
Introductions: Ken Anderson, IPC/Ontario
Anne Anderson, Sun Microsystems
Stefan Brands, Credentica
(Non-intrusive electronic health record
2:45-3:00pm / Discussion Break
3:00-4:30pm / Session 7: (Main Room)
PETs and ID Management
Introductions: Mike Gurski, IPC/Ontario
JC Cannon, Manager, Privacy Technologies, Microsoft USA
Clare-Marie Karat, IBM TJ WatsonResearchCenter
Brenda Watkins, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) the ins and outs of E-Pass / Session 8: (Virtual Room)
Privacy-preserving trust negotiations
Introductions: Jason Young, Deeth Williams Wall LLP
Elisa Bertino,CERIAS and CS Department, PurdueUniversity
Anna Squicciarini, Universita degli Studi di Milano
4:30-5:30pm / Keynote Closing Address (Main Room)
John Borking, LawIDSs
Decompression for the Diehards!