Meeting Notes
These notes are being provided for informational purposes only and are not a formal record of the meeting. For a formal record of the meeting please see the meeting minutes.
Environmental Data Work Group (EDWG)
July 22, 2016
Salt Lake City, Utah
Meeting materials for this meeting can be found here WECC Website.
EZMT Demo—Jim Kuiper and Vladimir Koritarov, Argonne National Labs
Mr. Kuiper reviewed the Energy Zone Mapping Tool (EZMT).
Argonne National Labs is still adding functionality to the tool and it is available for public access. The study ended August 13, 2015 and was extended to the entire U.S.Argonne recently received funding that focuses on extending this tool to the rest of the U.S.
Corridor routing data is available in the tool but currently only for the Eastern Interconnection.
It is important to consider having a platform to ensure corridors are aligned and not running parallel. If there are data sets that are wanted in the tool Mr. Kuiper encouraged the group to submit feedback.
Argonne is currently working with other laboratories (Vince Tidwell with Energy Water Topics) to monitor water availability, usage and future constraints with water. Presently there is data on this in the East and Argonne is working with Sandia to provide this data to the Western Interconnection.
Mr. Heutte congratulated Argonne on the amount of data that is now available compared to recent years. There has been an increase in capability in the tool and expanding into the West.
A downside to the tool is that it is behind a proxy and all data content is locked within the tool. It has been proposed to have all report services or data layer services to be incorporated into external mapping tools which would offer more interoperable for users.
Golden Eagles—Mike Best, Pacific Gas & Electric; Sherry Liguori, Rocky Mountain Power; Daly Edmunds, Audubon Rockies; Katie Umekubo, Natural Resources Defense Council
Mr. Best, Ms. Liguori, Ms. Edmunds and Katie Umekubo led a discussion on the utility and field perspective of golden eagle impacts on transmission planning, Avian Power Line Interaction Committee and mitigation measures, recent proposed changes to eagle management (take permits, as well as what data may be available.)
The Fall Conference will be held October 3-5, 2016 in Wisconsin. Please visit for further details and to register.
Any new construction of poles and lines is now being built Avian safe. There are some developers who aren’t aware of the practices and the costs associated with transmission expansion.
Construction and maintenance (10,000 poles a year) needs to be considered when in risk areas, may be faced with replacements while working. Bird protection is placed on poles whenever work is done.
Ms. Liguori provided an overview of the risk assessment methodology used by PacifiCorp.PacifiCorp surveys ¼ of the poles in the identified high electrocution risk poles to ensure the effectiveness is in place.Most outreach being done is in regard to the protection of the nests.
Further training will be provided to the Fish and Wildlife Services next week in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Best provided an overview of PG&E’s Eagle Conservation Plan and the milestones on the APP/ECP Journey.
Final review of the Cultural Data Viewer—Nathan Wagoner, ICF
Mr. Wagoner provided a final review of the Cultural Data Viewer before the official launch of the tool on the WECC website occurs. All data sharing agreements will need to be returned before this can go live. WECC will contact each of the SHPOSto notify them the tool is going live. The Tool is planned to go live during the last week of July 2016. Mr. Jensen will notify the EDWG and EDWGCOR when the site is live.
Mr. Jensen commented that he is in touch with the tribal contact in New Mexico and is currently trying to obtain their cultural data.
EDWG Fact Sheet Approval—Jon Jensen, WECC
Mr. Jensen provided an overview of theEDWG Fact Sheet.
A suggestion was made to include the EDWG website address and contact information along with a revision date on the Fact Sheet. Also, offer a print-friendly 2-page version and have a hyperlink to the Data Viewer rather than the video image on the sheet.In addition, consider providing the Fact Sheet for any new guest presenters, to help educate them on the EDWG.
The EDWG approved this version with the additional suggested changes as above.
Mr. Heuttewould like to give a presentation to Alaska Public Lands Information Centers (APLIC),and the Northern Tier Transmission Group. There is a lot of opportunity and potential to educate the public on this foundational piece to provide background on the EDWG.
Dataset Review—Nathan Wagoner, ICF and Dean Chartier, AESO
Mr. Wagoner provided a review of the AESO Environmental Data Sets. Items discussed were:
- Approve BLM Row data suggestions
- Set meeting/attendees for a Greater Sage-Grouse data discussion
- Approve Alberta data recommendations
- Approve NatureServe data update or determine next steps for replacing NatureServe data
The wind mapper is being held up because it is trying to include the Sage-Grouse data. It is possible that the wind mapper will move forward without this data.
ICF will follow up on the data for the Sage-Grouse and if the desire is to move forward on the risk layer, the EDWG will need to take action. The goal if moving forward is to get new risk layers by the end of 2016.
WAFWA Fish and Wildlife Association – ICF is looking at CHAT information that could be used.
Mr. Gazewood discussed how the BLM is incorporating data when it becomes available in regard to the 368 Corridor.
Members of the EDWG requested for an update from the BLM about Sage-Grouse. This update will be provided by Quincy Bahrat the October meeting. The group would also like to hear more about the wind-mapper.
RETI 2.0—Scott Flint, California Energy Commission
Mr. Heutte provided an update on the RETI 2.0 and what mapping they are doing, Data Basin, land use and technical aspects.The first phase is focused on California but it will soon be going west-wide.
Mr. Gazewood provided the group with some background of how the Data Basin data tool works.
Mr. Gazewood commented he would like to speak with Mr. Heutteabout other data sets currently being used.
There will be two RETI 2.0 workshopsheld in early September 2016 in Las Vegas and in Portland on August 12, 2016. The Intent of these workshops is to hold them like NERC Workshops. They will include panels and questions for keynote speakers. Mr. Heutte and Mr. Jensen will attend both workshops to bring back some information to the EDWG.
Mr. Flint suggested that the EDWG provide more communication about the 368 corridor reviews. Mr. Carr is still seeking for volunteers for presentations at the workshops.
EDWG Membership—Fred Heutte and Jon Jensen
Mr. Heutte and Mr. Jensen discussed possible new members to the EDWG and nominations for Vice Chair. They encouraged EDWG members to seek out others who may be interested in joining the EDWG. The group is looking for individuals to join from utilities in British Columbia and New Mexico in the Fish and Wildlife arenas.
Daly Edmunds is interested in serving as Vice Chair for the EDWG. This person will chair the EDWG meetings in Mr. Heutte’s absence.
EDWG has suggested a list of interested members and Mr. Heuttewill forward this to Jim Baak for approval.
On a motion by Mr. Heutte, the EDWG nominatedMs. Edmunds as the new EDWG Vice Chair. This approval will be finalized by Mr. Baak.
Review of Action Items
- Follow up with APLIC
- There will be an update in October from Mr. Gazewood of theBLM regarding the 368 Corridor, Sage-Grouse and the Wind-mapper.
- Mr. Carr and Mr. Heutte will prepare a follow-up webinar about the 368 Corridor.
- Move forward on Sage-Grouse subgroup – Mr. Wagoner will meet with Mr. Gazewood and Ms. Edmunds to coordinate.
- Ms. Edmunds and Mr. Wagoner will follow up on the reason for the discrepancy between CHAT and NatureServe. Contact EISPC and WAFWA to get their input.
- Mr. Heutte will contact WAFWA to discuss CHAT and NatureServe.
- WECC can’t use the NatureServe data without renewing the license. Mr. Jensen will follow up on this to ensure license is updated.
- Schedule a call with CHAT to discuss at future EDWG meeting or call. Come back with recommendations to the group at the October meeting.
- Invite Stan from WAFWA to cover state portion and to show him the data viewer so he can educate his staff about this resource.
- Revisit the potential new data layers and bring back to October meeting for possible advances.
- Mr. Heutte will follow up with RETI 2.0 and bring update to the next EDWG meeting.
- A subgroup will be formed by Mr. Wagoner, Mr. Gazewood and Ms. Edmunds to create a group to discuss the next steps with the BLM/USFS/State FW.