Energy Team Summary: 10/28/13
Attending: Ray Severy, Bob Wasserman, Judy Kindel, LeRoy Harvey, Bob Rusch, and Joanne Render
Regional Energy Baseline Study: A press conference for the event was held later in the morning at 11:30pm at Soldan’s on Grand River. The study is part of the Mid-Michigan Program for Greater Sustainability, which is a multi-million dollar HUD funded community initiative currently underway in the Greater Lansing Area. The study is attempting to establish a baseline for energy consumption throughout the Michigan/Grand River Avenue Corridor, between the Capitol Building in Lansing to downtown Webberville. The team is analyzing consumption data from multiple sources; modeled data from CBECS and RBECS, in-person building audits using the Commercial Energy Asset Score and Home Energy Score, actual utility bill information from participating consumers, and aggregated consumption information directly from the utility provider with a goal of obtaining a clearer picture of energy consumption throughout the corridor.
Update: Channel 6, Channel 10, HOM-TV, and Towne Courier came to the event! Energy Assessments have been done at Meridian, Soldans, Playmakers, and others. See a brief clip at - 11o’clock news clip for 10/28
Community Solar: There is continued interest from several on the committee to follow up on a community solar project. Great Lakes Renewable Energy Assoc. recently produced a workbook that can help guide communities. GLREA also has staff that can answer questions and resources on a number of topics on their website: There are different models of community solar/wind. Different strategies for local investing are also available. We talked about possibly have a more focused conversation on this (even another forum) at our Jan. meeting on the 24th in the late morning.
Energy Video Update: Progress on an energy video continues. HOM-TV came to the press conference at was able to get some video of commercial energy opportunities.
Energy Improvements: Meridian is hoping to include many energy-saving features in the new Fire Station. Also, LED lighting will likely be installed in the new parking lot upgrade by the Mu. Bldg.
Planet Footprint Quarterly Energy Review: PF is providing a quarterly energy review of Meridian’s energy performance at 2pm. Info will be placed on our website at
· The State Wind Energy Forum will be held in East Lansing on Nov 4.
· $1,000,000 sanitary sewer system study: In order to get a better handle on causes and solutions for excessive infiltration of water in to the sanitary sewer during rainy times. This causes increase energy/pumping costs and treatment expenses at EL Wastewater Treatment plant.
· Tour of BWLs new Gas co-gen facility: It was suggested that we might tour the new LBWL plant in REO town as an educational endeavor.
· LINC: Bob Wasserman suggests that the LINC (Liaison for Inter-Neighborood Cooperation) website might be a good way to promote some of the goals and projects of the Energy Team.
· Charrettes: See the schedule and info for the design charrettes being conducted as part of the Mid-Michigan Program for Greater Sustainability. Also see
· LED Opportunities: Bob Rusch mentioned the recent retrofit of the MSU Hockey Area with LEDs. He will explore energy savings resulting from this and report back… possibly with the intent of encouraging schools and others to consider retrofits as well. The LED Demonstration Project in Downtown Okemos may also provide useful data. One upcoming project is 64 streetlights along Okemos Rd. There is also discussion about Solar-powered LEDs at the Recycling Center and Lauren Olson was mentioned as a good contact (MSU Sustainability)
· Energy Priorities in Local Buildings/Planning: Judy is curious how much energy use is considered during the remodeling and construction of buildings/site plan review in the Township. She’s going to check with Mark Kieselbach, Director of Community Planning and Dev. (853-4506) or Rick Brown with our committee.
· GLREA Meeting and Tour of Wind Mfg: See for info about this event on 12/7