Advanced Placement and Pre-AP Contract

Alvin Independent School District

Alvin ISD’s goal is for students to be successful at the highest possible level. Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP)/Advanced Placement (AP) classes in Alvin ISD stimulate and challenge students to perform at an advanced academic level. We are pleased that you are accepting the challenge of Pre-AP/AP work. Pre-AP classes are designed to prepare highly motivated students for the rigorous and fast-paced AP classes. Parental support plays a key role in the success of Pre-AP/AP students; therefore, please read and discuss the following points:

·  Pre-AP/AP courses require more individual study time per week than a regular class. Students will need to read and prepare outside of class to participate effectively in classroom discussions and activities.

·  Tutoring will be available for all students and required before dropping a Pre-AP/AP course.

·  Review the *Academic Integrity Guidelines. Breach of the Academic Integrity Guidelines may result in disciplinary consequences and possible removal from the Pre-AP/AP class.


1.  Retesting and late work policy:

·  Late work in a Pre-AP/AP course will be accepted only during the first nine weeks of the course according to the *Alvin ISD Grading Policy. Students and teachers should discuss any extenuating circumstances that may allow for extensions.

·  Re-teaching and reevaluation will be provided should 50% of the students not demonstrate mastery of the skills taught. Reevaluation may include but is not limited to: oral examination, special assignment sheets, special homework assignment, or a formal test. The higher of the two grades will be accepted.

·  In a Pre-AP/AP class, students may retest once per nine weeks for a maximum replacement grade of 70. The request for retesting should be made by the student within one week after the test has been returned.

2.  Students may exit a Pre-AP/AP course within the first nine weeks of instruction. At the end of the first semester, consideration for exiting a course will be given to those students with an average below 75. Students who fail the first semester of the Pre-AP/AP course are strongly recommended to transfer into an alternate course at the beginning of the second semester. A course within the content area will be utilized if there is not a comparable equivalent course. A non-credited course such as an open period or office aid will not be considered. Pre-requisites for exiting a Pre-AP/AP course are as follows:

·  Prior to a conference, the student, parent, teacher, and the campus Advanced Academics/GT Specialist must sign a Schedule Change Request form.

·  Students are required to attend a minimum of two tutoring sessions.

3.  It is an expectation that the student will take the AP test at the end of an AP course. There will be a $30 fee per test (waiver available for free/reduced lunch student).

List Pre-AP/AP Course(s) / Teacher / Date Entered

*Academic Integrity Guidelines and the Alvin ISD Grading Policy can be found at


Printed Name of Student Student Signature Parent Signature

Student Identification Number: ______Draft: 6/9/14