Wilborn, West, Lindsey, David 25
Selection Policy Project
Beth Wilborn, Rhonda Lindsey, Jennifer West, and Jean David
Dr. Cardell and Dr. Goldberg
MEDT 6465 Project 2.2 Selection Policy
Original Selections Policy of the New Lisbon School District
Selection of Instructional Materials (Policy #361)
It is the responsibility of the New Lisbon School District Media Specialist, along with administration and teachers:
To provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of the students served.
To provide materials that stimulates growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values and ethical standards.
To provide background of information which will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives
To provide materials representative of many religious, ethnic and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage.
To provide materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for users of the library.
To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the Instructional Media Center.
To promote materials that will provide the students with constructive use of leisure time.
In selecting materials for purchase, the media specialist evaluates the existing collection and consults reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection aids such as Library Journal, School Library Journal, Booklist, and standards catalogs. Also, whenever possible, personal examination and evaluation of materials are made, plus recommendations of the teaching staff and of suggestions from students. All selections are to be made by the librarian within the limitations of this policy as approved by the Board of Education.
The School of New Lisbon shall not discriminate in the selection and evaluation of instructional and library materials on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. Discrimination complaints shall be processed in accordance with established procedures.
The primary purpose of the Instruction Media Center is to implement, enrich and support the educational programs in all teaching areas, to develop the appreciation of good literature, and to provide for the personal interest and recreational reading of the pupils.
Ultimate responsibility for the selection of instructional materials rests with the New Lisbon School Board of Education
The district media specialist is responsible for maintaining qualitative standards for the selection of materials. Their professional training and experience enable them to evaluate materials critically. They consult standard tools and reliable guides for the selection of materials and go beyond the limits of these sources whenever they have the opportunity to examine and evaluate materials carefully.
The teacher's knowledge of materials in his field and of the types of materials appropriate for the needs and abilities of his pupils enables him to make recommendations to the district media specialist to be added to the IMC collection.
Pupils are encouraged to make suggestions for materials to be purchased for the Instructional Media Center.
Changes in curriculum content, instructional methods and needs of teachers and students make necessary the continuous re-evaluation of collections. This process leads to the replacement of outmoded materials with those that are up-to-date, the discarding of materials no longer useful, and the replacement of materials in poor condition.
Gift materials will be accepted by the School District of New Lisbon with the provision that they meet the standards for the selection of materials
Administrators, classroom and special teachers, and the library staff endorse and apply the principles incorporated in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association
Each library collection is considered a segment of the total district library collection. All materials are shared; all materials are made available upon request.
Selection of materials involves many people: district administrator, principals, teachers, and the district media specialist. The responsibility for coordinating the selection of library materials and making the recommendation for purchase rests with the professionally trained library-media personnel.
Needs of the individual school based on knowledge of the curriculum and of the existing collection are given first consideration.
LEGAL REF: Sections 118.03 (2) Wisconsin Statues; 118.13 – 120.13 (15) – 121.02 (1) (h); CROSS REF. 361 – Rule, updating Media Center Collection. APPROVED: October 8, 1990.
Criteria for Selection
The criteria for selecting library materials shall be considered on the basis of : overall purpose, timeliness or permanence, importance of the subject matter, quality of the writing/production, readability and popular appeal, authoritiveness, reputation of the publisher/producer, reputation and significance of the author/artist/composer/producer, etc., format and price. No book shall be excluded solely because of the race, nationality, or political or religious views of the author.At all levels the following specific criteria are al guides for the selection of any book:
Aid to the curriculum / Does it offer information suited to the curriculum?
Individual inquiry / Does it further the interest of the pupil? (i.e. intellectual, emotional or recreational satisfaction of the reader?
Daily living / Does it characterize daily life truthfully, or are stereotypes and false situations presented?
Information / Is the presentation honest, not enforced just to convey that particular bit of information?
Illustrations / Are they in good taste and/or appropriate?
Literary Quality / Is it relevant, is the materials of permanent value, does it show insight into human characteristics, does it portray a positive outlook on life, does it provide the potential for behavioral change?
Controversial issues shall be covered from all points of view as fully as possible. books or other reading matter of sound factual authority shall not be removed for partisan or doctrinal reasons. The areas of thought in which criticism most frequently arises are religion, political ideologies, and sex.
Religion / Material on religious subjects should be available, and should be factual, unbiased, and broadly representative.
Political Ideologies / Factual material on an appropriate reading level should be available concerning those ideologies which exert influence on government, education, or any phase of our common life.
Sex and Profanity / Inclusion of profanity or frank treatment of sex necessitates a searching evaluation of the merits -- literary quality, true to life, relevance to the curriculum -- that the works in question may possess. Material of this nature will receive approval only if it is determined that it fills a void that cannot be met via other media.
LEGAL REF.: Sections 118.03 (2) Wisconsin Statues; 118.13 - 120.13 (15) - 121.02 (1) (h}; CROSS REF. 361 - Rule, Updating Media Center Collection; 411- Rule, complaint Procedures (Nondescrimination) 871, Public complaints about Instructional Materials; PI 8.02 (1) (h) of the Wisconsin Administrative Code APPROVED: December 8, 1975; REVISED: October 8, 1990
Objectives of Selection
The School District of New Lisbon recognizes that it is the primary objective of the library media center in our school to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of the school. It is the duty of the library media center to provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal and the presentation of different points of view.
To this end, the Board of Education reaffirms the Bill of Rights for School Library Media Programs and asserts that the responsibility of the School Library Media Center is:
1 / To provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served.2 / To provide materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards
3 / To provide a background of information which will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily life
4 / To provide materials on opposing sides of controversial issues so that young citizens may develop under guidance the practice of critical analysis of all media. (Opinions expressed in library materials are not necessarily endorsed by the Board of Education.)
5 / To provide materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contribution to our American heritage
6 / To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in selection of materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the library media center.
Last Update: July 4, 2005
Created and maintained by Jayne M. Turner
Library Media Specialist for School District of New Lisbon
Lisbon School District
Selection of Materials
MISSION STATEMENT – This center’s primary mission is to implement, enrich, and support educational programs in all teaching areas, to develop the appreciation of good literature, to provide for the personal interest and recreational reading of users, and to provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal and the presentation of different points of view.
GOALS:§ To provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and state standards, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served;
§ To provide materials that stimulates growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values and ethical standards;
§ To provide background of information which will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives;
§ To provide materials representative of many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups, and their contributions to our American heritage;
§ To provide materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for users of the library;
§ To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of our center;
§ To promote materials that will provide the students with constructive use of leisure time;
§ To promote collaboration between faculty and our center to enhance student learning.
Selection of materials involves many people: district administrator, principals, teachers, and the media specialist. The teacher's knowledge of materials in his field and of the types of materials appropriate for the needs and abilities of his pupils enables him to make recommendations to the media specialist of suggestions that he would like to see added to the media center collection. Pupils are also encouraged to make suggestions for materials to be purchased for the media center. The responsibility for coordinating the selection of library materials and making the recommendation for purchase rests with the professionally trained library-media specialist.
Criteria for Selection
At all levels the following specific criteria are all guides for the selection of any book:
Aid to the curriculum / Does it offer information suited to the curriculum?
Individual inquiry / Does it further the interest of the pupil? (i.e. intellectual, emotional or recreational satisfaction of the reader?
Daily living / Does it characterize daily life truthfully, or are stereotypes and false situations presented?
Information / Is the presentation honest, not enforced just to convey that particular bit of information?
Illustrations / Are they in good taste and/or appropriate?
Literary Quality / Is it relevant? Is the material of permanent value? Does it show insight into human characteristics? Does it portray a positive outlook on life? Does it provide the potential for behavioral change?
Religion / Material on religious subjects should be available, and should be factual, unbiased, and broadly representative.
Political Ideologies / Factual material on an appropriate reading level should be available concerning those ideologies which exert influence on government, education, or any phase of our common life.
Sex and Profanity / Inclusion of profanity or frank treatment of sex necessitates a searching evaluation of the merits -- literary quality, true to life, relevance to the curriculum -- that the works in question may possess. Material of this nature will receive approval only if it is determined that it fills a void that cannot be met via other media.
SELECTION TOOLS: In selecting materials for purchase, the media specialist evaluates the existing collection and consults reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection aids such as Library Journal, School Library Journal, Booklist, and standards catalogs. Also, whenever possible, personal examination and evaluation of materials are made, plus recommendations of the teaching staff and of suggestions from students. All selections are to be made by the media specialist within the limitations of this policy as approved by the Board of Education.
GIFTS: Gift materials will be accepted by the school media center with the provision that they meet the standards for the selection of materials as contained herein.
WEEDING: Changes in curriculum content, instructional methods, and needs of teachers and students make necessary the continuous re-evaluation of collections. This process leads to the replacement of outmoded materials with those that are up-to-date, the discarding of materials no longer useful, and the replacement of materials in poor condition.
INCORPORATION: Along with our center’s mission, goals, etc., we also employ the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights.
Library Bill of Rights
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.