MS 0150 (2)
Disclosure of information concerning applicants and recipients of assistance or services from the Department is limited to purposes directly connected with the administration of the program. Such purposes include establishing eligibility, determining amount of assistance, and providing services.
A. Recipients must be protected from harassment and exploitation for political or commercial purposes. Case records or listings of recipients may not be open for public inspection or used in any manner so as to become a part of public record.
B. Respect the recipient’s right to privacy.
1. Do not conduct interviews with other individuals present unless the recipient consents.
2. Do not discuss or disclose information about the recipient with a collateral contact.
3. Do not discuss case situations informally or outside the office setting.
[4. Do not provide any information by e-mail to the recipient. If you receive an e-mail from a recipient, respond with the following message: “I am not allowed to respond to e-mails regarding confidential information. Please call 1-855-306-8959 or come in to the local office to discuss your request for information.” Before sending the e-mail, remove all confidential information, such as client name, SSN, or address, from the original e-mail including the subject line.
C. All e-mail communication must be encrypted before it is sent outside of the state government e-mail system. Case information, including Personal Health Information (PHI), cannot be sent via unencrypted e-mail to agencies outside of the state government e-mail system. Encrypted communication is not sent to a recipient.
1. All e-mail messages should include the following confidentiality notice:
“This electronic message is intended to be for the use only of the named recipient, and may contain information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error or are not the named recipient, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender at the electronic mail address noted above, and delete and destroy all copies of this message. Thank you.”
This notice can be added to the signature block of the e-mail if an automated signature is used.
2. Prior to the release of case information:
a. The recipient must complete form DCBS-1A, Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records Supplement, before PHI can be released by DCBS.
b. Before an outside agency can release PHI to DCBS, the outside agency must have the form DCBS-2, Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records, by the recipient.
3. Do not send PHI in the subject line of any e-mail message whether encrypted or not. This includes the name or any corresponding record number.
4. Before attaching a document to the message, double check the document to determine that it is the correct one.
5. Before sending the e-mail, check to ensure no unintended information is included.]
D. Forms and/or information utilized in the voter registration process are to remain confidential and be used only for voter registration purposes.
E. Any person who violates requirements regarding confidentiality is subject to a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $200, or imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both.
For additional information regarding HIPAA, refer to MS 0160.
For additional requirements regarding safeguarding IRS information, refer to MS 0680.