ACP WGW/04 WP-17
International Civil Aviation Organization



Montreal, Canada 14 – 16 September 2011

Agenda Item 3: / Identification of FCI standardisation tasks to be initiated in near-term

Future Satellite COM System: A progress report on the NEXUS activities

Presented by Nikos Fistas (EUROCONTROL)

Prepared by Liviu Popescu (EUROCONTROL)

This paper presents the status of the activities of the NexSAT/NEXUS group. NEXUS is a group working on developing a proposal for ICAO covering the update of the current AMS(R)S SARPs with performance based requirements that will be appropriate for the future applications and services.
The ACP is invited to note the information presented in this paper and provide comments in the process to follow for the update of the AMS(R)S SARPS.



1.1.1In line with the recommendations of EUROCONTROL-FAA Action Plan 17 for the future SATCOM system, the EUROCONTROL NexSAT Group ( addressed the need to update the existing AMS(R)S SARPS to include stringent performance requirements to support the emerging SESAR/NextGen operating concepts.

1.1.2In Europein particular satellite communications are considered as a potential complement to terrestrial systems required to meet the future service provision performance requirements.In the context of SESAR the multiple link concept considers both a terrestrial and a satellite communication system as a part of the future ATM COM infrastructure. In addition the NexSAT group discussed about the need to reflect the AMS(R)S SARPs evolution in a technology meeting the updated performance requirements. It is highlighted that the existing ICAO standardised systems are not expected to be able to support the future required performances. Furthermore the availability of a single global aviation standard for future aeronautical communications would promote the adoption of the standard and discourage technology proliferation. As a result it should facilitate the integration and the implementation of the chosen system Therefore, the NEXSAT group agreed in the 10th meeting (March 2009) that a new global standard is needed.

1.1.3Based on the discussions in ACP about the ICAO’s involvement, it became clear that ICAO would normally initiate new standardisation activities when sufficient maturity and consensus has been achieved. Therefore, in order to facilitate the AMS(R)S standardisation update, NexSAT decided to create an ad-hoc subgroup of experts to support preparing a proposal for ICAO.

1.1.4This subgroup is referred as the NEXUS group and is based on voluntary contributionsDetailed information on the NEXUS group is provided in ( The following stepped approach was selected for NEXUS: 1 –Development of a consolidated proposal to ICAO for an Update of existing AMS(R)S SARPs with stringent performance requirements required to support the future ATM concept in the 2020+ timeframe (technology independent). 2 - Provide recommendation to ICAO for a candidate system supporting the updated AMS(R)S SAPRS (new part of the AMS(R)S Manual) ( technology dependent). It wasconsidered important to ensure that there is no impact on the continuity of service provision for systems compliant to current AMS(R)S SARPS.

1.1.5NEXUS is an open group with expert voluntary contributions with the aim todeliver recommendations to ICAO and other interested parties (i.e. SESAR Programme, IRIS).

1.1.6In the context of the SESAR activities, there is the project P15.2.6 (Future Satellite Communication System) that is leading the (SESAR) standardisation activities for the future satcom system. P15.2.6 is participating and contributing to NEXUS aiming to reach a consensus for a proposal to ICAO.

1.1.7NEXUS Terms of Reference are available in Appendix 1 of this paper.

1.1.8NEXUS current list of distribution and participation is available in Appendix 2 of this paper.


NEXUS group has held one Face to Face Kick-off meeting in Brussels and four webex meetings over one year. Meeting location and dates are listed below:

NEXUS-Kick off / Brussels, Belgium / October 26, 2010
NEXUS-01 / Webex / November 24, 2010
NEXUS-02 / Webex / February 11, 2011
NEXUS-03 / Webex / April 7, 2011
NEXUS-04 / Webex / July 6, 2011

2.OVERVIEW OF THE StaTUS of activities in NEXUS

2.1NEXUS is currently working on Step 1 - Development of a consolidated proposal to ICAO for an Update of existing AMS(R)S SARPs with stringent performance requirements required to support the future ATM concept in the 2020+ timeframe

2.2Step 2 will be initiated after the completion of Step 1.

2.3Achievements so far:

2.3.1Agreed structure for the draft proposal, provided in an appendix 3 of this paper.

2.3.2Identification of volunteers to draft specific sections.

2.3.3Creation of a dedicated working space on the EUROCONTROL extranet.

2.3.4Input already available for some of the sections

2.3.5Discussion papers to define the classes of performance.


3.1In line with the recommendations of EUROCONTROL-FAA Action Plan 17for the future satcom system, the NEXUS group has been created. The key objective of the group is to prepare a consolidated proposal to ICAO for an update of the current AMS(R)S SARPs with performance based requirements meeting the needs of the future services and the concepts emerging from SESAR and NextGEN..

3.2In Europe, NEXUS activities are supported through SESAR P 15.2.6 standardisation activities.

3.3Since its creationNEXUS is working on Step 1.

3.4 A consolidated proposal for an Update of existing AMS(R)S SARPs with stringent performance requirements required to support the future ATM concept in the 2020+ timeframewill be submitted to ICAO after the completion of Step 1 activities.

3.5There will be no impact on the continuity of service provision for systems compliant to the current AMS(R)S SARPS.

3.6NEXUS is an open group with expert voluntary contributions. Participation of experts of interested parties (ANSPs, avionics manufactures, airframe manufactures, satellite service providers, etc) is encouraged and welcomed.


4.1The ACP WGW is invited to:note the information presented in this paperand provide comments in the process to follow for the update of the AMS(R)S SARPS with technology independent performance based requirements suitable for the services of the future ATM concept.

Appendix 1:NEXUS Terms of Reference

(Available also in


NEXUS Subgroup

NexSAT subgroup facilitating the standardisation

of future satellite commUnication System

Terms of Reference v1.0

1.Generic Mission
The group will analyse and review relevant material, provided by interested parties (such as regional groups and organizations, international satellite operators and / or industry), about candidate systems for a new global (ICAO) standard for satellite communications supporting ATM communications beyond 2020.
As an outcome the group will deliver potential recommendations regarding an update of the existing AMS(R)S SARPs and Manual to ICAO and other interested parties (i.e. SESAR Programme, IRIS).
The group is established based on the proposals and discussions in the NexSAT SG 10th meeting in March 2009. The group will provide progress reports to NEXSAT SG and would communicate results to other interested/concerned groups (such as ICAO ACP, SESAR Programme, Iris etc) as appropriate.
In Europe, the work of this group will be linked to the SESAR project 15.2.6 ( Future Mobile Satellite Communications).
This is an expert group with voluntary contributions from interested parties.
Participation is open to all interested parties (ANSPs, Airlines, Industry, Standardisation Organisations such as ICAO, EUROCAE/RTCA and ETSI). The group acts as a group of experts in ATM/AOC satellite communications. Participation assumes “voluntary” contributions (the members will cover the cost of their own participation and contributions). Active participation and contributions (analysis, review etc) are expected from all members.
The group welcomes representative participation from all regions interested in a future satellite communication standard. Current interest has been declared from regional groups (ESA, MTSAT, NAVISAT) as well as global operators (INMARSAT).
4.Subject Matter and Scope
The scope of the group covers evolutions of existing satellite systems and new satellite systems that are proposed as candidates for a new global (ICAO) standard for satellite communications to support the future concepts in the 2020+ timeframe.
In order to facilitate the identification of the appropriate baseline for the requirements, the first task of the group would be to develop a proposal/recommendations to update and expand the existing AMS(R)S SARPs with performance requirement matching the future requirements (e.g. for high density airspace).
In updating the AMS(R)S SARPS, it is important to ensure that there is no impact on the continuity of service provision for systems compliant to existing AMS(R)S SARPS.
The next task of the group would be to provide recommendation for a candidate system supporting the updated AMS(R)S SAPRS (it is expected that the technical specifications of such a system will be integrated in a new part of the AMS(R)S Manual).
5.General Principles and Methodology
The following working methodology will be used:
  • Members to submit input material[1] for discussion/review
  • Group to review options and identify pros/cons, consensus/disagreements
  • Group could establish study teams for a specific subject
  • Rapporteur will facilitate the organisation of the activities of group to ensure timely deliverable(s)[2]
  • Deliverable(s) are intended to supportICAO/ACPdiscussions and other interested parties (e.g. SESAR project 15.2.6 - Future Mobile Satellite Communication)
  • Consensus positions are expected to be reported in the output of the group. In case there is no consensus, the deliverable(s) shall capture the different views.
Based on the discussions in NexSAT10 meeting, a EUROCONTROL representative will act as the rapporteur of the group.
The tasks of the rapporteur will be as follows:
  • organise the sub-group,
  • facilitate discussions by identifying converging and disagreement points,
  • convene “meetings” as required
  • facilitate (assign to members and/or draft) reports
  • be neutral in diverging discussions (if the case)
The objective will be to minimize the number of actual meetings (by using, emails, teleconferences, webex and opportunity meetings).
Actual meetings will be convened when face to face discussions are considered necessary for the continuation of the work.
EUROCONTROL will also establish a dedicated OneSKY Team to facilitate the group work.
8.Timeline and Deliverables:
The group aims to support ongoing activities and developments. Therefore a first deliverableof the group mainly focusing on the evolution of the AMS(R)S SARPS should be completedwithin 9 – 12 months from kick-off. This deliverable will provide a proposal for the SARPS evolution to cover the more stringent required performances for high density airspace.
A companion report will describe the progress and considering the interest and intentions of the members will provide the plan of future activities. Such activities should focus on making recommendations for the content of a new Part of the AMS(R)S Manual providing means of compliance with the updated SARPS recommended by the first deliverable.

Appendix 2:NEXUS Participation/Distribution List

  1. Alberto Santos Andres AENA
  2. Alice de Casanove EADS ASTRIUM
  3. Almudena Marquez de Ia Plata Alonso AENA
  4. Andrew Ives INMARSAT
  5. Birger Johansen AVINOR
  6. Okko Blekker ROCKWELL COLLINS
  8. Laurent Bouscary EADS ASTRIUM
  9. Brent PhillipsFAA
  10. Paolo CampagiorniTHALES ALENIA SPACE
  11. Charlotte Neyret-GigotTHALES ALENIA SPACE
  12. Gary ColledgeINMARSAT
  13. Dale lrishINMARSAT
  14. David BowenSESAR JU
  15. Erling Bergersen AVINOR
  16. Nikos Fistas EUROCONTROL (Rapporteur)
  17. Gilles Quagliaro THALES COMMUNICATIONS
  18. Helene ThulinEADS ASTRIUM
  19. Jean-Christophe Dunat EADS ASTRIUM
  20. Jesus Mario Garcia Cano AENA
  21. John MicallefHELIOS ( supporting INMARSAT)
  22. Larry Johnsson LFV
  23. Khalifa-Ababacar Gaye EADS ASTRIUM
  24. Peter King THALES GROUP (UK)
  25. Manuel Admella Salvador INDRA
  26. Marc Ratiney THALES ALENIA SPACE
  27. Marcelli Giuliano TELESPAZIO
  28. Catherine Morlet ESA
  29. Paul D Nisner NATS
  30. Pedro Luis Molinero SanzHISPASAT
  31. Philippe Renaud SESAR JU
  32. Luca PieghettiTHALES ALENIA SPACE
  33. Liviu Popescu EUROCONTROL (Secretary)
  34. Nathalie RicardESA
  35. Schena Vincenzo THALES ALENIA SPACE
  36. Sergey MayarovSPURT
  38. Yasuto SumiyaENRI JAPAN
  39. Pierpaolo TaverniseTHALES ALENIA SPACE
  40. Masahiko Ueno JCAB JAPAN

Appendix 3: Agreed draft structure for the consolidated proposal to ICAO for an Update of existing AMS(R)S SARPs

NEXUS group agreed to work on the definition of 3 classes of performance as follows

  1. Class A corresponds to stringent performance requirements for the future applications.
  2. Class B corresponds to medium performance requirements intended for transition towards class A systems performances.
  3. Class C corresponds to already defined performances of the systems currently in operation.

Note: These classes are not necessarily corresponding to traffic levels (i.e. in low density traffic it may be required to apply stringent performance requirements for some of the applications). SATCOM is considered for providing support for both continental and oceanic airspaces.





4.3.1 Frequency bands

4.3.2 Emissions

4.3.3 Susceptibility




4.6.1 Designated operational coverage

4.6.2 Failure notification

4.6.3 AES requirements

4.6.4 Classes of performance for data and voice applications Class of performance A requirements Class A packet data service performance requirements Class A voice service performance Class of performance B requirements Class B packet data service performance requirements 2Class B voice service performance Class of performance C requirements Class C Packet data service performance Class C Voice service performance

4.6.5 Handover

4.6.6 Security


4.7.1 Addressing

4.7.2 Packet data service interfaces

4.7.3 Voice service interfaces

[1]Input material consists of studies and/or specific proposals by members. It is expected that such material can be made available to all members and interested parties.

[2]Deliverables could be: progress reports, proposals to update the existing AMS(R)S SARPS, reports with recommendations (what to do and/or what not to do) for a new global standard for satellite communications supporting future concepts.