Keystone Christian

Education Association

43rd Annual Christian Education Conference

September 29-30, 2016

DoubleTree by Hilton Resort / Willow Valley

Lancaster, PA

to KCEA’s 43rd Annual Conference

Jesus is often referred to as the Master Teacher. Although His classroom oftentimes had no walls and his students ranged in both number, age, and social standing, He knew and understood His “pupils” and their needs. He knew best how to truly teach, to communicate and apply truth with authority, because He was Truth and His words brought spiritual light and life.

We can teach and be effective, as we have learned from having sat at Jesus’ feet and as our lives are directed by the Holy Spirit. Yes, we may teach English or Math or any of the other disciplines. But as we teach, we teach from a Biblical perspective, integrating God’s truth as the warp and woof of fabric.

May we pattern our teaching after the One Who dared to speak the truth boldly and without apology, yet in gentleness and love. “Help us, Lord, to be effective communicators to reach our students for Thee so that they, in turn, can pass on their own faith to others.”

This year’s Assembly speakers are well prepared to address our theme. Both are teachers in their own right, each having his own unique body of students, presenting truth to bring understanding, change, and growth.

Be sure to take full advantage of the workshops available to you. God has sent leaders to this Conference who can provide you with additional tools for you and your ministry.

We have two days ahead of us, days filled with instruction, challenge, and encouragement. If there is anything we on KCEA’s Board or staff can do to help you while you are here, please come to us. We are here to serve you.


Dr. Thomas C. Coleman

KCEA President

Your Conference Schedule
at a Glance


9:00 – 9:50 Workshop #1

10:00 – 11:20 Opening Assembly

Mini Address – Emergency Drills Are Part of Curriculum, Ian Thompson

Main Address – The Principal Aim of Christian Ed, Dr. Gary Anderson

11:30 – 2:00 Exhibits, Workshop #2 & #3, Lunches

11:30 – 12:20 Workshop #2

11:30 – 12:40 Lunch A

12:30 – 1:40 Lunch B

12:50 – 1:40 Workshop #3

2:00 – 2:50 Workshop #4

2:50 – 3:15 Exhibits

3:15 – 4:05 Workshop #5

4:05 – 4:30 Exhibits

4:30 – 6:00 Assembly


Staff Recognition

Mini Address – Distinctives of Christian Education, Dr. Janet Hicks

Main Address – Why Are Young People Leaving the Church (and School)? Dr. Tim Miller

6:00 Dinner


7:30 – 7:50 Prayer Time

8:00 – 9:20 Assembly –

Mini Address – School-Wide Internet Safety, Dr. Dan Olinger

Main Address – A Bible Perspective of Doubt, Dr. Tim Miller

9:20 – 9:45 Exhibits

9:45 – 10:35 Workshop #6

10:35 – 11:00 Exhibits

11:00 – 1:30 Exhibits, Workshop #7 & #8, Lunches

11:00 – 11:50 Workshop #7

11:00 – 12:10 Lunch C

12:00 – 1:10 Lunch D

12:20 – 1:10 Workshop #8

1:30 – 2:20 Workshop #9

2:20 – 2:45 Exhibits

2:45 – 4:15 Closing Assembly


Mini Address – Four Sources of Leadership, Rev. Jonathan Tillman

Main Address – The Essential Value of Role Models, Dr. Gary Anderson

Conference Song

Assembly Speakers

Dr. Tim Miller…

Dr. Gary Anderson…

… was born again at the age of 20 through reading the Bible at work as a line worker at General Motors. He left that job to pursue Bible-centered education. While he initially desired to teach science, the Lord called Him to teach the Scriptures. He has done so as a high school teacher, pastor, college professor, and now as a seminary professor specializing in Historical Theology (Apologetics). Dr. Miller and his wife have three children, born in 2011, 2013, and 2015.

… served as the Pastor at Springville (Pennsylvania) Baptist Church from 1975 to 1987. There his interests included Christian education (and hunting!). He then served as the President of Baptist Mid-Missions through 2015. While fully engaged in the administration of a worldwide mission effort, he was also known for his work with people. He is now President Emeritus. Dr. Anderson and his wife are blessed with three children who serve in the pastorate. They have seven grandchildren.

Conference Purpose

Conference Purpose #1

The purpose of KCEA is the protection and promotion of Christian education. Our Conference exists toward promoting Christian education and professional development. Other programs and activities fulfill other aspects of our mission, including the defense of religious liberty.

Conference Purpose #2

KCEA does not attempt to present speakers and music that mirror the speakers and music in your individual home, church, or school; rather, to edify/benefit all delegates while not offending any individual or group in our movement.

Conference Purpose #3

KCEA organizes the Conference to benefit its affiliating ministries. At the same time, if our activity brings benefit to non-affiliating or out-of-state ministries or individuals, we are glad to share the Conference with you. Welcome.

Your Workshop Leaders

Dr. Gary Anderson President Emeritus, Baptist Mid-Missions, Cleveland, OH`

Mrs. Holli Ashley Teacher, Canaan Christian Academy, Lake Ariel

Mrs. Hannah Beatty Ministry Leader, CEF of Philadelphia County, Philadelphia

Mr. Joshua Birx Administrator, Pensacola Christian Academy, Pensacola, FL

Mr. David Bowman Chair, C12 Group Philadelphia, Pottstown

Mrs. Heidi Braughler Teacher, Maranatha Baptist Academy, Watertown, WI

Mr. Nathan Burgess Technology Consultant, Network Administrator for ABWE, Harrisburg

Mrs. Cynthia Dickinson National Consultant, Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, SC

Dr. Phil Gingery Assistant Pastor, Minister of Music, Bible Baptist Church, West Chester

Miss Laura Heindel Teacher, Pensacola Christian Academy, Pensacola, FL

Mr. Howard Hicks Registrar, Clarks Summit University, Clarks Summit

Dr. Janet Hicks Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, Clarks Summit University, Clarks Summit

Miss Carol Hoover Field Worker, CEF of Eastern PA, Harrisburg

Dr. Andrew Hudson Seminary Faculty, Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown, WI

Mr. Tom Husler Parent of College Students, Mechanicsburg

Mrs. Carris Kocher Bill of Rights Bicentennial Committee, Concordville

Ms. Cathy Lawrence Consultant, Riverside Publishing (Iowa Tests)

Dr. William Licht Vice President for Academic Affairs, Maranatha Baptist University, Watertown, WI

Dr. Tim Miller Assistant Professor, Detroit Theological Seminary, Detroit, MI

Miss Heidi Myrick Ministry Associate, CEF of Philadelphia County, Philadelphia

Dr. Dan Olinger Chair, Division of Bible School of Religion, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC

Dr. Brad Parker Administrator, Frederick Christian Academy, Frederick, MD

Mr. David Pettit Pastoral Staff, First Baptist Church, Lebanon

Dr. Dennis Scott Faculty, Division of Health, Exercise & Sport Science, Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC

Mr. Ian Thompson Vice President, Standing Stone Consulting, Inc., Huntingdon

Rev. Jonathan Tillman Staff, KCEA, Harrisburg

Miss Jen Walker CEF of Susquehanna County, Montrose

F.Y.I. / Reminders

Meal Tickets

If your school ordered meal tickets, half of the tickets were assigned to Thursday’s Lunch A and the other half to Lunch B and to Friday’s Lunch C and D. Trade with each other or with other delegates. A limited number of tickets are available for exchange for the alternate meal time, if needed. Additional tickets are available for sale.

Remember…. The assigning of tickets to specific lunch periods:

o  helps assure delegates of less waiting in line

o  assists DoubleTree’s food service in their meal preparations.

Conference Recordings

Most workshops will be recorded. As in the past, a recording code has been assigned to each and noted in your Conference Guide. Look for the ¤ at the end of the workshop description.

All recordings will be made available to you at no extra cost following the Conference. As a delegate to this Conference, you will be able to access the complete list of successfully recorded sessions from the convenience of your personal computer. We will provide instructions.

Changes in Workshop Listings

If any changes need to be made after the Conference Guide “goes to press,” changes will be announced, whether orally or visually via PowerPoint in the Assembly periods and on the two monitors located outside Statesmen Hall.

Wear Your Name Badge

You know who you are, but others may not. Help others recognize you as being with the KCEA Conference. At the end of the Conference, if you have no further need for your badge, return your holder and help save future Conference costs.


During the Conference we take two offerings as an opportunity for individual delegates to help with the cost of this professional in-service. Registration fees alone do not pay all of the cost.

Feedback Sheets / Evaluation Forms

Fill in your sheet “as you go” or during a break in your schedule. Be honest but forthright and kind. We share all of your comments with each speaker and workshop leader for their personal professional growth.

Lost & Found / Message Center

Check with the ladies at KCEA’s Registration Desk.

Key to Codes

Target Audience

EC Early Childhood

PK Pre-Kindergarten

K Kindergarten

LEL Lower Elementary

EL Elementary

UEL Upper Elementary

MS Middle School

HS High School

SEC Secondary

PAS Pastor

ADM Administrator

OFF Office

GEN General

Room DesignationsLook for the p following each workshop description.

First Floor

BF Ben Franklin

EH Edward Hand

RF Robert Fulton

SA Statesmen A

SB Statesmen B

SC Statesmen C

SD Statesmen D

WPL William Penn (Left)

WPR William Penn (Right)

Second Floor

COVE Starfish Cove

Third Floor

TER Terrace Room

Wedding Chapel

CH Chapel

CEU Qualified – Look for the t following each workshop description.

Recorded Sessions – Look for the ¤ following each workshop description.

Conference Schedule


Workshop 1


Thursday: 9:00 – 9:50 a.m.

A FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATING BIBLICAL TRUTH INTO EVERY AREA OF YOUR CURRICULUM. (EL/SEC) Dr. Andrew Hudson. Does your Christian school teach math any differently than a public school? Do your students learn anything about God from your English or history class? In this session, we will discuss a framework in which elementary and secondary teachers can integrate Biblical truth into every area of their curriculum.

o RF t CEU 8 16-01-01

ARE YOU LIVING ON A SEE SAW? (GEN) Mr. Joshua Birx. Do you struggle to balance your family life with your teaching ministry? Key principles and practical tips shared in this session can help the Christian educator fulfill God’s mission. o CH t CEU 8 16-01-02

BUILDING COMMUNITY IN YOUR CLASSROOM AND SCHOOL. (UEL/MS/HS) Mr. David Pettit. Use your God-given discipleship opportunities to create a caring, supportive, and bully-free environment for your students. Emphasis will be on specific relationship-building, service activities, and Biblical propriety in your community.

o WPL t CEU 8 16-01-03

IS A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW IMPORTANT? (GEN) Dr. William Licht. Very few Americans still maintain a Biblical worldview. Does a Biblical worldview permeate every aspect of your school? Do your students have a Biblical worldview? What can we do to help?

o COVE t CEU 8 16-01-04

LEADING A CHILD TO CHRIST. (EC/K/EL) Mrs. Hannah Beatty & Miss Heidi Myrick. God’s plan of salvation is simple enough for a child to understand. This workshop will provide you with an organized way to explain salvation to children and help them put their faith in Christ. (To be repeated in Workshop 7.) o EH t CEU 8 16-01-05

PERFECTIONISM IN EDUCATION. (GEN) Mrs. Heidi Braughler. Are you afraid that your teaching practices might be contributing to the growing addiction of perfectionism? Do you have students who obsess about every grade or are stressed by constantly being pushed to do better in school? In this session, we will discuss this growing problem in Christian education and the Biblical solutions that will help students and teachers alike. o TER t CEU 8 16-01-06

TEST TAKING STRATEGIES. (GEN) Ms. Cathy Lawrence. How do we prepare students for a standardized test? Proctoring techniques? How do you inform parents about testing? Do you tell students to read a passage first or questions first? o BF t CEU 8 16-01-07

Workshop 2

Thursday: 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.

ARITHMETIC MATTER. (EL) Miss Laura Heindel. Do you want to achieve success in your grade 1 - 4 elementary arithmetic class? Join me to learn about games and reviews that I use to help my students. o SA t CEU 8 16-02-01

BEYOND X’S AND O’S TO THE Y’S. (HS) Dr. Dennis Scott. Coaching is more than just motivating, strategizing, executing, and winning. Coaching is relationship-building. Coaching is life-training. Coaching is making-disciples. How about you? Why do you coach? Is it just for the X’s and O’s and the thrill of victory? Coaches who make an eternal impact understand the Y’s of coaching. Find out what they are and how they can be used to make an eternal impact.

o WPL t CEU 8 16-02-02

BIBLE SOFTWARE. (GEN) Dr. Dan Olinger. What's available; how to evaluate competing titles; how software can improve and extend your Bible study.

o RF t CEU 8 16-02-03

BUILDING A UNIFIED TEAM. (ADM) Mr. Joshua Birx. Administrators face the challenging goal of building unity in the midst of diversity. This session shares practical ways to build a unified team from the ground up, as well as ways to bring unity to a team already in place.

o BF t CEU 8 16-02-04

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION DOES NOT EXIST WITHOUT A STRUCTURED CLASSROOM. (EL/MS) Dr. William Licht. Learn how to create a positive classroom behavior plan that engages all learners and thereby creates a great learning environment. o CH t CEU 8 16-02-05

CLASSROOM OBSERVATION STRATEGIES. (ADM) Mr. Howard Hicks. Classroom observations are times in teachers’ and evaluators’ lives that often are fraught with fear and anxiety. This workshop is geared for those who do classroom observations with new and experienced teachers. If you are interested in reducing the fear and anxiety level of classroom observations and increasing effective classroom teaching, consider attending this workshop.
o SC t CEU 8 16-02-06

INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS – ARE THEY WORTH THE WORK? (SEC) Mrs. Heidi Braughler. Interactive notebooks are all the rage in mathematics education right now, but is there any proof that they improve achievement? This workshop will discuss the findings of a year-long research project regarding interactive notebooks so that you can decide whether or not you should use them in your classroom.