(extreme dates)

1.1.Basic information about subject/module

Subject/module name / Clinical physiotherapy in rheumatology
Subject/module code *
Faculty / Faculty of Medicine
Name of the institute / Institute of Physiotherapy
Field of study / Physiotherapy
Level of education / Bachelor
Profile / Practical
Mode of studies / Full-time
Year/semester / 3 year, 5 semester
Subject type / Education of main course content
Coordinator / Krzysztof Gutkowski, prof. UR
Teacher/teacher’s name / dr hab. n. med. Prof. UR Krzysztof Gutkowski, dr n. med. Grzegorz Przysada, dr Elżbieta Domka – Jopek, mgr Beata Jasińska, mgr Judyta Ozimek – Zadorożna

* - according to Faculty arrangements

1.2.Form of teaching, teaching hours, ECTS points

Lectures / Classes / Seminars / Laboratories / Bachelor seminar / Practical
classes / Practice / Non-contact hours / ECTS points
15 / - / - / 30 / - / - / - / 15 / 2

1.3. Type of classes

xtraditional form

☐ distance learning

1.4. Forms of completion of the subject/module(final exam, credit with a grade, credit with no grade, Laboratories – credit with grade


Preliminary knowledge of anatomy and physiology of human being, pathophysiology of motion system. Basic of biomechanics.
  1. Objectives, learning outcomes, curriculum and teaching methods

3.1.Objectives of the course

C1 / Student will learn how to interpret knowledge of:
-Causes, symptoms and after-effects of rheumatoid disease
-Getting health report, perform basic physical examination, examination methods of particular systems
-Motion system, setting diagnose, physiotherapy plan
-Interpret basic examination outcomes, which are useful for diagnosis
-Theory and practice in child, youth and adolescents physiotherapy in rheumatology

3.2 learning outcomes of the subject/module

EK (learning outcome) / The content of learning outcome / Reference to the learning outcomes for the field of study (KEK)
EK_01 / Knows basic disease entities, understands their pathogenesis, clinical signs and after-effects in rheumatology diseases / K1P_W23 (++)
EK_02 / Names and describes diagnostic tools and methods of patient assessment for physiotherapy needs. / K1P_W17 (++)
EK_03 / Can identify and explain the fundamentals and principles of rehabilitation programme in persons suffering from rheumatoid diseases and dysfunctions adequately to their clinical and functional condition in rheumatology. / K1P_U02 (++)
EK_04 / Can perform signs andsymptomsexamination including functional diagnostics concerning various impairments in order to plan implementation of physiotherapy treatments. / K1P_U09 (++)
EK_05 / Can interpret the results of basic clinical tests and the results of functional diagnostics. / K1P_U19 (++)
EK_06 / Performs tasks autonomously and properly organizes his/her own work. / K1P_K08 (++)


  1. Lecture

Subject introduction, evaluation method. Lectures content, literature. Anatomy and functioning of motion system. Basic examination and interpretation. Connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, muscular sclerosis, Sjögren syndrome) – pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment and physiotherapy.
Arthitis, spondyloarthritis, Reiter syndrome, psoriatic arthritis – pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, treatment and physiotherapy.
Joint degeneration disease – pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, treatment and physiotherapy
Arthritis, bursitis common in joint diseases accompanying metabolic and endocrine diseases.
Bone and cartilage diseases (osteoporosis, osteomalacia, osteoarthropathy, Paget disease)
  1. Seminar

Organization of laboratories, subjects introduction, requirements, examination terms, literature. Motion system anatomy repetition.
Rheumatoid diseases – systematic, diagnostics, rehabilitation.
Coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis – functional diagnosis, examination interpretation, physiotherapy.
Spondyloarthritis, spondylosis - functional diagnosis, examination interpretation, physiotherapy.
General connective tissue diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, muscular sclerosis, Sjögren syndrome – physiotherapy.
Partial knowledge examination
Arthitis, spondyloarthritis, Reiter syndrome, psoriatic arthritis – functional diagnosis, examination interpretation, physiotherapy.
Arthritis – examination interpretation, physiotherapy.
Rheumatoid diseases in children – physiotherapy.
Metabolic bone diseases – functional examination, interpretation of examination outcomes, physiotherapy.
Repetition of subject content. Test


Laboratories: demonstration, imitative method, motion creative expression method, multimedia presentation

Students work: presentation of training syllabus, study case, discusion


4.1 Methods of verification of learning outcomes.

Symbol of learning outcome / Methods of evaluation of learning outcomes
(i.e.: test, oral exam, written exam, project, report, student observation) / Form of teaching
EK_02 / Written test / lectures
EK_02 / Written exam / lab
EK_03 EK_04 EK_05 / Practical exam, study case interpretation / lab
EK_06 / observation of students work, personal competence / lab

4.2Conditions for completion of the subject – assessment criteria

Knowledge evaluation: (EK_01, EK_02)
5.0 – student demonstrates knowledge of the content of education at the level of 93% -100%
4.5 –student demonstrates knowledge of the content of education at the level of 85%-92%
4.0 –student demonstrates knowledge of the content of education at the level of 77%-84%
3.5 –student demonstrates knowledge of the content of education at the level of 69%-76%
3.0 – student demonstrates knowledge of the content of education at the level of 61%-68%
2.0 – student demonstrates knowledge of the content of education below the level of60%
Skills evaluation: (EK_03, EK_04, EK_05)
5.0 – student demonstrates skills resulting from the content of education at the level of 93% -100%
4.5 – student demonstrates skills resulting from the content of education at the level of 85%-92%
4.0 – student demonstrates skills resulting from the content of education at the level of 77%-84%
3.5 – student demonstrates skills resulting from the content of education at the level of 69%-76%
3.0 – student demonstrates skills resulting from the content of education at the level of 61%-68%
2.0 – student demonstrates skills resulting from the content of education below the level of 60%
Study case presentation (EK_06)
Competences evaluation: observation
A positive final grade can be obtained provided the student obtained positive grades for each of the learning outcomes in the first semester.

5. Total student workload required to achieve the desired learning outcomes (in hours and ECTS credits)

Activities / Number of hours/student workload
Contact hours (lectures, seminars, etc. ) / 45
Preparation for classes / 5
Consultations / 2
Reports, written works / -
Preparation for theexam / 10
Participation in the exam / 1
Other / -

Total hours / -
Forms of professional practice / -

Basic literature:
1.Zimmermann-Górska I.:Choroby reumatyczne. Podręcznik dla studentów. PZWL Warszawa 2004.
2. Bruhl W.: Choroby narządu ruchu –reumatologia kliniczn. PZWL 1969.
3.Bolanowski J., Wrzostek Z.: Choroby reumatyczne. Podręcznik dla studentów fizjoterapii. AWF Wrocław, 2007
4.Rosławski A.: Ćwiczenia lecznicze w chorobach reumatycznych. PZWL 2006
Supplementary literature:
1.Snaith Michael L.: ABC reumatologii. PZWL Warszawa 2007
2.Szczeklik A.: Choroby Wewnętrzne. Medycyna Praktyczna. Kraków 2011.

Acceptance of the Head of the Unit or an authorized person