APPROXIMATE TIMELINE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS/BURSARIES/GRANTS AND CONTESTS (please check online or with the LINKS staff for updates and actual deadlines for the current or upcoming school year)
May 1
PCHS deadline / Premier’s Citizenship Award / Plaque & letter of commendation / Citizenship, community service or volunteer work, 1 in each AB high school. Students are required to submit a short essay (250 words) to the school Principal.
May 1 / Alexander Rutherford Scholarship / Up to $2500 / 75% avg grades 10, 11 or 12. See application for specific requirements/details.
May 1 / Aboriginal Health Careers Bursary / Up to $10 000 / Aboriginal student, enrolled in any field of health care
May 1 / Canadian Cadet Scholarship / Varies / High school academic achievement & cadet in good standing planning to pursue post-secondary studies
May 1 / Sears Craftsman Scholarship / $1000 x20 / Enrolling in post-sec; leadership, extracurricular, & community service
May 5 / Provincial and Regional 4H Scholarships / variety / Numerous scholarships for 4H members
May 6 / Greyhound Scholarships & Prizes / $5000 / To enter you must plan on attending a college or post-secondary institution in the fall entry application at
May 8 / Grant McEwan Young Writer’s Scholarship / $2500 x4 / Albertan Aged 16-24, original non-fiction or short story of 1000-5000 words
May 8 / Grant McEwan Author’s Award / $1000-$25000 / best book by an Alberta author published by a professional publishing house in the previous copyright year.
May 11 / Royal Bank Financial Life-skills Scholarships / $2000 x10 / Any program, community or extra-curricular involvement, min 65% avg
May 15 / Michael R. Allers Memorial Scholarship / $1000 / GYPSD or WRPS graduate pursuing post-secondary that contributes to the education of children. (See LINKS for details.)
May 15 / A.T.A. Evergreen Local #11 Scholarship
(see LINKS for details) / $500 x 4 / GYPSD High School Graduate currently pursuing a university or university transfer program leading to a degree in Education.
May 15 / Great Canadian Questions Essay Contest / $2000 / Gr 12, essay on an essential question of Canadian History
May 15 / Spina Bifida Assoc of Canada Scholarship / $1000 / Student with spina bifida or hydrocephalus pursuing post-secondary ed studies
May 15 / Learning Disability Assoc of Canada Schol’p / $500-$1000 / Student with LD pursuing post-secondary education
Three scholarships available 1) trades 2) college or undergraduate program 3) applied arts program
May 15 / Girl’s Barrel Racing Scholarship – Jessi Payne Memorial Scholarship / $1500 / Must be planning to go to post-secondary studies, currently involved in sport of barrel-racing.
May 15 / PHI Gamma Delta / $1000 / Entering U of A – having shown exceptional leadership and academic standing
May 15 / Youth Formerly in Care Bursary / $1000 / Spend minimum of 2 years under care of AB Children’s Services
May 15 / Joe Wynne Branch #51 Scholarship - Edson
(see LINKS for details) / $500 / 80% avg and financial need, letter to Legion and an interview
(see LINKS or Mr Coleman for details)
May 16 / Monsanto Canada
1-800-667-4944 / $1500 / Pursuing a degree or diploma in agricultural sciences or forestry. Academic Excellence, leadership and community involvement
May 20 / Teletoon Animation Scholarship Award / $2000-$5000 / Career in field of animation, portfolio required
May 23 / Encana
(see LINKS for details) / $2500 per yr / Pursuing post-secondary in a field related to the oil and gas industry
May 30 / Rotary Club Scholarship
(see LINKS for details) / $1000 / Grade 12 student entering post-secondary, community service, volunteer work, “Service above Self”
May 30 / Wal-Mart Canada Associate Scholarship / $4000 / High school transcripts, financial need, community involvement, essay
May 31 / Metis and Non-Status Bursary Program
Phone: 422-2183 or see LINKS for information / Up to $19 200 / Metis or Non-status Indian interested in career in social services, financial need, AB resident for min. 3 yrs and a commitment to aboriginal communities
May 31 / Apple Scholars Awards Program / $2000 and a Mac / Gr 12, enrolling in post-secondary, innovative use of technology
May 31 / AB/ NWT Knight of Columbus State Schol’p / $500 x3 / For children or dependents of Knights of Columbus
May 31 / C.A. MacLean Journalism Bursary / $2000 / For AB or NWT wanted to pursue a career journalism
May 31 / CFIG National Scholarship
(see LINKS for details) / $1000 - $8000 / Studies in food industry, business, marketing, hospitality, accounting, etc
May 31 / Edge Directory Scholarship / ? / essay on how to make Canada a better place to live
May 31 / Husky OilEducational Awards / $1000-$3000 / To encourage aboriginal students to pursue programs in oil and gas
May 31 / Oriole Scholarship Fund -Learning Matters Education Bursary / $2500 / Post-secondary; financial need, positive contribution to Canadian society
May 31 / MADD Canada Bursary Program / Up to $2000 / Student whose parent/guardian has died in impaired-driving related crash
May 31 / Stacey Levitt Women and sport Scholarship / $500 x5 / Exemplary young woman with keen interest in sports/healthy lifestyle
May 31 / W/W Gretzky Fdn Schol’p for Blind Youth / $3000-$5000 / For blind or visually impaired youth to attend 1st year post-secondary