August 16, 2016


We have wrapped up the 2nd week of school and have started the 3rd week strong and ready to learn new and exciting concepts! Thank you to those of you who took the time to come meet with us on Open House night. It was great to meet each and every single one of you! I am very impressed with all of my students! Everyone has been well behaved, on task, participating and it is definitelypaving the road for a successful school year!In my class, we have just finished learning about the Scientific Method. For those students that missed a day of school this week, I have provided the link below where you can find the notes for our “Elephant Toothpaste” class project. You will notice that this is also the same location where you will find all notes on the John Drugan Website under my Faculty Webpage. Also, I have included on this document the Rubric and Mini Board layout Expectations on the following page. Please take a look at the following important reminders below. Thank you for your parental support!

Ms. Berrios Faculty Webpage Class Project Notes

Important Reminders

  • Just a reminder that if your child is absent, it is their responsibility to come see me so that I may give them any missed assignments. All of my lectures are uploaded to my faculty webpage on the JDS Website so that students are able to take any missed notes they missed at home.
  • Mini Boards are due on Friday, August 19, 2015. Please ask your children about this. They have received rubrics and board layouts detailing our expectations. This will be their first major grade in the gradebook.
  • We will be administering campus benchmarks this week for all 8th grade content tested areas. Please have remind your students to always do their best, get adequate sleep, and eat a good breakfast! Data from these tests will be used to place your students in respective area of need so they may receive additional support.
  • There is still time to join science fair! If your child is interested in competition at the JDS Science Fair, please have them speak to me so that we may begin the process.
  • Grades for progress reports will be pulled this Friday. Progress reports will be going home with students on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. Please ask your children for them.
  • If you have not already signed up for Tyler Parent Portal Access, please see our Parent Liaison Mrs. Dana Zais so that she may set that up for you. Also, the SISD App is also a great way to stay current and updated on not only your child’s grades, but also lunch account money and important campus and district events.
  • Americas High School Feeder Pattern Superintendent Open House will be held on Monday, August 29, 2016 from 6-7pm.

Ms. J Berrios