Slinfold CE Primary School & Pre-School

Behaviour Policy



We aim to:

  1. Provide a happy, caring and supportive environment for our children through the promotion of positive behaviour strategies.
  1. Provide a calm and safe environment in which all members of the school community feel confident to work, play and build good relationships.
  1. Provide children with the skills to contribute to a happy, supportive environment.


We will:

  1. Make the Slinfold Golden Rules clear to all those involved in school life
  1. Encourage children to follow our Golden and class rules
  1. Encourage personal responsibility for behaviour
  1. Use the words choice and consequence when talking about behaviour to children

Slinfold Golden Rules (Negotiated by all adults in school)

Each class will have their own set of class rules negotiated at the beginning of the year with the children. They are all of equal importance.

The Slinfold Golden Rules are:

Keep your hands and feet to yourself

Make good choices

Always be honest

Be kind and respectful to everyone and everything in your school

Always do your best

The Golden rules are displayed around the school.


Our expectation is that children will follow our Golden Rules and Class Rules as appropriate for their age and ability. Their efforts are acknowledged by the satisfaction of knowing they have contributed to a happy and well-run community, and in the following ways:

  1. Praise from adults working in school
  1. Stickers/house points
  1. ‘Golden Time’. This is something that may happen, but not always, on a Friday afternoon. The children earn time for their class because they have kept the Golden Rules. Depending on the age of the children different activities will happen in different classes. Children who have not managed to keep the Golden Rules will miss part or all of this time. They will be encouraged to reflect on their behaviour at this time.
  1. To be ‘privileged’ through the ‘Good To Be Green’ positive behaviour strategy. The privilege to be decided by the class, e.g. having a cushion for the day.
  1. Parents informed of good behaviour and achievements through half termly Golden Leaves, half termly Golden breakfast/afternoon tea, outstanding trophy and achievement worship.
  1. Children’s achievements, both in and out of school, will be recognised in weekly worship or with a celebration assembly.
  1. Golden leaves will be given out half termly and displayed on the Golden Tree in the hall.
  1. Classes may also have their own reward systems.


If unacceptable behaviour occurs in our school, we use the ‘Good to be Green’ positive behaviour strategy (see below):-

  1. Before any verbal warning is given a range of strategies will be used such as: their name may be said, they may be given a ‘look’ or a ‘gesture’, they may be asked to move places with another child.
  1. Children will be given a clear verbal warning and opportunities to discuss why their behaviour was unacceptable.
  1. If the warning is ignored, a Yellow Card will be given. Children will miss some break to talk their behaviour choice through with an adult. Children will have to fill in a reflection sheet, the yellow card will be logged on the class behaviour log and their parents will be informed. The card will then revert back to green.
  1. If the unacceptable behaviour continues, a Red Card will be given, the child will be sent to the Headteacher and the child will be asked to reflect on their unacceptable behaviour during playtime and lunchtime. After missing these times the card will then revert back to green. The headteacher will inform the parents if a red card is given.
  1. A child can go from green to a red card if the incident is considered to be serious. We do reserve the right to use our professional judgement about what is a serious incident.
  1. If a child receives 3 yellow cards in a week they will be sent to the Headteacher for a discussion about their behaviour choices.
  1. If a child continues to demonstrate unacceptable behaviour, parents will be informed. If this is repeated parents will be asked to come into school to discuss the matter with staff.
  1. If a serious incident occurs, parents will be contacted and asked to attend a meeting with the Headteacher to discuss the matter and the actions to be taken. This could be setting up a behaviour book and a class plan.
  1. If incidents continue then a Pastoral Support Programme will be put in place. Meetings may be arranged between parents and Outside Agencies such as the Educational Psychologist.
  1. None of the above affects the Headteacher’s right to take immediate action in the case of serious incident.
  1. A child may be excluded from school for a fixed term or permanently. A child may have an internal exclusion which will mean they can’t be with their peer group for a specified amount of time. Parents would be informed if this was to happen.

Appendix: Levels of Behaviour chart (What constitutes a yellow/red card)

Agreed with Staff: Autumn 2016

Agreed with Governors: Spring 2016

Review: Spring 2019

Levels of behaviour (Appendix 1)
Slinfold C of E Primary School 2016
Level / Behaviour / Consequence / School Response
1 / Irritating or rude noises
Wandering round the classroom
Lounging on desks or the floor
Lateness in school
Calling or shouting out
Dropping litter
Running / 1. A quiet word or reminder from an adult.
2.Moved away from others if necessary
3. Moved onto yellow if constant repetition
2 – yellow card / Unhelpful or uncooperative behaviour
Throwing objects
Swearing in conversation
Making fun of another child’s learning.
Being unkind about a child’s family
Telling lies
Teasing or taunting
Misuse of the toilets
Walking away from an adult when being spoken to
Refusing to do work / 1. Timeout in the classroom.
or Timeout in Lead/senior teachers classroom.
2. 15 minutes playtime or lunchtime missed.
3.Reflection sheet completed KS2
4. Moved onto red if constant repetition / Recorded on new class Behaviour log
By Class teacher
(to be monitored every half term by SLT)
3 – Red card / Stealing
Damaging property/ Writing graffiti
Swearing at another person when angry or upset or to cause upset
Physical violence e.g. fighting, kicking etc (is it level 4?)
Name calling relating to race, gender/sexuality or appearance
Misuse of classroom equipment
Stone throwing or dangerous play
Refusal to follow instructions
Leaving the classroom without permission
Answering back/arguing with an adult
Refusing to follow a timeout
Inappropriate touching e.g. a pat on the bottom or pulling down trousers
Inappropriate urinating / 1. Timeout in another class.
2. 15 minutes missed of playtime and lunchtime
3. Serious incident form completed and handed to SLT or hate incident form if hate crime
Raised with senior teacher/ Inclusion Leader or LP if there is a possibility that a Fixed Term Exclusion may be an appropriate sanction.
Constant repetition may result in a Fixed Term Exclusion. / Serious incident form completed
Parents informed at end of day/phone call home
(Responsibility of HT or CT if HT not available)
Possible meeting with SLT/Head
Records of serious incident forms kept in Leadership Office
4 / Extreme physical violence
Behaviour that puts themselves, other children or adults at risk or in danger
Prolonged bullying or threatening/violent behaviour
Inappropriate sexual behaviour / Referral
Fixed Term Exclusion
Serious Incident form must be completed in detail and passed to SLT immediately. / Headteacher/SLT meeting with parents

*In all cases, the age of the child and the context of the situation will be taken into account. All teachers will make a professional judgement in this regard.