April 1, 2015

Contact Information

Department of Sociology

University of Michigan

Room 4148 LSA Building Fax: (734) 763-6887

500 South State Street Email:

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382

Academic Positions

2014-Professor, Sociology & Organizational Studies

Women’s Studies (by courtesy)

Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education (by courtesy)

Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research (by courtesy)

University of Michigan

2009-Associate Professor, Sociology & Organizational Studies

University of Michigan

2012-Associate Professor, Women’s Studies

University of Michigan (by courtesy)

2007-08Suzanne Young Murray Fellow, Radcliffe Fellowship Program

Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University

2007-09Associate Professor, Sociology & Gender Studies (Adjunct)

Indiana University

2004-07 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Gender Studies

Indiana University

2000-07Assistant Professor, Sociology

Indiana University


1998Ph.D. Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

1990M.A. Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

1988B.A. Computer Science and Sociology, University of Michigan

Highest Distinction Honors in Computer Science

Research and Teaching Areas

Gender and SexualitySocial Movements

Cultural SociologyHigher Education

Qualitative Methods Organizations

Social Inequality


2013Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Laura T. Hamilton. Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


American Sociological Association, Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, 2015.

American Educational Research Association, Postsecondary Education Outstanding Publication Award, 2014.

North Central Sociological Association Scholarly Achievement Award, 2014.

American Sociological Association, Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award of the Section on Children and Youth, 2014.

American Sociological Association, Honorable Mention for the Max Weber Award of the Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work, 2014.

2002Armstrong, Elizabeth A.Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco, 1950-1994. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Articles and Chapters

2014Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura Hamilton, Elizabeth M. Armstrong, and Jessica (Lotus) Seeley. “Good Girls: Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus.” Social Psychology Quarterly. 77(2):100–122.

2012 Hamilton, Laura, and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “The (Mis)Education of Monica and Karen.” Contexts.11(4):22-27.

Reprinted in:

The Structure of Schooling: Readings in the Sociology of Education, 3rd Edition. Edited by Richard Arum, Irene Beattie, and Karly Ford. Sage Publications, 2015.

Schools and Society: A Sociological Approach to Education, 5th Edition. Edited by Jeanne Ballantine and Joan Z. Spade. Sage Publications, 2015.

2012Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Paula England, and Alison C. K. Fogarty. “Accounting for Women’s Orgasm and Sexual Enjoyment in College Hookups and Relationships.” American Sociological Review. 77(3):435-462.

ASA Sexualities Section Article Award, Honorable Mention, 2013.

2012Backstrom, Laura, Elizabeth A. Armstrong, and Jennifer Puentes. “Women's Negotiation of Cunnilingus in College Hookups and Relationships.” Journal of Sex Research. 49(1):1-12.

2010Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura Hamilton, and Paula England. “Is Hooking Up Bad for Young Women?” Contexts. 9(3):22-27.

Reprinted in:

The Contexts Reader, 2nd edition. Edited by Douglass Hartmann and Christopher Uggen. W.W. North & Company, 2012.

Feminist Frontiers, Edited by Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, Leila Rupp. McGraw Hill, 2011.

Award:Claude S. Fischer Award for Excellence in Contexts, 2011.

2009Hamilton, Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options.”Gender & Society. 23:589-616.

Reprinted in:

Shifting the Center: Understanding Contemporary Families, 4th edition.Edited by Susan Ferguson. McGraw-Hill, 2011.

2009Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Paula England, and Alison C. K. Fogarty.“Orgasm in College Hookups and Relationships.”Pp. 362-377 in Families as the Really Are. Edited by Barbara Risman, W.W. Norton & Company.

2008Stevens, Mitchell L., Elizabeth A. Armstrong, and Richard Arum. “Sieve, Incubator, Temple, Hub: Empirical and Theoretical Advances in the Sociology of Higher Education.” Annual Review of Sociology. 34:127-151.

2008Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Mary Bernstein. “Culture, Power, and Institutions: A Multi-institutional Politics Approach to Social Movements.” Sociological Theory. 26:74-99.


ASA Collective Behavior and Social Movement’s Outstanding Article Award, 2009.

2006Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Suzanna M. Crage. “Movements and

Memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth.” American Sociological Review. 71:724-751.


ASA Collective Behavior and Social Movement’s Outstanding Article Award, 2007.

2006Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura Hamilton, and Brian Sweeney. “Sexual Assault on Campus: A Multi-level, Integrative Approach to Party Rape.”Social Problems.53:483-499.

Reprinted in:

Understanding Society: An Introductory Reader, 4th edition. Edited by Margaret L. Andersen, Kim A. Logio, and Howard F. Taylor. Cengage Learning, 2012.

Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, 4th edition.Edited by Mindy Stombler, Dawn M. Baunach, Wendy Simonds, Elroi J. Windsor, and Elisabeth O. Burgess. Prentice Hall, 2014 (Also in 3rd edition).

Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction, 7th edition.Edited by Peter and Patti Adler. Thomson Wadsworth, 2011. (Also included in 6th edition and selected for 8th edition).

The Kaleidoscope of Gender: Prisms, Patterns, and Possibilities, 2nd edition. Edited by Joan Z. Spade and Catherine G. Valentine. Pine Forge Press, 2008.

2006Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Martin S. Weinberg. “Identity andCompetence: The Use of Culture in the Interpretation of Sexual Images.” Sociological Perspectives. 49:411-432.

2005Armstrong, Elizabeth A. “From Struggle to Settlement: The Crystallization of a Field of Lesbian/Gay Organizations in San Francisco, 1969-1973.” Pp. 161-187 in Social Movements and Organization Theory. Edited by Gerald Davis, Doug McAdam, W. Richard Scott, and Mayer Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reprinted in:

Social Movements: Readings on Their Emergence, Mobilization, Dynamics, and Impact, 2nd Edition. Edited by David Snow andDoug McAdam Oxford University Press, 2009.

2002Armstrong, Elizabeth A. “Crisis, Collective Creativity, and the Generation of New Organizational Forms: The Transformation of Lesbian/Gay Organizations in San Francisco.” Pp. 361-395in Research in the Sociology of Organizations (vol. 19). Edited by Michael Lounsbury and Marc J. Ventresca. Oxford, UK: JAI Press.

1995Armstrong, Elizabeth A. “Traitors to the Cause? Understanding the Lesbian/Gay 'Bisexuality Debates.'" Pp. 199-217 in Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queries, and Visions. Edited by Naomi Tucker. New York: Haworth Press.

Other Publications

2015Elizabeth A. Armstrong and Jamie Budnick. “Sexual Assault on Campus.” A report prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families.

2014Elizabeth A. Armstrong and Laura Hamilton. “Learning Femininity inCollege.” Gender & Societyblog post.

2013Hamilton Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Creative Solutions to Pay for College.” Contribution to the New York Times “Room for Debates” column on the topic “Who Should Get Financial Aid.”

2012Hamilton, Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Social Life and Inequality.” Contribution to the Chronicle of Higher Education forum on the topic “Has Higher Education Become an Engine of Inequality?”

2011“How Fraternities Dominate.” Contribution to the New York Times “Room for Debate” column on the topic “Should Colleges Ban Fraternities?”

2010Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Suzanna Crage. “Stonewall Riots.” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edited by George Ritzer. Blackwell Publishers Ltd: Malden, MA. [Similar entry in the The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of
Sociology Online, also edited by George Ritzer].

2010Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Tim Bartley. “Social Movement

Organizations.” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edited by George Ritzer. Blackwell Publishers Ltd: Malden, MA. [Revised version of 2007 entry].

2010“Is Cultural Sociology too Insular? A Comment on Steensland and Smith.”Sociological Forum. 23:361.

2008Stevens, Mitchell L., Elizabeth A. Armstrong, and Richard Arum. “Higher Education and the Organization of Culture.” Culture: Newsletter of the American Sociological Association Culture Section. Winter.

2007Perry, Evelyn M. and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Evangelicals on Campus.” Social Science Research Council Online Forum.

Book Reviews

2014Armstrong, Elizabeth A. with Johanna Massé. “The Sociology of Higher Education: Contributions and New Directions.” Critical-retrospective essay on scholarship in the sociology of higher education Contemporary Sociology. 43: 801-811.

2008Review of Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus, by Kathleen A. Bogle. Contemporary Sociology. 37:552-553.

2008 “The Contributions of Reorganizing the Rust Belt to Social Movement Scholarship.”By Steven Henry Lopez. Labor Studies Journal. 33:229–234.

2004 Review of For the Common Good? American Civic Life and the Golden Age of Fraternity. By Jason Kaufman. Contemporary Sociology. 33: 225-226.

2003 “The Strategic Power of Trust.” Review of Freedom Is an Endless Meeting. By Francesca Polletta. Contexts: Understanding People in Their Social Worlds.Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer, pp. 66-67.

1999 Review of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Among Lesbians and Gay Men. Edited by Beverly Greene. Contemporary Sociology, 28: 553-554.

1989 "The Myth of Romantic Love vs. The Myth of Me." Review of Adultery: The Analysis of Love and Betrayal. By Annette Lawson. Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 34:263-269.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Hamilton, Laura, Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Lotus (Jessica) Seeley, and Elizabeth M. Armstrong. “The Femininity Premium: Hierarchies among Women and the Reproduction of Gender Inequality.” In preparation for submission to Sociological Theory.

Hamilton, Laura, and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “An Institutional Approach to Stratification in Higher Education.” In preparation for submission to the American Journal of Sociology.

Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Laura Hamilton. “(How) Does College Choice Matter? An Institutional Approach to Stratification in Higher Education.” In preparation for Education in a New Society: Renewing the Sociology of Education, edited by Jal Mehta and Scott Davies. Under contract at the University of Chicago Press.

Honors, Fellowships and Grants


2010Elected to the Sociological Research Association.

External Grants and Fellowships

2015Sociology of Transformative Experience, The Experience Project at the University of Notre Dame and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

2008-10Spencer Foundation Small Grant, “College Culture and Social Inequality.”

2007-08Suzanne Young Murray Fellow, Radcliffe Fellowship Program

Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study.

2005ASA Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline Award for a national conference: “A New Research Agenda for the Sociology of Higher Education,” with Mitchell L. Stevens and Richard Arum.

2003-04National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, “An Erotic Curriculum? A Comparative Study of Collegiate Sex Cultures.”

2002ASA Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline Award for research on: “Why San Francisco and New York? Explaining Variation in the Emergence of Gay Liberation in American Cities.”

1996Sexuality Research Fellowship, Social Science Research Council.

1994Martin P. Levine Dissertation Fellowship Award, American Sociological Association, Sex and Gender Section.

1994National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award.

Institutional Grants

University of Michigan

2015Institute for Research on Women and Gender, with Sandra Levitksy, “Setting the Standard: The Struggle over Title IX Compliance”

2015Spring/Summer Research Grant, Rackham Graduate School and the Vice President for Research

2014University of Michigan Office of Research, “Intimate Inequality: Gender and Social Class in the Search for Love at Midlife”

2010Spring/Summer Research Grant, Rackham Graduate School and the Vice President for Research

Indiana University

2003Research Leave Supplement


2003Summer Faculty Fellowship for Grant Development

2000-01Summer Faculty Fellowship

Teaching Awards and Grants, Indiana University

2005Outstanding Mentor Award, Sociology Graduate Student Association

2004Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant

2002College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Grant for a Capstone Course in Sociology

2002Instructional Support Services, Summer Course Development Grant to Enhance Active Learning

Invited Papers and Presentations

“Sexual Assault on Campus”

University of Michigan, Department of Sociology, Undergraduate Sociology Association, 2015

University of Virginia, Department of Sociology, 2015

Columbia University, Workshop on “Mapping the Research Agenda for Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses, “2015

University of California-Berkeley's National Conference on Campus Sexual Assault and Violence, 2015

Villanova University, 2014

American University, Global Education Forum Panel on Violence and Education, School of Education, Teaching & Health, 2014

Skidmore College, Karen L. Coburn ’63 Endowed Lecture in Gender Studies, 2011

Northwestern University, 2010

New York University, Steinhardt School of Education, 2006

Rutgers University, Department of Sociology, 2006

St. Joseph’s University, Department of Sociology, 2006

University of California-Irvine, Department of Sociology, 2006

“Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality”

University of Kansas, Jayhawk Commission, Research Trip to the University of Michigan, 2015

Pennsylvania State University, Department of Sociology and Criminology, 2015

University of Michigan, Department of Sociology (Rachel Best undergraduate research methods course), 2015

Bowdoin University, Department of Sociology (Skype visit to class), 2015

University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Department of Sociology, 2015

Boston University, Department of Sociology, 2015

University of Michigan, Poverty Law Society, Law School, 2015

NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, Plenary Speaker, 2015

Radford University, 2014

Michigan State University, 2015

American University, 2014

University of Chicago, Department of Sociology, 2014

Northwestern University, Department of Sociology, 2014

New York University, Department of Sociology, 2014

University of Michigan, Management & Organizations Group, Ross School of Business, 2014

University of Massachusetts Programming for Student Success Unconference, Keynote Speaker, 2014

University of Michigan, Comprehensive Studies Program/Summer Bridge 2014

University of Michigan, LSA Climate and Diversity Institute, 2014, 2015

Stanford University, Department of Sociology, 2014

Campus Alcohol and Drug Educators Spring Retreat, Leadville, CO, Keynote Address, 2014

Furman University, Department of Sociology, 2014

Spencer Foundation Institute for Graduate Students in the Philosophy of Education, 2014

American Association of University Women, Ann Arbor branch, 2013

Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies, University of Michigan, 2013

Lunch with Honors, University of Michigan Honors College, 2013

University of California-San Diego, Department of Sociology, 2013

University of Pennsylvania, Department of Sociology, 2013

University of Notre Dame, Department of Sociology, 2013

University of Michigan, Interdisciplinary Group on Poverty and Inequality, 2012

Improving American Postsecondary Education

Panelist, Session organized by Richard Arum for the Postsecondary Success Team of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2014

Hard Times and High Hopes for US Higher Education

Panelist, Thematic Session organized by Mitchell Stevens for the 2014 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2014

Sociology into the Social World: Encountering the Public with SociologicalScholarship

Conversations in Michigan Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, 2014

Comments on Deviations, by Gayle Rubin

Gender: New Works, New Questions Panel, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, 2013

“Good Girls, Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus”

Conference on Sexual Reputations organized by Gary Alan Fine and Clare Forstie, Northwestern University, 2013

“Feedback Between Social Foundations and Institutional Structure”

Conference on “Modeling the Dynamics of Norms and Culture,” Department of Political Science, University of Michigan, 2013

Author Meets Critics Sessions on Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality

American Sociological Association, 2014

Eastern Sociological Society, 2014

Gender: New Works, New Questions Panel, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan, 2014

SCANCOR, Stanford University, 2013

“Hooking Up in College: Why Do Women Participate?”

Princeton University, Department of Sociology, 2011

“Is Hooking Up Bad for Young Women?”

Sexpertise 2014, University of Michigan

TedX University of Michigan, 2013

Special Session, “Gender Politics in Heterosexual Sex,” American Sociological Association, 2013

Bowling Green State University, Family and Demographic Research Seminar, 2010

“Erotic Rank: Heterosexual Women Negotiating for Position in a Sexual Field”

Bringing Bourdieu to Sexual Life: A Conference on Sexuality and the Sexual Field, University of Toronto, 2010

“Directions in the Study of Culture and Stratification”

American Sociological Association, Culture Section Mini-Conference, 2008

“The Organization of Universities and the Workplaces of Sociology,” with Mitchell L. Stevens, and Richard Arum, Invited Session, American Sociological Association, Boston, MA, 2008

“Exclusion: Class, Gender, and College Culture”

Stanford University, SCANCOR, 2011

Hamilton College, Ninth Annual Mellon Foundation Assessment Conference, 2010

University of Michigan, Interdisciplinary Committee on Organization Studies, 2008

Harvard University, Radcliffe Institute, 2008

Harvard University, Department of Sociology, Culture Workshop, 2008

“Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options”

UCLA, 2010 (Presentation in Gender Workshop and Class Lecture)

Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2009

Northwestern University, Ethnography Workshop, Department of Sociology, 2008

University of Michigan, Department of Sociology, 2008

University of Arizona, Department of Sociology, 2008

Stanford University, Department of Sociology, 2008

University of Pennsylvania, Department of Sociology, 2008

Conference on Culture and Power, Oslo, Norway, 2007

“Culture in the Sociology of Education” (with Mitchell Stevens and Amy Binder)American Sociological Association, Culture Section Mini-Conference, 2007

“An Ethnographic Look at Gender, Sexuality, and Class in College”

MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood, Philadelphia, PA, 2005

“An Erotic Curriculum? A Comparative Study of Collegiate Sex Cultures”

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop, Indiana University, 2005

NAE/Spencer Conference, Palo Alto, CA, 2004

NAE/Spencer Spring Meeting, Tempe, AZ, 2004

“Meaning and Memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth”

University of Chicago, Department of Sociology, Workshop on Politics and Social Change, 2004

Northwestern University, Department of Sociology, Culture and Society Workshop, 2003

“Forging Gay Identities”

University of California-Berkeley, Department of Sociology, 2003

Northwestern University, Department of Sociology, 2003

Invitational Conference on Social Movements and Organizations, Ann Arbor, MI,2002

Northwestern University, Institutions, Conflict and Change Workshop, 2000

Haverford College, Department of Sociology, 1997

Selected Conference Presentations

2014Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura T. Hamilton, Elizabeth M. Armstrong, and Jessica (Lotus) Seeley. “Good Girls: Gender, Social Class, and Slut Discourse on Campus.” Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

2012“Beyond Access: Inequities in Undergraduate Experiences,” Invited Plenary on Higher Education, Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, New York, NY.

2011England, Paula S., Elizabeth A. Armstrong, and Alison Fogarty. Sexual Practices, Learning, and Love: Accounting for Women’s Orgasm and Sexual Enjoyment in College Hookups and Relationships, Population Association of America, Washington, D.C.

2009Armstrong. Elizabeth A. “Incorporating Network Analysis into the Study of Student Experience.” Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, BC.

2009Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Paula England, and Alison C.K. Forgarty. “Relationship Practices, Sexual Practices, and Women’s Orgasm in College Sex.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.

2009Hamilton, Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Gendered Sexuality in Emerging Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options.” Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, San Diego, CA.

2008Hamilton, Laura and Elizabeth A. Armstrong. “Gendered Sexuality in Young Adulthood: Double Binds and Flawed Options.” American Sociological Association, Boston, MA.

2006Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura Hamilton, and Brian Sweeney. “Sexual Assault on Campus: A Multi-level, Integrative Approach to Party Rape,” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada.

2005Armstrong, Elizabeth A. and Suzanna Crage. “Movements and Memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth,” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

2005Armstrong, Elizabeth A., Laura Hamilton, and Brian Sweeney. “Hooking Up and Party Rape: The Social Organization of Gender and Sexuality at a Large Research University,” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

2004Armstrong, Elizabeth A. Invited Panel on Social Movement Institutionalization and Revitalization, with Verta Taylor, Pamela Oliver, Nella Van Dyke, and David Meyer, American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA.

2004Armstrong, Elizabeth A. “Researching College Student Social Life,” International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Inaugural Meeting, Indiana University.