South Orange-Maplewood School District

Board of Education Finance, Facilities, and TechnologyCommitteeAgenda

September 8, 2011, 7:30 a.m.

Board members: Wayne Eastman (chair), Andrea Wren-Hardin, Mark Gleason, David Giles

Administration: Brian G. Osborne (superintendent), Cheryl Schneider (business administrator), Paul Roth (chief information officer)

  1. Finalize committee work plan and annual agenda

Purpose: to finalize the work plan for the FF&T committee for the 2011-12 school year with a focus on monitoring for District Goal 4. A draft workplan was shared with committee members by the chair at the July 26 meeting.

  1. Update on 2011-2012 budget and discussion of additional state aid allocation

Purpose: to formulate a committee recommendation for the allocation of additional state aid that takes into account unanticipated new needs and implementation of ideas from the board’s Global Education Innovation Task Force.

  1. Prepare recommended budget analysis for the 9/19 BOE meeting

Purpose: to develop recommendations from the committee to the full board of a short set of budget analyses to request from administration in advance of the 2012-2013 preliminary budget. The requests should reflect the input of the July meeting with the Board of School Estimate. In keeping with the annual budget calendar and the board’s annual agenda, the BOE is scheduled to formalize these requests at the September BOE meeting.

  1. Planning for October meeting with Board of School Estimate

Purpose: to determine the agenda, desired outcomes, materials needed, communication, and roles for the October 6 meeting.

  1. District Goal 4

Purpose: to review latest draft and come to committee recommendation for milestone for Obj A.

  1. Facilities
  2. Brief summer update, including Hurricane Irene impact
  3. Solar energy update
  4. Long range capital plan

Purpose: to review the scope and timeline for the implementation of solar panels and the RFP for procuring consultant services for the development of a 20-year district capital plan that prioritizes 1) determining the anticipated life of CHS, 2) energy conservation, and 3) learning in future.

  1. Technology: internet wide area network voice contracts

Purpose: to update the committee on the level of service and to prepare for the full board’s approval of a new service provider.

8. Technology: Reasonable Interpretation (RI)

Purpose: to develop RIs re technology monitoring reports as called for in the work plan.

Next meeting: October 6, 7:30 p.m. with Board of School Estimate