*Hymn Will you let me be your servant No. 307

*Benediction Keith Harder

WELCOME TO ALL who are guests this morning.

We hope you feel warmly received and experience a time of worship. Please feel free to contact Pastor Susan if you would like to visit.

VEGGIE TALES Intergenerational Sunday School Summer classes continue, three per month, 9:30 am in the Chapel. Youth Pastor Hank Unruh will lead us in comparing the Veggie Tales versions of Bible stories with the biblical text. Remaining dates are as follows: July 26; August 9, 16, and 23.

PRAY FOR JOY and blessings for Callie Linnens attending Camp Mennoscah July 26-31.

I PLAN TO BE AT FMC most Wed evenings this summer to put together tops for comforters for MCC. Join me if you can at7 pm. Bring scissors, rotary cutters, a portable sewing machine if you have one, and your good ideas. I have some squares already cut that just need to be pieced, and lots of fabric when we run out of the cut squares. ANYONE is welcome. Come once or twice, every time, or whenever you can! ~Jan Amstutz

OUR AUGUST 2 worship will celebrate Mennonite World Conference (July 21-26) with sharing from Jim and Susan Jantzen. During worship at the end of a corporate prayer, we will ask us all to speak the Lord’s prayer. In preparation this, we invite you to speak the Lord’s Prayer in another language if there is a spoken tongue you would like to honor. Thank you.

OUR FMC OFFICE SECRETARY position was posted in the Free Press this past week and also on our website. Please spread the word and be in prayer for the process.

MEAL HELP. We often have a need for a meal for families who have illness, loss, surgery, new birth and more. If you are interested in being contacted as needs arise, please let Laura know at or call 620-947-5662.

SET YOUR PRAYERS into motion for Vacation Bible School, held in our church one week from today. Pray for our spirits and smiles to be opened through the presence of Jesus in our midst.


How can you help?

1)  Volunteer to help! Thanks to those who already have. We can always use more volunteers!

2)  Donate food items, paper goods or money for snacks and meals! This is an important outreach being offered at VBS. Sign up or donate in the back of the sanctuary or contact Tracy Hefley or Laura Paulus.

3)  Decoration Needs: crepe paper (streamers); and and all colors needed

ON AUGUST 9, we will be repeating the listening groups exercise regarding our church. More details to come.


We gladly list birthdays and anniversaries in our bulletins. Some families request that we NOT list these dates for their family members, which we honor.

We rejoice that Andrew Sensenig and Erica Buller have sold their home here and that Erica has now also secured employment in Fresno.Thank you for praying on their behalf.May the Lord ease our hearts as we release them to their new location and new life in California.

Kim Abrahams, son of Sylvia, is now at Presbyterian Manor in Newton receiving rehab to strengthen his legs. He is in Room 26 on Utz Hall (use the 8th street entrance). Prayers for you, Kim and Carol.

Paul Jantzen is still experiencing some weakness but is improving. Continue to pray for Paul and Elaine.

We lift these friends in prayer:

Lou and Harold Woelk

Tammy Wintermote

Willis and Ruth Ann Penner

Loren and Lois Groening

EBENFELD MB CHURCH is hosting a training seminarSunday, Aug. 30, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. for Sundayschool and Wednesdaynight teachers of preschool and elementary school children. Tina Buschman, a trainer with Child Evangelism Fellowship, will be our resource speaker. The cost of this event is $15 and participants will receive a packet of material and a light supper. Interested individuals can register by calling the Ebenfeld MB Church office at 947-3871 or by visiting the office at 107 N. Main.

"IF YOU CAN'T FEED a hundred people, then just feed one." (Mother Teresa) Tabor College is looking for spiritualmentorsfor any female student on campus that would desire to have one. Youngwomenare looking for a relationship with someone older who will provide wisdom, insight, encouragement, and accountability. We invite you to pray about being involved in ourmentoringprogram this year! If you would like to be amentor, attend a training session, or have additional questions, please email Amanda Lee y Monday August 17. We hope you will consider pouring out your life for another.

CHANGE IN DATE. Kauffman Museum’s monthly bird walk will be on the second Saturday of August (rather than the first). Join experienced birder Gregg Friesen Sat., Aug. 8 at 7 a.m. in the museum parking lot for a walk of 1 to 1.5 hours.

PLEASE JOIN with Anabaptist Christians from around the world in praying for Mennonite World Conference's global Assembly.Pray for those traveling this week and next, for the hosts and participants in the Assembly Scattered and Global Youth Summit events, and for all the final preparations for the thousands gathering in Harrisburg this week. For more specific prayer requests, visit

NEED TO RAISE FUNDS for a worthy cause? Hillsboro Arts and Crafts Fair,September 19may be your answer! The Kaffee Haus hosted in the city building will again be offering quality baked goods for sale to fairgoers. Spaces are available to persons/groups at no cost, and 100% of the proceeds are retained by you. For more information on best-selling items and to reserve a table, please contact Marcella Mohn at620-947-3336 by September 11.


Sunday: Andrew Sensenig & Erica Buller, Mitch & Jessica


Monday: Bill Flaming, Bonnie Funk

Tuesday: Alvena Bartel, Ed Flaming, Ed & Shirley Flaming

Wednesday: Amelia Brandt

Thursday: Darrel & Lenna Knoll

Saturday: Lois Groening, Nadine Friesen

Driver: Deryll Amstutz Next Week: Lee Albrecht


FMC Ministries $1,430.03

MCC $7.00

Year-to-date Ministries Income $82,212.54

Year-to-date Ministries Expenses $78,790.78

Ministries Fund Balance $3,421.76


Aug 2-6 VBS held at FMC

Aug 5 8:15 p.m. Worship Committee

Aug 6 8 pm Stewardship (or after VBS)

Aug 9 Listening Groups Exercise

Aug 12 SS Teacher Training

Aug 13 7 p.m. Ministries Council

Aug 16 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Ministries Council Retreat

Sept 9 Wednesday evening activities begin

Sept 19 Arts & Crafts Fair

Sept 26-27 FMC Retreat at Camp Mennoscah

In Christ Alone

Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

1. In Christ alone my hope is found;

He is my light, my strength, my song.

This cornerstone, this solid ground,

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease?

My Comforter, my All in All,

Here in the love of Christ I stand.

2. In Christ alone, who took on flesh,

fullness of God in helpless Babe!

This gift of love and righteousness,

scorned by the ones He came to save.

Till on that cross as Jesus died,

The wrath of God was satisfied.

For every sin on Him was laid;

Here in the death of Christ I live.


102 S. Ash, Hillsboro, KS, 67063, Phone 620-947-5662

Susan Jantzen, Pastor Office hours: Tues – Fri 9-12

C: 620-877-7923

Hank Unruh, Youth Pastor Office hours: Wed afternoon

C: 316-288-1079

Laura Paulus, Secretary Office hours: Mon & Weds 9-12,

Thurs & Fri 9-12

Tim Unruh, custodian Office hours: Varies

C: 620-947-1585

The church building is open from 9 am to noon Mon. – Fri. except for holidays. For assistance outside of those times, please contact Tim Unruh at 620-947-1585. Please schedule all meetings & events at FMC through the church office.

In Christ -

Making Disciples through

Loving Relationships

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.

Worship 10:35 a.m.

July 26, 2015


Gathering Music Shirley Flaming Welcome and Announcements Keith Harder

Prelude to Worship Shirley Flaming

We carry in a flame, the Bible, and a prayer cloth,

trusting the Lord to guide us, the Word to teach us and

prayer to knit our lives together with God in our worship

*Call to Worship Keith Harder

Praise the Lord, who does not hide

when we seek his face.

Praise the Lord, who hears our cry

and answers when we call.
The Lord does not turn away in anger but

helps us in our distress.
The Lord our God and Savior never

rejects or forsakes us.
The Lord protects us from oppressors who

threaten us with lies and violence
All: We walk in confidence; our Lord is strong
Hymn Come, let us all unite to sing No. 12

*Invocation Keith Harder
Hymn In Christ Alone (words on back)

Children’s Story Erin Unruh

(children dismissed to Children’s Time)

Sharing and Prayer Hank Unruh

Prayer Song Spirit of the Living God No.349

Offering Shirley Flaming


Scripture Keith Harder

Ephesians 2:6-10 Titus 3:3-8

Message Hank Unruh