February 14, 2014

Members Present: Danielle King, MDTimothy Keenan, EdD

Todd Jacobs, ODJack Carrington, RPh

Ellen Morgan, DDSDonna Rhodes, RN

Ronald Humphrey, MD Wally Johnson, Judge Exec.

Members Absent:Duke Martin, PE Moon Cassidy, Co. Comm.

Tom McCormick, MD Rusty Skinner, DVM

Staff Present:Jan Chamness, Public Health Director

Connie Ford Gina Brien

Elicia CombsDave Carney

Cassie Prather Lana Sanders

Lisa Lawson Rachel Ragland

Buddy Wilson

Call to Order:

The Montgomery County Board of Health held its regularly scheduled meeting in the Meeting Room of the Montgomery County Health Department on February 14, 2014. Chair Danielle King called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM. A quorum was present in order to conduct business.

Approval of the Minutes:

Dr. King asked for additions or deletions to the minutes of the November 8, 2013 meeting. There being none, Todd Jacobs made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Tim Keenan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Clean Indoor Air Regulation (CIAR):

Jan Chamness informed the board of the status of the Bullitt County Clean Indoor Air Regulation. In previous meetings, she reminded the board that the Bullitt County Fiscal Court had sued the Bullitt County Board of Health siting their inability to establish local regulation. The suit was upheld by the courts. The board of health appealed the case and the decision was overturned. The Fiscal Court appealed to the Kentucky Supreme Court. The Supreme Court determines those appeals that they will hear and they chose to hear the Bullitt County Fiscal Court vs. Bullitt County Board of Health case. Jan Chamness informed the board that we will not move until this case was settled.

Jan Chamness attended the Smoke Free at the Capitol Day in Frankfort on February 12th. This event is to focus effort on meeting with legislators about the state going smoke free. She spoke with Richard Henderson who is not in favor of the bill. R. J. Palmer is in favor of the bill.

The health department has the jurisdiction to regulate those things that affect public health. There is a bill being considered that would take away all regulations passed by local health departments.

Legislative update (Jan fill in).

New Business:

Revenue & Expense Report

Connie Ford presented the revenue and expense report for the quarter ending December 31, 2013. Tim Keenan made the motion to approve the revenue and expense report as presented. Ellen Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Six Month Projection

Connie Ford presented the financial projection, which covers the time period of January-June, 2014. She explained the variance from the initial budget to the projection.

Taxing District Financial Summary

Connie Ford presented the revenue and expense report for the Montgomery County Health Taxing District. A motion was made by Donna Rhodes to approve the revenue and expense report as presented. Wally Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Program/Services Report

Jennifer Gulley was not present so Jan Chamnesscommented on the Program/Services Report (see attached). Jan complimented Lisa Lawson for keeping us up to date on the HANDS Program.

Jan reported that compared to counties similar to ours we are still at the top but everyone is going to be down because of the weather. She gave a breakdown of the Environmental, Clinic (WIC) services, and Reportable Diseases.

The MCHD has nine people trained to be connectors with the ACA but Gina Brien is the only one currently processing people due to problems with the firewall on our computers. It has been very difficult to resolve this issue. We now have a lady coming each week to help with signing up clients for insurance. Dr. Jacobs asked if there was a check system in order to let people know what to bring with them when they come to sign up. Gina Brien said it is difficult to know because everyone has a different situation but everyone does need Social Security, income, and birth certificate. Medicaid has caused a lot of problems; at present there are 7,000 cases pending on Medicaid.

Dr. King asked Donna Rhodes if there was anything that could be done at the hospital to expedite patients insurance. They will discuss the problem later in private.

Environmental Variance

Buddy Wilson brought a hardship variance before the board concerning a man who wants to put a trailer for his elderly father on his lot of 1.3 acres even though the law requires 1.5 acres. Jan Chamness told the board this had been done before and had not caused any problems. The man has to have a notarized paper saying that if his father moves or passes away that he cannot use this trailer for anyone else. Tim Keenan made the motion to approve this variance and Dr. Todd Jacobs seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Personnel Report

Jan Chamness presented an overview of the personnel actions. All personnel actions were routine. There were two appointments.

Out of State Travel Requests

Pam Spradling and Bonita Bobo attended a conference in Chicago December 10-12, 2013. This trip came up suddenly but most of the expenses were covered by Pass Through dollars. Dave Carney will attend a National Preparedness Seminar in Atlanta which will be covered by grant money. He will attend a conference in Anniston, AL in April. All we have to pay is to cover his time.

Jan Chamness plans to attend a unity conference in May. This is nationally recognized as a conference for health care workers.The state allocated funds to cover the expenses for this trip. Dr. Todd Jacobs made a motion to approve the out of state travel. Rusty Skinner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Legislative Update

Jan Chamness informed the board that there was talk of legislation to be introduced to place a tax on the taxing districts which would cost us money. Wally Johnson said he did not think this would come to pass.

“Your Duty Under the Law” Receipt

Jan Chamness told the board that each one should have received a packet in the mail containing the regulations for open records. There was a receipt included that was to be signed and returned. Jan passed out copies of the receipts to be signed and returned for those who had not done this.

Administrative Policies

Jan Chamness presented two policies that were changed. The first policy was Clinic Appointment Scheduling for Health Services that reflects the WIC guidelines concerning patients that are employed and must be given an appointment. Although we are presently following that procedure the policy has to be changed to reflect that. Jan explained that when a WIC patient checks out we ask them to call back on a certain date in order not to lose their WIC benefits. There is an electronic place holder to call them if they no show. Donna Rhodes made the motion we accept this policy as written and Jack Carrington seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The second policy is Services Restricted to Patients Based on County of Residence. We had restricted Family Planning patients to residents of Montgomery County but are not allowed to do that so policy was changed to reflect that. Donna Rhodes made the motion that we accept the policy as written and Ellen Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Other Business

Flu Update

Elicia Combs reported that flu cases statewide had decreased even though the national report shows an increase. The first week of January was the peak of the flu season. In January there were 78 possible cases and only 9 the second week of February.

Elicia told the board that SJMS had an excess of flu vaccine and offered it to MCHD. The health department in collaboration with SJMS, the Red Cross, MS Police Department, MCMRC, MC Emergency Management and Morehead University College of Nursing collaborated to do a free flu clinic for the public on February 2nd. Elicia reported 157 doses of vaccine were given. Dr. Jacobs said he came by to see it and was very impressed about how well it was organized. He heard very positive feedback on it.

Jan Chamness said she recommended doing it in October 2014 and get a mini grant to cover it. We could use it as a preparedness event.

CHW Report

Jan Chamness explained that we are working with the state for reimbursement for CHW through Medicaid. There is a Task Force working on reimbursement, certification, and curriculum. Jan is on the Curriculum Committee. Dr. Langfield, medical director for Medicaid, is working with the emergency rooms to decrease the visits to the E.R. Even though there are more people with insurance they are not healthier because they do not understand how to use insurance.

There being no further business, Ellen Morganmoved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 am.

Next meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2014



Dr. Danielle King, MD Date Jan Chamness, Date

Public Health Director, Secretary