Pending approval at September 11, 2006 Faculty Senate Meeting
Minutes approved as read at the September 11, 2006 Senate Meeting
April 17, 2006
Senators Present: Kimberly Bates, Tamara Berg, David Bratt, Chris Buttram, Toby Dogwiler, Darrell Downs, Mark Engen, Emilie Falc, Pat Ferden, Tim Gegg-Harrison, Matthew Hyle, Mary Kesler, Cindy Killion, Jean Leicester, Vernon Leighton, Dan Lintin, Bill Ng, Christine Pilon-Kacir (ITV-Roch), Roger Riley, Jo Stejskal (Roch), Cathy Summa, Bruce Svingen.
Senators Absent: Susan Ballard, Sara Barbor, Kelly Herold, James Reineke, and Kimberlee Snyder.
Visitors: Ann Rethlefsen, JP Johnson, Ryan Flynn, Ken Graetz, Aaron Mattison, Jenna Fuller, Matt Huss, Scott Schradle, Kari Winter, Judy Euller (Roch).
Agenda Scheduled before Senate meeting:
I. Call to order
II. Approval of minutes of 4/3/06
III. Agenda Additions and Approval
IV. President's Report
V. Review of Meet and Confer Notes of 4/10/06
VI. Committee Reports
A. A2C2 (COMA and email)
B. Graduate Council
C. Government Relations
D. Personnel Policies and Grievances
E. Committee on Committees (COME)
F. Elections Committee (COMF)
G. Book Rental Task Force
VII. Old Business
A. Desire2Learn Recommendations (OBA)
B. IFO Budget Committee Report (OBB)
C. Academic Innovations AllUniversity Committee Recommendations (OBC)
D. Summer School Policy Change Request
VIII. New Business
A. Report from Task Force on AllUniversity Committees (NBA)
B. 20062007 Faculty Association Meeting Dates (NBB)
C. Faculty Coffees
D. Meet and Discuss Attendance
E. Search for Vice President for Student Life and Development (NBE)
IX. Adjournment
Information Items
Center of Excellence Progress Report (INF)
Fall Student Teacher Projections (INF)
I. Call to Order
M. Kesler (MSK) called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
II. Approval of minutes of 4/3/06
B. Svingen/C. Killion moved to approve Senate minutes of 4/3/06.
Motion Carried.
B. Svingen/C. Buttram moved to thank Secretary Ng for his notes/minutes taking.
Motion Carried.
III. Agenda Additions and Approval:
COM-H: Alex Yard Memorial Ad Hoc Task Force
NB-F: Registration System
NB-G: Al Essa
D. Lintin/D. Downs moved to approve agenda as modified.
Motion Carried.
IV. President’s Report
M. Kesler
President's Report
April 17, 2006
Thanks to all of you who helped us to get through a difficult year. The transition to a new administration has not been easy.
As you know, we had the IFO Executive Committee here for the inauguration of President Ramaley on April 7. We had a state Meet and Confer that morning. Here are some of the highlights of that meeting:
1. The Chancellor's Office has proposed amendments to Board Policy 2.9, Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress. We have noticed that many proposed policy changes have to do with recommendations from the Business Practice Alignment Committee. One of the issues is that they are proposing to use the same controls for academics as for financial aid. This would prevent students who lose their financial aid from enrolling in school at all.
2. The Board's 1B.1 policy, Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity, is also up for amendment. The part in question is the part on consensual relationships. The new one prohibits a new relationship between a person in significant authority over them and a student or person under them. If the relationship already exists, each university has to handle this in its own way.
3. The Applied Doctorate was brought to the attention of the IFO by Bruce Svingen. A Timeline for Fall 2007 Startup Doctoral Program Approval and a Steps & Timeline: Applied Doctorate materials had been distributed. On one of these, a Special Task Force was mentioned but this had not been brought to Meet and Confer. We were told they had not yet created or called for this task force. One of the major issues for this initiative is funding. There will be no new funding to develop applied doctorates. In addition, if differential tuition is used as a source of funding, we will not be able to support programs if there are many tuition waivers from MnSCU employees, which seems likely to happen. MnSCU's Human Resources office is working on these issues and will send out a memo.
4. There is a new systemwide Strategic Diversity Plan that has been given to us. If there is anyone interested, I can provide a copy to you.
5. Again from the BPAC is the recommendation for common start dates. Although we have brought up many concerns, it is apparent they intend to proceed with this. They claim that there is no intent to dictate when campuses can have spring breaks or other parts of the calendar.
Contracts should have been distributed to all faculty now. If you hear of someone who did not get one, let Kathy Schott know.
Additional Notes:
1. Relative point # 5, are there contractual provisions that would allow for a grievance against MnSCU’s wish for common start dates? Faculty Senate agreed that the IFO should pursue this matter.
2. Relative to point #2, language is really protection for MnSCU and is related to the Nepotism Policy.
V. Review of Meet and Confer Notes of 3/27/06
Page 1, under Agenda Additions, Item 14 should be “Registration System (IFO Addition)”.
Meet and Confer Notes received by Faculty Senate.
VI. Committee Reports
COM-A. A2C2 (document presented at Senate meeting)
The following April 12, 2006 A2C2 items were presented to Faculty Senate (4/17/06) for consideration:
I. Course & Program Proposals
A. New Courses
1. MKTG 338: Branding (3 SH) Approved
2. MKTG 101: Experimental Entrepreneurship (3 SH) Approved
3. GS 215: Modern Japanese Culture (34SH) Approved
4. MUS 238: Guitar Ensemble (1 SH) Approved
5. CHEM 395: Topics in Chemistry (14 SH) Disapproved
B. New Programs
1. ENGLISH TESOL Major Approved
2. ENGLISH TESOL Minor Approved
3. ENGLISH Major Applied Linguistics Approved
C. Revised Programs
1. ENGLISH Creative Writing Approved
2. None
II. University Studies
A. Arts & Science Core: Humanities
1. MUS 112, Musical Culture along the Mississippi River (3)*
B. Arts & Science Core: Fine and Performing Arts
1. THAD 295, Making Interdisciplinary Connections (3)
C. Unity and Diversity: Critical Analysis
1. THAD 215, Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis (3)*
D. Oral Communication Flag
1. MATH 430, Operations Research: Linear Programming (3)
F. Writing Flag
1. CHEM 400, Biochemistry I (4) (Note: Course will carry one credit towards Writing Flag)*
2. CHEM 402, Biochemistry Laboratory II (1)*
3. GS 355, Asian International Relations (3)
4. Engineering fourcourse sequence, with two new courses submitted for USP approval:
a. ENGR 285, Properties of Materials (4)*
b. ENGR 394, Polymer Science and Characterization (3)*
*Pending editorial corrections. All corrections have since been made and have been approved.
G. Action from Faculty Senate on the USP Report (A2C2 Items from 4/3/06 Senate meeting Item II.B.4.) Approved by A2C2 4/3/06. University Studies Progress Report: Please read attached Copy
Faculty Senate approved US Progress Report and courses and programs listed in Items I and II.
III. Notifications (Information Only)
A. OneTime Course Offerings
1. GEOS 410
2. PER 485
B. University Studies Notification:
1. GS 400 retroactive to Spring 2006
2. None
Faculty Senate received notifications.
COM-B. Graduate Council (document in Senate packet)
No report.
COM-C. Government Relations
D. Downs reported:
1. Higher Ed supplemental bill is moving along.
2. Contract has been attached to another bill.
3. House Bonding bill passed last week, then ran out of gas and legislators went home.
COM-D. Personnel Policies and Grievances
M. Hyle presented the following PP&G comments/questions/suggestions on WSU Regulation on Travel Study and Personnel Decision Calendar for 2006-2007.
Upon review of the proposed regulation on Travel Study, PP&G recommends that returning it for revision. There are a number of substantive issues as well as stylistic and grammatical changes. Attached to this recommendation is a copy of the draft with all of the questions and suggestions clearly marked. In general, the concerns are
1) This regulation focuses on international travel. Many of the provisions seem unnecessary for domestic travel study.
2) There is ambiguity in many places in the regulation where the “Supervising Faculty” is supposed to inform participants but has no method of monitoring or enforcement. That raises liability questions in cases of non-compliance.
3) Reg. 3-30 is taken. Either renumber one of the existing regulation or renumber this one.
WSU Regulation 3-30
1. Purpose/SCOPE: WSU supports and encourages international education programs as an important component of its higher education mission. As such, WSU encourages the development of a variety of travel study programs consistent with the University’s mission, and the educational goals of the sponsoring college and department. This Regulation applies to all WSU employees, faculty, and staff who are developing and/or delivering travel study programming.
A travel study trip is defined as a WSU course or program organized by a member of the WSU faculty, offered in an off-campus location, whereby the location is an integral part of the learning experience. Such trips can be either for credit or non-credit, and are usually less than a semester in length.
This regulation does not apply to Study Abroad Programs. (See Regulation 3-31.)
(a) At least two semesters prior to the semester of travel, a faculty member must submit: a Travel Study Program Proposal that contains a detailed course description and itinerary; a Travel Study Approval form; and a completed Travel Study Budget Proposal to the appropriate College Dean and to the Travel Studies Director in the Outreach and Community Education office (OCED) for review and approval.
(b) Assignment of Department and Course Number
See attached AY 2006 Checklist, 3 -30.1
(a) After review and approval by the appropriate College Dean and the Travel Study Director in OCED, the travel study program proposal and budget form shall be submitted to the WSU Budget Director for review and approval.
(b) Upon review and approval of the travel study program proposal and budget by the WSU Budget Director, the Budget Director shall assign a cost center number to the Program. No monies may be collected before the WSU Budget Director assigns a cost center number to the Program.
(c) All program tuition and fees shall be collected from students only by the University Cashier’s Office using approved state accounts. No monies shall be collected directly from students by any other WSU faculty, staff, or employee.
(d) See attached AY 2006 Budget Form 3-30.2
(a) A comprehensive list of every participant’s name as it appears on his or her passport, WSU Tech Id. #, and Social Security Number shall be submitted to the Business Office Travel Director along with a travel request by the supervising faculty.
(b) Upon approval of the budget for the travel study program, the supervising faculty shall be responsible for contacting the Business Office Travel Director to arrange for air and/or ground travel and payment.
(c) The supervising faculty shall be responsible for contacting the Business Office Travel Director to arrange for payment of lodging arrangements for participants.
(d) At the request of the supervising faculty, the Business Office Travel Director will process a travel advance which will be issued to the supervising faculty to use for miscellaneous program fees, i.e. taxi, bus fare, entrance fees.
(e) At the request of the supervising faculty, the Business Office Travel Director will provide the supervising faculty with a credit card with a credit limit set by the Travel director to use for miscellaneous program fees in lieu of the travel advance described in 4 (d) above. Request for the credit card must be made no later than six (6) weeks before the date of travel in order to allow time for processing.
(a) The Supervising Faculty is responsible for monitoring and disclosing U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheets, Public Announcements, and Travel Warnings to participants. The Supervising Faculty shall also advise participants regarding essential health and safety considerations, including the Center for Disease Control Travel Information Health Recommendations.
Authorization will not be granted for travel to countries for which a travel advisory has been issued by the State Department of the United States of America. Contact the State Department to obtain a list of current advisories at
(b) The Supervising Faculty is responsible for:
· providing pre-departure general orientation as set forth in the “General Travel Study Orientation Guide” along with program specific orientation to all participants (See General Orientation Travel Study Orientation Guide, 3-30.3);
· Informing every participant that he/she shall be required to purchase travel insurance that includes accident and health insurance, medical evacuation and repatriation insurance, prior to participation in any travel abroad associated with the program;
· providing information on available medical care in the host country; if available medical care is a cause for concern, participants will be so informed;
· ensuring that every participant receives, signs and/or completes, and returns:
§ the WSU Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement, which establishes informed consent, assumption of risk, and understanding of the terms and conditions of the program abroad;
§ the WSU Participant Information Form which provides information regarding emergency contacts for the participant;
§ the Tennessen Notice which informs the participant of his/her privacy rights as it pertains to collection of information for the specific travel study program; and
· Obtaining a copy of every participant’s passport and visas (if applicable) and delivering copies to the University Affairs Office (note all copies will be shredded upon participants’ return to the United States).
(c) In the event that it becomes necessary to terminate a program or relocate any or all of its participants, the program will implement an evacuation plan.
(d) The Supervising Faculty shall instruct participants to register at the nearest United States embassy or consulate.