The University of Edinburgh

SEAG Operations Group

24th Meeting – 9:30-11:30 Wednesday 30th January, Torridon Room, Charles Stewart House

SEAG Ops Members:

Nigel Paul / NP / Vice-Principal and Director of Corporate Services (Convener)
David Barratt / DB / Engineering Operations Manager, Estates & Buildings
Liz Beattie / LB / Assistant Director, Accommodation Services
Rachel Clough / RC / Secretary to the Group, Estates & Buildings
Roy Dawkes / RD / College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
Phil McNaull / PM / Director of Finance
Davy Gray / DG / Environmental Co-ordinator, EUSA
Dr Andrew Kerr / AK / Director of Edinburgh Centre on Climate Change
Moira McFarlane / MM / Management Accountant for E&B, Finance Department
Judith Salters / JS / School Administrator, School of Chemistry, for College of SciEng
George Sked / GS / Assistant Director of Procurement
David Somervell / DS / Sustainability Adviser
Geoff Turnbull / GT / Assistant Director, Estates and Buildings

Welcome: Phil McNaull (PM) Director of Finance

In attendance: Fleur Ruckley, Waste & Environment Manager (FR), Stuart McLean, Professional & Campus Services Procurement Category Manager (SM) and Phil McDonald, Chemistry Technical Services Manager, for Judith Salters. No attendee from ISG.


Apologies: Judith Salters, David Barratt, Geoff Turnbull
1 / Minutes / Actions of last meeting 10th September [Paper 1]
· Minute of previous meeting was agreed as an accurate record.
· LB advised that the parking spaces behind Lidl/Poundstretcher now have bollards in place for the 5 parking spaces. Two of the spaces may be transferred to local shops.
· Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability – Interviews due on Friday 8 February
2 / Meeting our Waste Legislative Requirements [Paper 2]
The Waste and Environment Manager presented the paper with context of the recent changes and the following was noted:
· The need for a new approach to segregating recycled material from non-recyclable material and keeping food waste from landfill to meet a Zero Waste Scotland Regulations legal deadline of 31st December 2013.
· Veolia – the waste service contractors appointed in 2012 – provide a landfill waste uplift and a mixed recyclables uplift. This is a change to the previous contractor’s three-bin system which means that office paper will in future mostly be collected together with other dry recyclables – and all this must be clean and free of food contamination.
· Research using focus groups of staff and students for the Waste and Recycling Office explored user acceptability of signage for new floor-standing bins. This has assisted in designs for graphics etc for new floor bins across the estate and a communication strategy to help with end user segregation.
· Many areas of the University will have two bins as opposed to current three bin formation – by August 2013. In food preparation areas a further food waste bin will be provided.
· Zero Waste Scotland had awarded £53k funding for new recycling bins and accompanying signs in the foyers / public areas of most large University buildings.
· Specific graphic images will be used for different locations i.e. posters with packaging found within the EUSA / Edinburgh First café will feature beside their café bins. By tailoring the message to specific locations there is a hope that there will be better understanding of what need to go where.
· The Waste Office recognise that high profile public buildings will have specific needs and they will work to meet these needs i.e. Old College / College Offices.
· Accommodation Services are segregating waste currently in all offices and public areas. For student rooms – bins would be available in rooms but the students would be responsible for disposing of the waste into appropriate floor bin / stream.
It was agreed that as part of the roll out personalised under desk bins be withdrawn and that after 31st December 2013 deadline Cleaning Services no longer empty under desk bins and the onus will fall to the user to empty under desk bin into the appropriate stream.
Action – The group endorsed the proposed wording and requested that it be circulated on behalf of Nigel Paul as Vice Principal and Director of Corporate Services. / NP/FR
3 / Energy and Carbon Reporting - Carbon Masters Standard Recommendations [Paper 3]
The Sustainability Adviser presented two detailed papers prepared following the audit visits for the application for Carbon Masters Standard accreditation. The group noted the following:
· The intensification of especially electricity use led to increase in emissions in 2010-11.
· The University were not eligible for Carbon Masters Standard in 2011 due to emissions increase. However recommendations to the University regarding reducing the overall emission output over the coming years, provide opportunities to resubmit.
· The University should review the conversion rate / emissions factors used in its reporting to reflect the Greenhouse Gas Protocol / BS 14064 – and use DECC/Defra tables required under UK company reporting guidelines.
· There may be opportunities re: CHP etc to meet targets outlined in the Climate Action Plan – recommendations need to be set in context of 2020-2025 Estates Strategy.
· Some work required to identify the big consumers and understand the financial implications for getting back on track in terms of meeting our targets.
· Need to review Climate Action Plan if the significant increase in 2010-11 is continuing and determine whether the University can achieve the 3% per annum reduction.
· The implementation of the Climate Action Plan should focus on the largest consumers.
· Good practice would mean compiling emissions data on a quarterly basis – to allow the latest data to be considered at each SEAG OPs Meeting.
· Need for clearer the message in the public domain about the challenges faced – with care that a constructive message is given about what the University needs to do and how we will achieve greater reductions moving forward.
The group agreed that the Climate Action Plan be reviewed and updated – with input from incoming Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability in conjunction with the 2025 Estate Strategy.
The group requested that actions be prioritised on the 20% of buildings accounting for 80% of the emissions and requested an indication of the financial implications involved in not meeting the Universities targets.
The group noted requirement to record of Scope 3 Emissions associated with Business Travel and agreed that data should be compiled to enable a HESA return. DS agreed to liaise with Andy Drysdale from SRUC to ask how they are currently recording this data. / DB
4 / SRS Implementation Plan - Update [Paper 4]
The Sustainability Adviser outline the timetable of events planned in 2013 appended to the Implementation Plan endorsed by CMG in October 2012.
The group noted the timetable and proposals for a SEAG Away Day 2013.
Andy Kerr reported that the City of Edinburgh Council appears keen to re-establish the Edinburgh Sustainability Partnership and he agreed to report back to group. / AK
5 / Sustainable Procurement Update [Paper 5]
SM introduced the paper on how Procurement Office was using the “Flexible Framework” self-assessment tool in teams working through 4 key themes. The group noted –
·  SM has been tasked to take flexible framework forward – aiming to achieve Level 4 by May 2013.
·  Improved communication is required with regards to suppliers
·  Training in the “Marrakesh Model” (promoting good procurement practise and a way of measuring if the University are procuring responsibly) has required significant time commitment.
·  All Procurement staff has now been trained in the Marrakesh Model and it is being applied to identify which areas can use the model to help reduce environmental impact of major procurement projects.
·  A communication strategy has been drafted – to improve information and understanding for both staff and suppliers.
·  Student placement projects will help develop the communication plan. A wiki has been setup for procurement staff.
·  Noted – S-labs – College of MVM – taking lead on establishing labs framework for good processes and practise. A workshop will be taking place on Tuesday 5th Feb for HE Institutions Scotland.
·  Noted – Martin Farley, MSc in Biology Science-based Business, has been employed to work out of the Sustainability Office for 6 months to share in good laboratory practices and work with other organisations to share information. Scottish Funding Council and meeting half of the costs of this placement.
·  Noted – Edinburgh Colleges are leading with an initiative to bring electric car points to car parks at college locations. The University of Edinburgh have plans for two charge points at High School Yards (ECCI) and one at the King’s Buildings.
Date of next SEAG-Ops Meeting: 1400-1600, Wednesday 22 May, Torridon Room

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