Carl Hayden Community High School

3333 West Roosevelt Street Phoenix, AZ 85009 (602)764-3000

Student Plan for Success

Advanced Placement (AP) English Language & Composition 5-6

Contact Information:

Nicole Klopp

Phone: 602-764-3000

(Ask for room 1329)


Welcome to English! I’m looking forward to working with all of you this year. I know that with hard work, cooperation and participation this year will be a great one!

Course Description: Students enrolled in this challenging college-level course will be expected to read and analyze a broad range of nonfiction literature for purpose, audience, and rhetorical devices. They will also be expected to identify main arguments, synthesize what they read and form new, original thoughts and ideas on and about these topics. Imitation exercises will be used to improve students’ sentence structure, word choice and punctuation style.

Students will also write across a broad spectrum of essay forms, reports, research papers and journal entries. In particular, the essay forms they will be required to write include narrative, expository, analytical, argumentative, compare and contrast, and problem/solution. Students will also be expected to effectively present these ideas to their peers via some form of media presentation (video, PowerPoint, posters, or other visual media process).

Students will also move through the stages of the writing process, which will include research, drafting revising, editing, reviewing and finalizing a publishable piece of writing. Emphasis will be on the editing process, which will be done through self, peer and teacher-assisted editing.

Upon completion of this class, students will be able to:

.Identify rhetorical devices and how tone, diction, syntax and imagery contribute to the author’s purpose for writing a particular piece.

. Utilize learned rhetorical devices in their own writing to achieve a desired purpose, effect and tone.

. Create an argument based upon readings and/or research on a topic. Students will also be able to take examples from their own personal experiences and apply this as support for their argument.

. Respond to both fiction and non-fiction in written form and elaborate on their own opinions and ideas about the reading.

. Decipher visual texts for a) their deeper meaning b) their use of persuasion and c) how they contribute to an argument.

.Research a topic, write a coherent and thorough essay on it, present it to the class and cite it properly using MLA format.

.Synthesize a variety of materials in diverse formats (photos, graphs, charts, videos, art, etc.) and create an informed argument on the topic and cite at least three of the sources.

The course is constructed in accordance with the guidelines described in the AP English Course Description.

Required Text: Everything’s an Argument 6th Ed. Lunsford, Ruskiewicz, and Walters

Into the Wild – Jon KrakauerLolita in Tehran – AzarNafisi

Fast Food Nation - Eric SchlosserSeabiscuit – Laura Hillenbrand

Angela’s Ashes - Frank McCourt Friday Night Lights – H.G. Bissinger

On the Rez – Ian Frazier Nickel and Dimed- Barbara Ehrenreich

Other novels may be added to the curriculum as we advance throughout the year. Students are expected to obtain their own copies of novels (new or used). Please speak to me if this presents a hardship. Possible titles for non-fiction seminar include: On the Rez (Frazier), Seabiscuit (Hillenbrand), Lolita in Tehran (Nafisi), Friday Night Lights(Bissinger), and Nickel and Dimed (Ehrenreich)

Course Materials: Students are expected to have the following materials: blue or black pen, pencil, highlighter, and binder.

Grading System:

Each Nine Weeks: Semester Grade:

Class-work/Homework: 40%1st: Term/Quarter=45%

Test/Quizzes:10%2nd: Term/Quarter=45%


Vocabulary: 5%

AP Practice Essays & Exams: 30%

Extra Credit: Extra credit will occasionally be offered, but not to exceed 2% of the total grade.

  • Accommodations and modifications will be included per IEP/504 plans.

Title 1: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Assistant Principal for Instruction, Mr. Kemp, for additional information at 764-3032.

Homework policy: Virtually all studies of literature and language require homework of students. Students in AP English should expect homework on a daily basis; for the most part one day's work is dependent upon the previous class session's homework. Long-term assignments (which take a week or more to complete) are due on or before the assigned deadline. Homework definitely impacts students' semester grades.

Make-up policy:It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to contact the teacher for make-up assignments before or after school. If the absence is excused, students may make up work the following day and will be given the amount of days missed to complete it (i.e. one day absent = one additional day to complete the assignment). The absence must be excused by the office (parent or guardian must call in on behalf of student) OR a letter from a parent or guardian must accompany the work with an explanation for the absence.

Late-Work Policy: As this is a rigorous, college level course, late work will not be accepted unless the student has an excused absence. Additional consideration may be given to larger research and writing projects. Late work will only receive 50% of the original points available.

Policy on Academic Integrity

It is a violation of good ethics as well as classroom, school and Phoenix Union HighSchool District policy to plagiarize or copy work. This includes copying work fromanother student or from sources and/or papers posted on the internet. If a student iscaught cheating or plagiarizing, the assignment will receive a zero. The student will notbe allowed to re-do the assignment and a letter or phone call to the parent will follow.

Continuation of plagiarism or cheating will result in a referral to the Dean. In addition, the student may be removed from Advanced Placement English and placed in a more appropriate level class. Any student engaging in plagiarism/cheating will not be eligible for a letter of recommendation from the AP teacher.

Attendance Policy: “80% of success is just showing up” –Woody Allen

The State of Arizona Statutes will be enforced. Students are expected to attend school each scheduled school day, by the laws of this state. The district attendance policy will be enforced. Please understand that the success of your student depends on his/her attendance.

Tardy Policy:Because arriving on time for class is so important for student success, excessive tardies will not be tolerated. Tardy one: warning; tardy two: parents will be contacted; tardy three: 30-minute detention; tardy four: 60-minute detention; tardy five (and all following tardies): referral to the dean.

Electronics:The school electronic policy will be enforced. Ipods and other music players should be left at home.All cell-phones must be on silent and/or turned off and put away. Any electronics that cause a disruption in the classroom will be confiscated and turned into the Dean’s office. They will ONLY be returned to a parent or guardian.

KKIS Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m. / 3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

IMC Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Friday: 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Tutoring Center Hours: Monday- Friday (Lunch) Monday-Thursday: After school

(Saturday School Tutoring/AIMS tutoring: TBD)

In addition, students are expected to attend a minimum of three writing conferences and/or workshops with the teacher per quarter (these are offered after school – schedule TBD).

Please read and sign below:

Student Name: ______: I understand and agree to comply with the following in order to receive credit for English 5-6.

Student signature: ______: Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______: I understand what my child is expected to do to earn credit for English 5-6.

Parent/Guardian signature: ______: Date: ______