A yearlong program for the eighth grade Englishclass (Level A).
A yearlong program for 8th grade (level A) students based on the book Navigator
Goals and objectives:
In the end of the year the students will be able to:
1)Expose students to a variety of motivating texts, thought-provoking communicative activities and a rich selection of literature.
2)Encourage students to become independent learners by presenting skills for approaching reading efficiently, by offering topics for further research and by developing dictionaries skills.
3)Develop fluency and accuracy in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
4)Learn about extraordinary people or places.
5)Learn about an invention and present this information.
6)Explore methods of recycling.
7)Present a topic in a creative format.
Timeframe / Unit/ Topic / Objectives / Material / Literature/Extensive Reading / Language / Evaluation / Presentation
4 lessons / Introduction / 1) To bring students back into the English classroom, by revising what was taught in previous years.
To make students feel good about themselves. / Worksheets / "20 Unseens": text 1, 2. / The Present Simple and the verb "to be". / Oral quiz / Write about yourself
20 lessons / Unit 1: Getting There / 1) to learn about a place and give directions for finding it
2) to express opinion / Book pp7- 32,
workbook / "20 Unseen", text 3, 4, 5.
Magazine article, informative text, short story. / Present Simple, Progressive, Stative verbs (review).
The Future, Parts of Speech. / Quiz (extra reading)
Book Report 1 / Writing about plans: complete sentences, letter to a friend.
Timeframe / Unit/ Topic / Objectives / Material / Literature/
Extensive Reading / Language / Evaluation / Presentation
October –November - December
18 lessons / Unit 2:
Books, Books, Books. / 1)understanding the main idea and specific details.
2) comparing texts.
3) predicting.
4) making inference.
5) Navigating charts / Book pp33-58
workbook / "20 Unseens": text 6, 7, 8.
Radio report with interviews.
Magazine article.
Diary entries.
Short story. / :
The Past Simple (review), "used to",
The Past Progressive, Phrasal verbs. / Vocabulary and grammar quizzes,
Test 1 / Writing about your day (connecting words, diary entry)
Timeframe / Unit/ Topic / Objectives / Material / Literature/
Extensive Reading / Language / Evaluation / Presentation
December - January
18 lessons / Unit 3:
That's Extraordinary / 1) Sequencing.
2) Distinguishing facts from opinion.
3) Understanding the main idea and supporting details.
4) Extracting relevant information for specific purpose.
5) Navigating the dictionary / Book pp59-84
workbook / "20 Unseens": text: 9, 10, 11.
Biographic article.
Informative text.
True story. / Modals and Semi-Modals. Comparisons of adjectives.
Noun suffixes. Adjectives with "ing" & "ed".
Similes. / Quizzes.
Book Report 2. Test 2.
Portfolio. / Writing a description of a person.
Timeframe / Unit/ Topic / Objectives / Material / Literature/
Extensive Reading / Language / Evaluation / Presentation
February- March
18 lessons / Unit4: Keep in Touch! / 1)Understanding how events are connected.
2)Scanning for information.
3)Understanding the structure of different text types.
4)Comparing information from different sources.
5)Sequencing events.
6)Interpreting information.
7)Extracting fact and opinion.
8)Navigating a table. / Book pp
workbook / "20 unseens": text: 12, 13, 14.
Article (timeline).
Web articles with links.
Short Story. / The Passive, Gerunds, Words with more than one meaning.
Every-, some-, no-, any-. / Vocabulary and grammar quizzes,
Book Report 3.
Test 3. / Writing a description of an object (invention).
Timeframe / Unit/ Topic / Objectives / Material / Literature/
Extensive Reading / Language / Evaluation / Presentation
April -March
18 lessons / Unit 5:
Don't Throw it Away! / 1)Guessing meaning from context
2)Identifying the main idea and supporting details.
3)Drawing inference.
4)Following instructions.
5)Scanning for information.
6)Understanding the structure of an article.
7)Navigating a table of contents / Book pp 111-136.
workbook / "20 Unseens": text: 15, 16, 17.
Magazine Articles
Informative articles.
Science Fiction Story. / Adverbs, Relative pronouns, Prefixes, American and British & English. / Vocabulary and grammar quizzes. / Writing to give reasons (advert).
Timeframe / Unit/ Topic / Objectives / Material / Literature/
Extensive Reading / Language / Evaluation / Presentation
May - June
18 lessons / Unit 6:
Fact or Fiction?
/ 1)Comparing and contrasting two texts.2)Features of a news article.
3)Understanding the main idea and supporting details.
5)Navigating a web page. / Book pp137-162.
workbook / "20 Unseens": text: 18, 19, 20.
Newspaper Articles, Film review, Encyclopedia entry, Poem, Play based on the legend of King Arthur. / Questions in the Passive, Review of Tenses, Idioms, Homophones. / Vocabulary and grammar quizzes,
Test 4
Book Report 4.
Portfolio. / Writing to express opinions (film review, a web page of facts or fiction).