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Henry News – June 4, 2012
Donna Kittelson attended the Veteran’s Memorial Day Services at the Stokes Thomas Park on Monday.
Jeff York of Omaha, NE visited Calvin and Lois Schoepp on Thursday.
Enjoying the nice weather and a cook out at the Monty and Marcia Montgomery home on Memorial Day were Helen Van Sickle, Linda Page and Bob Van Sickle of Watertown, Mary White of Mitchell and Gordon and Loydeen Van Sickle of Henry.
Tierra Rhody of Clear Lake spent Monday night at her grandparents, Fain and Roxanne Geiger.
Bonita Sharp visited her mother, Betty Keyes Thursday morning at Clark. Also visiting Betty were Harold and Jeanette Keyes and Dick and Judy Keyes.
Marian Peterson returned to Henry on Saturday after visiting her sister, Millie Hopkins, In Webster WI. While in Webster she also visited her son, Steve.
Roxanne Geiger visited her parents, Louis and Mardella Gortmaker on Wednesday.
Judy Kos visited Doris Coyle at the Golden Living Center in Watertown on Thursday. She also stopped by Saturday to wish Doris a Happy Birthday.
Ron and Peggy Bastian babysat their grandchildren, Hopper and Hadley Bastian in Milbank on Thursday.
Mardella Gortmaker visited Roxanne Geiger on Friday.
Floyd and Donna Kittelson visited Albert Kittelson at Prairie Lakes Hospital several time this past week. On Friday, Maggie Hovde of rural Vienna accompanied Donna to visited Albert at the hospital. Maggie enlighten Albert with her visit and sang several Bible School songs to Albert.
Ann Aaker of Elkton, SD and Jerry and Tammie Bludorn, Jaclyn and Jamie of Webster were Sunday visitors at the Ruth Bludorn home.
Arlen, Joan and Stephanie Boehnke and Adam Hartley enjoyed supper out in Henry Friday evening.
Ron and Peggy Bastian attended the funeral of Peggy’s aunt, Marge Anderson in Sioux Falls on Friday.
Barb Hartley spent the weekend at the home of Jim and Jenna Hulscher, Goodwin, assisting the family after the birth of their daughter, Addison LeAnn on May 30th.
Rosanne and Fain Geiger were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her parents, Louie and Mardella Gortmaker.
Cokey Johnson attended the confirmation of Erin Briggs at the Immaculate Conception Church in Watertown on Sunday morning.
Karli and Kylynn Sharp were Friday visitors at the Danny and Bonita Sharp home.
Ron and Linda Stern visited Bryan, Cassandra and Brooklynn Varilek at their Watertown home on Sunday morning.
Donna Kittelson attended the Vacation Bible School program at the Vienna Lutheran Church on Thursday evening. Following the program, a potluck supper was held at the Community Hall. Maggie Hovde returned home with Donna and stayed several days. Spencer Wientjes joined Maggie at the Kittelson home and stayed overnight on Friday.
Mary Kaye Black and Heidi of Florence and Elenor Solum Nuttbrock of were Tuesday callers at the Ruth Bludorn home.
Judy Kos attended the bridal shower for Jamie Gergen in Watertown on Saturday afternoon.
Harlan and Jean Gortmaker of St. Lawrence, SD visited Louis and Mardella Gortmaker on Sunday afternoon. Harlan is Louis, Brother.
Saturday afternoon, Joan and Stephanie Boehnke enjoyed the activities at Joy Ranch, near Watertown.
Sunday afternoon Bonita Sharp drove to Clark and picked up her Betty Keyes at Wookey’s Assistant Living Center and the ladies went to the Clark Nursing Home to visit Joyce Brush. Dawn Brush of Aberdeen was also visiting her mom, Joyce Brush.
Monty, Marcia and Sarah Montgomery enjoyed supper out in Sioux Falls on Sunday evening; they were joined by Andrew Montgomery of Sioux Falls.
Terry Kos attended a softball tournament in Hazel on Saturday. His grandson, Adam DeJong was a member of one of the teams participating.
Hayley and Travis Goodall were Tuesday and Wednesday visitors at the home of their grandparents, Fain and Roxanne Geiger.
Kelby and Toni Goodall, Hayley and Travis visited Louis and Mardella Gortmaker on Sunday.
Amy Ries and Emma Sattler of Castlewood and Steve and Cindy Anderson and Josh were Saturday supper guests at the Ruth Bludorn home.
Cokey Johnson attended the 60th wedding anniversary of James and Darlene Peterson at Brandon on Sunday afternoon.
Judy Kos joined others Monday afternoon and helped Marie Dally celebrate her 85th birthday at Sunchase Apartments in Watertown.
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