January, 2012
Curriculum Vita
Phone: Office: 402-280-2836
Home: 402-551-1426
Cell: 402-680-4289
Summer: 705-649-4380
Address: 1631 North 53rd Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68104
Citizenship: USA
B.A. : Duke University, History, 1968 (Phi Beta Kappa)
M.A. : Indiana University, Political Science, 1970
Ph.D. : Indiana University, Political Science and African Studies, 1974
Post-Doctoral Studies:
-University of Michigan: ICPSR (1974)
-University of California-Berkeley (1978)
-University of Virginia (1982)
-Indiana University (1984-85, 2008)
Areas of Academic Specialization:
-Comparative Politics:
(Politics of Africa, Democratization and Governance, Politics of the Developing World, Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict, Political Systems of West Europe, International Political Economy)
-Public Policy and Public Administration:
(Public Policy Analysis and Reform, International Development Policy, Local Governance, Decentralization, Public Administration, Development Administration)
-Political Theory:
(Institutional Analysis and Design, Political Economy, Public Choice Theory)
(Outcomes Assessment)
Areas of Development Consulting Specialization:
Decentralization, Local Government, Public Administration, Democratic Governance, Democracy Assessment, Inter-Governmental Relations, Institutional Analysis and Development, Development Administration, Civil Society, Primary Health Care Administration
Outcomes Measurement, Project Indicators, Project Evaluation, Policy Analysis and Change, Measurement of Democracy and Governance, Program and Project Development and Design, and Management Training
Field Work:
Liberia, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, Sudan, Kenya, Swaziland, Botswana, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Panama
Professional Experience:
Faculty Member, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Creighton University, 1973-date (on leave, 1978-1980; 1985-1986; Spring, 1988; Fall, 1993; 2000-2001, 2007-2008). (Assistant Professor: 1973-1978; Associate Professor: 1978-1986; Professor: 1986-date).
Editor-in-Chief, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, May, 2008-June, 2010.
Chair, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Creighton University, 1982-1992, 1996-2007.
Founder and Director, African Studies Program, Creighton University, 1998-date.
Interim Director, Graduate Program in International Relations, Creighton University, 1996-1997, summer, 1998.
Director, Washington, D.C. Internship Program, Creighton University, 1980-2002.
Director, Public Affairs Internship Program, Creighton University, 1973-date.
Project Director, "Local Government, Decentralization, Primary Health Care and Improved Governance in Nigeria" (USAID-Nigeria). Associates in Rural Development, Burlington, VT, 1992-1994.
Project Director and Senior Associate, Associates in Rural Development Burlington, VT. "Decentralization: Finance and Management for Development," USAID Project, TA/RD, December, 1987 - August, 1988.
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Indiana University, 1985-1986.
Senior Fellow and Visiting Scholar, Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, 1985-1986; 2007-2008.
Social Science Analyst, Office of Rural Development and Development Administration, United States Agency for International Development, 1978-1980 (responsibilities in project design, management and evaluation; general program planning and development; managing and participating in field consultancies on administrative reform for partner governments).
Project Design and Evaluation Specialist, United States Department of Agriculture, Office of International Programs, 1978-1979.
Visiting Scholar, Summer, 1974, University of Michigan: Inter-University Consortium on Political Research.
Research Fellow, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, 1971-1972 (research on rural development, bureaucracy, local governance, civil society and social change in central Ghana).
Associate Instructor, Department of Political Science, Indiana University, 1969-1970, 1972-1973.
-Washington, DC, June – July, 2010. USAID. Edited three of twelve monographs prepared on decentralization in specific Africa States: Uganda, South Africa and Botswana.
-Washington, DC, May, 2010: Prepared analysis of governance and decentralization in Nigeria since independence for USAID. Under contract with ARD, Inc.
-Monrovia, Liberia, April-May, 2008: Assisted the Governance Commission of Liberia in developing a policy and preparing a plan for the reorganization and decentralization of local governments as part of Liberia’s post-conflict recovery plan; coordinated discussions with the donors on assistance for these reforms. Drafted strategic plan for decentralization.
-Washington, D.C., March-April, 2007: Assisted in development of Handbook on Decentralization for Democracy Office, USAID, and Association in Rural Development. Co-author of handbook.
-Kigali, Rwanda, October 31-November 2, 2007: Presented one of three plenary addresses to ministerial and senior career personnel from 17 African states on decentralization, local government and anti-poverty programs in Africa. Assisted workshop leaders in leading discussions, preparing workshop documents, summing-up workshop proceedings and findings. Workshop sponsored by German Development Bank, the Joint African Institute and the African Development Bank.
-Bonn, Germany, May 11-12, 2006: Presented report (only paper presented), “Measuring Local Democracy and Poverty Reduction in Africa” to representatives from the Joint African Institute, World Bank, UN, Commonwealth Association of Local Governments, African Development Bank,German Development Bank, and others. Assisted participants in developing a common framework for measurement in Africa.
-Joint African Institute, Tunis: February-April, 2006: Developed an analysis of status of current efforts to measure decentralization and democratic governance at the local level in Africa; developed logical framework of analysis to explain links between decentralization, local governance and poverty reduction in Africa; developed measurement strategy and proposed indicators of these phenomena. Prepared 100-plus page report.
-Joint African Institute, Tunis: June, 2005: Served as a resource person to workshop of sixteen African governments on decentralization, local governance and poverty reduction regarding the Millennium Development Goals.
-Nigeria, April - May, 2001: Assisted Office of Transitional Initiatives, USAID - Lagos in assessing ethnic, religious, and regional conflict in Nigeria, capacity of civil society organizations to respond to these issues, and developing Mission strategies in response to it.
-Uganda, January - February 2001: Served as governance expert on USAID assessment of Uganda's decentralization and local governance program, and assisted in developing follow-on to program. Focused on issues of intergovernmental relations, national policy, civil society, and local institutional design.
-Nigeria; March-April, 2000: Served as institutional analysis, intergovernmental relations, and local government specialist for World Health Organization team assessing primary health care administration under Nigeria's post-military constitution and government.
-Research Triangle Park, N.C.: May-July, 1999: Co-authored portions of Handbook for Democratic Decentralization for USAID and Decentralization and Local Finance in the Sahel for USAID, for Research Triangle Institute.
-University of Vilnius, Lithuania: Institute of International Relations and Political Science,
April - May 1999: Advised on the establishment and development of BA and MA Programs in Public Administration and Policy. Advised Office of President and Parliamentary personnel on local government reform program.
-Research Triangle Park, N.C.: November 1998: Evaluated and recommended revisions as appropriate for the Handbook For Democratic Decentralization, prepared for USAID by the Research Triangle Institute.
-South Africa, Swaziland and Botswana, November, 1995-January, 1996: Analyzed the status of decentralization, democratization, local governance and civil society in these three states, and prepared a feasibility study for USAID-Pretoria and USAID-Gaborone on a regional project to support these processes in Southern Africa. Chief of Party.
-Washington, DC, August, 1994-January, 1995: Analyzed USAID and other donors' world-wide experience in "democratic-governance" reforms and projects, and prepared the "Democratic-Governance” theme paper for the Democracy Center, USAID, and its project-program strategic planning process.
-Nigeria, February-August, 1994: Organized and led two workshops on democracy, intergovernmental relations, decentralization and management of local government in Nigeria for USAID and the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Health. Chief of Party.
-Nigeria, September-December, 1993 and January-March, 1994: Analyzed the implementation of Nigeria's National Primary Health Care policy and developed a USAID program to support it. Chief of Party.
-Washington D.C., August and December, 1992: Assisted Research and Development Bureau of USAID in developing a world-wide program of research, consulting and information dissemination to assist democratization in the developing world.
-Nigeria, October, 1992: Reviewed and analyzed the status of Nigeria's decentralization reform with particular reference to the capacity of local governments to deliver public health services for USAID-Lagos. Chief of Party.
-Zambia, May-June, 1992: Prepared a national democratic assessment and strategic analysis of the status of the Zambian political and economic revolution, and recommended American donor initiatives to USAID and the U.S. Embassy. Chief of Party.
-Burlington, Vermont, June-August, 1991: Drafted technical analysis for proposal "Democracy and Governance in Africa" for USAID research contract for Associates in Rural Development, Inc. Also developed and prepared personnel roster for proposal. ARD won the contract.
-Bangladesh, July-August, 1988: Assisted USAID Mission in analyzing civil society and local government institutional capacity in Bangladesh. Co-chief of Party.
-Burlington, Vermont, July, 1988: Assisted in drafting technical analysis for proposal "Decentralized Finance and Management" for USAID research contract for Associates in Rural Development, Inc. ARD won the contract.
-Washington, D.C., May 1986: Office of Rural and Administrative Development, Technical Assistance Bureau, USAID: Assisted USAID/Washington in developing decentralized structures to assist in rural administration and rural financial management (with ARD, Inc., Burlington, VT).
-Washington, D.C., May 1982: Office of Education and Human Resources, African Bureau, USAID,: Assisted USAID/Washington in analyzing national management training programs in Ghana.
-Sudan, June-July, 1980: Assisted USAID Mission in defining a program to support Sudanese administrative reform with particular attention to implications of regional decentralization; Co-Chief of Party.
-Kenya, June 1980: Assisted USAID Mission in designing the administrative aspects of a decentralized rural planning program for Kenya.
-The Philippines, January-February and March-May, 1980: Assisted Government of Philippines and USAID Mission in evaluating the impact on democratization, administration and management at the provincial government level of twelve year old "Provincial Development Assistance Project". Co-Chief of Party.
-Liberia, October-November, 1979: Assisted Government of Liberia and United Nations Specialists in developing a decentralization plan for county level of Liberia government; worked with “Rural Development Task Force.” Chief of Party.
-Panama, May, 1979: Assisted USAID Mission design mechanisms to evaluate impact of their rural development program.
-Ghana, February-March, 1979: Evaluated success of joint USAID-Government of Ghana project on agricultural management training for the Ministry of Agriculture; Chief of Party.
-Thailand, January-February, 1979: Participated in joint USAID-Government of Thailand evaluation of Thai provincial planning system. Helped develop project proposals to further assist this process.
Recent Courses Taught:
Comparative Political Systems
Politics of Africa
Politics of the Developing World
Western European Political Systems
Public Administration
Public Policy Analysis
Seminar on International Development Program and Policies
Seminar on Global Poverty and Development
Seminar on Ethnicity, Nationalism and Democracy in the Developing World
Seminar on Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements
Seminar on Contemporary Political Theory
Poverty, Development and Public Policy (Senior Perspective Seminar)
Senior Research Seminar in Political Science (Department Capstone Course)
Honors Seminar on Constitutionalism and Politics (Indiana University)
Honors Seminar on the Social Sciences
Honors Seminar on Poverty and Public Policy
Graduate Seminar on Governance, State Failure and Political Instability (new course, 2010)
Graduate Seminar on Comparative Politics
Graduate Seminar on Politics of Africa
Graduate Seminar on Politics of the Developing World
Graduate Seminar on European Politics
Graduate Seminar on Development Issues and Problems
Graduate Seminar on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Democracy
Masters Degree Thesis Supervision
University and College Committee Service: University Academic Council, University Rank and Tenure, College Executive Council, Council of Chairs, Graduate Board, Board of Undergraduate Studies, College Assessment Committee (Chair), College Rank and Tenure, College Strategic Planning, University Strategic Planning, Curriculum, Faculty Development, Core Curriculum Task Force, Admissions, Academic Policy and Appeals, Law Dean’s Search, Graduate Dean’s Search, Graduate Program in International Relations Steering (Chair), American Studies Steering, African Studies Steering (Chair), Council of Chairs Steering, Secretary and Chair of Phi Beta Kappa Committee of Creighton, Chairs-Only Council, College Governance Reform Task Force (Chair), College Senate, Executive Boardof College Senate, Vice-President of College Senate, Professional Development Committee (Chair), College Learning Outcomes Assessment Task Force (Chair) , Faculty Development Committee (Chair), President’s Mentoring Scholarship Committee, Fulbright Scholarship Committeeand others.
-Pi Sigma Alpha (United States National Political Science Honorary Society) Chapter Advisor Recognition Award, 2007.
-Dean’s Special Award for Professional Excellence, February, 2007, Creighton University.
-Dean’s Award for Excellence in Freshman Advising, February, 2007, Creighton University.
-Dean’s Award for Excellence in Service, February, 2006, Creighton University.
-Fulbright-Hays Senior Research Fellow Designee, Ghana, 2000-2001.
-Fr. William Kelly, S.J. Award for Service to the Diversity Project, September, 2000, Creighton University.
-Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research and Scholarship, February, 2000, Creighton University.
-Pi Sigma Alpha (United States National Political Science Honorary Society): Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award, June, 1999.
- Dean's Award for Outstanding Teaching, February, 1994, Creighton University.
- Distinguished Lecturer, United States Information Agency, June-July, 1993, Republic of South Africa: “Democracy and Change in Africa,” “The South Africa Transition to Majority Rule.”
-Burlington-Northern Foundation Award for Outstanding Scholarship, February, 1992, Creighton University.
-Dean's Award for Outstanding Student Advising, August, 1989, Creighton University.
-Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Student Award for Outstanding Teaching, May, 1985, Creighton University; given by the Student Board of Governors.
-Regional Finalist, White House Fellowship Competition, Spring, 1982.
-Meritorious Unit Citation, Office of Rural Development and Development Administration, USAID, July, 1980.
-Phi Beta Kappa, Duke University, 1968.
-Pi Sigma Alpha, Duke University, 1966.
-Honors-Masters Program, Department of History, Duke University, 1964-68 (undergraduate honors program).
Research Awards:
-Workshop Director’s Senior ScholarFellowship. Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, 2007-2008: $30,000.
-75% Sabbatical Grant, Creighton University, 2007-2008.
-Associate Investigator: “Cuba after the Transition: Property Rights and Reform.” A USAID Applied Research Grant, 2005-2007.
-Sabbatical Fellowship, American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 2000-2001: "Refounding the African State: Connecting Africa's Peoples to their Governance."
-Associate Investigator, "Managing Common Pool Resource Systems in the Third World: What Works?" A USAID research grant to Indiana University, August 1986-January 1988.
-Associate Investigator, "Modeling Institutional Arrangements and their Effects." A National Science Foundation research grant to Indiana University, Spring 1986.
-Fulbright-Hays Senior Lectureship, University of Zimbabwe, 1985-1986 (declined).
-National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, summer, 1982, University of Virginia: The Rise of the Centralized Society: The United States, 1890- 1932.
-Intergovernmental Personnel Act Fellow, United States Agency for International Development, 1979-1980.
-International Affairs Fellow, The Council on Foreign Relations, 1978-1979.
-National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, summer, 1978, University of California-Berkeley: Tocqueville on America.
-Associate Investigator, "Mental Health Commitment in Eastern Nebraska," National Institute of Mental Health Research Project, 1975-1976.
-Fulbright Doctoral Research Fellowship, Ghana, 1971-72.
-National Defense Education Act Fellow, Indiana University, 1970-1971.
-Indiana University Fellow (Full Scholarship), 1968-1969.
Research Skills:
Outcomes Assessment and Program/Project Design
Evaluation Research
Basic Statistics and Data Base Management
Professional Bibliography
Articles in Referred Journals
- "Decentralization and Recentralization in Africa." Public Administration and Development. September, 2001. 21, 4, 2001.
- "Refounding the African State and Local Self-Governance: The Neglected Foundation." Journal of Modern African Studies. 38, 3, 2000.
-“Decentralization and the Democratic Transition in Southern Africa: A Comparative
Analysis.” African Studies Quarterly. 2, 1, 1998.
-“Review Essay: Public Administration and Local Government.” In African Studies Review (40.1). April, 1997.
-“Regime Transformation from Below: Decentralization, Local Governance and Democratic Reform in Nigeria.” In Studies in Comparative International Development (Winter, 1996). Co-authored with Dele Olowu.
-“Decentralization, Local Government and Primary Health Care in Nigeria: An Analytical Study.” In Journal of African Policy Studies (1.3, 1995). Co-authored with Dele Olowu.
- "Institutional Analysis and Decentralization: Developing an Analytical Framework for Effective Third World Administrative Reform." Public Administration and Development (11:5, 1991).
- "Sustaining Third World Infrastructure Investments: Decentralization and Alternative Strategies." Public Administration and Development (11:1, 1991).
- "Administering Rural Development Projects: Have Goals Outreached Organizational Capacity?" Public Administration and Development (6: 3, 1986).
- "Strengthening Rural Development Management Through International Assistance Projects." Public Administration and Development (Summer, 1983).
- "Civil Commitment as a Street Level Bureaucracy: Case-Load, Professionalization and Administration." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Summer, 1981). Co-authored with Joel Zimmerman, Larry Teply and Geoffry Peters.
-"Voluntary Associations and Structural Development in Urbanizing West Africa." Journal of African Studies (Spring, 1978).
-"Traditional Authorities, Innovation and Development Policy." Journal of Developing Areas (April, 1977).
Chapters in Scholarly Books and Other Journals
-“Decentralization in Ten African Cases: Emergent Patterns and Issues.” In Decentralization in Africa: A Review of the Last Twenty Years. Tyler Dickovick, Ed Connerly and James Wunsch. Forthcoming, Rienner Press, 2012.
-“Decentralization in Nigeria: 1980-2012.” Co-authored with Dele Olowu. In Decentralization in Africa, Dickovick, Connerly and Wunsch. Forthcoming, 2012.
-“African Politics and Government Since Independence.” International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Congressional Quarterly Publications. 2009.