Perineal Care on Female Mannequin
Equipment: Gloves, 1 Incontinent Pad, 2 Wash Cloths, Towel, Soap, Basin of Water, Linen Container
The steps listed below are required to demonstrate each skill. Highly important steps are in bold. All steps must be completed in order to receive a Satisfactory (80) on skill. Each step missed will deduct 5 points from the overall grade of this skill.
- Inform client of procedure, communicating plainly, and maintaining eye to eye contact
- Provide complete privacy
- Before beginning to wash client, candidate must check the temperature of the water and then have client verify temperature of water
- Before beginning to wash client, put on a clean pair of gloves
- Before washing client pout a towel or pad under buttocks/perineal area
- Uncover perineal area by pushing gown up and pushing sheet just below perineal area, do not over expose client
- Put soap on wet wash cloth, do not put soap in basin of water
- Always wash perineal area going in one direction (from top to bottom), you must change the position of the cloth each time you wash from top to bottom (Highly Important Step)
- Use different (clean) wash cloth to rinse wash perineal area going in one direction (from top to bottom), you must change the position of the cloth each time you rinse from top to bottom (Highly Important Step)
- Dry perineal are going in one direction (from top to bottom), you must change the position of the cloth each time you dry form top to bottom
- After completing steps 8-10 turn client on their side then wash, rinse and dry rectal area going in one direction (from front to back) candidate must use a clean are of the washcloth with each stroke/wipe (Highly Important Step)
- Remove towel/pad from under buttocks area and then turn client onto back in supine position
- Go over to sink, empty water into sink, rinse basin with running water then dry basin out with clean paper towel
- After rinsing wash basin and drying it, place wash basin in designated dirty supply are
- Discard all used linen (wash cloths and towels and pads into designated linen containers)
- Do not put used linen next to your (candidate) clothing at any time
- After completing steps 14-16, then take your gloves and throw them in the designated trash container and then wash your hands
- Call signal is in reach and put bed in low position