SUBJECT: TY 2010 Planning Guidance.

7105 NW 70th Ave., Building 3586, Johnston, IA 50131 · 800-803-6532 · 515-252-4756 · fax 515-727-3613

NGIA-CDO-MTC 17 May 2013

MEMORANDUM FOR Missouri Law Enforcement Officers

SUBJECT: Missouri Post Approved Out-of-State Continuing Education Training

1.  Beginning January 1, 2000, if you attended continuing education training recognized by a POST Program of any of the following states (listed below), that training may be recognized by the Missouri POST Program as a “Licensed Provider” continuing education credit. (i.e – If an officer from Missouri attends an approved MCTC course in Texas, they can still receive Missouri POST credit).

2. The following states are: Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota (MCTC’s licensing provider), North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

3. To qualify for continuing education credit, the attending officer must maintain a diploma or other indicia, indicating that the officer attended and successfully completed the continuing education course. In addition, the attending officer must obtain some form of affirmation indicating the POST Program from any of the above listed states recognizes the course the officer attended.

4. MCTC has attached the Minnesota Post Board approval of our courses as affirmation indicating that as of 4 February 2013 the Missouri POST Program will recognize the training on the attached memo, dated 13 May 2013 from the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training, for continuing education credit. The Missouri POST Program has confirmed it is the responsibility of the agency or officer to properly maintain and assign appropriate continuing education credits (hours) for this training.

5. Any questions regarding this memo can be directed to the undersigned.

SFC Jeremy L Fehr


Midwest Counterdrug Training Center

7105 NW 70th Ave, Bldg 3585

Johnston, IA 50131

Office: 515-727-3600

Fax: 515-727-3613