Assessment of Ph.D Graduate Student Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO)
Comprehensive Exam
Give completed form to Graduate Coordinator
Semester / Year ______Evaluator ______
Student Code ______
(do not provide student name; use a code such as “A” or “1”)
English as primary languageYN
DLO 1: Fundamental knowledge about forest ecosystems and human management of forests
Circle one: DeficientMarginalSatisfactoryExcellent
Comments of the reviewing faculty (required for Deficient or Marginal scores):
DLO 2: Expert knowledge about a specific research topic in forest science (dissertation topic)
Circle one: DeficientMarginalSatisfactoryExcellent
Comments of the reviewing faculty (required for Deficient or Marginal scores):
DLO 3: Understanding of research ethics
Circle one: DeficientMarginalSatisfactoryExcellent
Comments of the reviewing faculty (required for Deficient or Marginal scores):
DLO 7: Expertise with research methods used in forest science
Circle one: DeficientMarginalSatisfactoryExcellent
Comments of the reviewing faculty (required for Deficient or Marginal scores):
DLO 8: Effective written communication about forest science
Circle one: DeficientMarginalSatisfactoryExcellent
Comments of the reviewing faculty (required for Deficient or Marginal scores):
Rubric for Evaluations (Ph.D)
DLO / What is being assessed / Unacceptable/Deficient / Marginal / Needs Improvement / Satisfactory / Excellent
1-Fundamental knowledge about forest ecosystems and human management of forests / Knowledge/
understanding / Does not understand basic concepts or conventions; Misinterprets or misuses sources / Displays a fair understanding of the field; Occasional misinterpretation or misuse of sources / Displays a good understanding of the field; Adequate exploration of interesting issues and connections / Demonstrates
proficiency and creativity in drawing on multiple sources; Synthetic and interdisciplinary insights about the field
2- Expert knowledge about a specific research topic in forest science (dissertation topic) / Knowledge/
understanding / Does not understand concepts or conventions; Misinterprets or misuses sources / Displays a fair understanding of the field; Occasional misinterpretation or misuse of sources / Displays a good understanding of the field; Adequate exploration of interesting issues and connections / Demonstrates
proficiency as well as creativity in
drawing on multiple sources; Synthetic and interdisciplinary insights about the field
3- Understanding of research ethics / Understanding / Little knowledge and understanding of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) / Partial but inadequate knowledge and understanding of principles of RCR / Adequate knowledge and understanding of principles of RCR / Understands subtleties of the principles of RCR and is passionate about raising the standards of professional conduct
7-Expertise with research methods used in forest science / Knowledge/
understanding / Lacks hypotheses or research questions; Misapplies or uses non-standard techniques without adequate rationalization; unsuitable analysis approach / Has hypotheses or research questions but some are circular, redundant, or illogical; Applies standard techniques; Does not recognize all limitations/caveats / Hypotheses or research questions are logical and clear; Uses appropriate analysis techniques; Appropriately explains limitations of data and techniques / Potentially transformative hypotheses or research questions; Innovative analysis approaches; Limitations are competently discussed
8- Effective written communication about forest science / Writing / Writing is disorganized; Frequent spelling and grammatical errors; Illustrations do not support the text / Writing is adequate; Structure and organization are weak; Illustrations legible, technically correct, and appropriate / Well written and organized / Concise, elegant, engaging; Technical content and graphic design of illustrations well planned and executed