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April 30, 2013
CCMS Governance Council
Camp Creek Middle School
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Media Center
7:00 PM
Members Present: Shaleen Connally-James, Machelle Allen, Dione Belser, Kimira Jefferson, Linda Rhea, Marteka Buncomb, and Principal, DeMarcos Holland.
There were 2 visitors that attended the meeting.
Approval of Minutes for March 26, 2013 –Chair, Shaleen Connally-James passed out minutes from the last meeting for approval. Motion was made by DeMarcos Holland to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Machelle Allen seconded the motion. All members voted in favor for the approval of minutes from the March 26, 2013 meeting.
Environmental Scan – DeMarcos Holland passed out results from the October 5th and October 6th, 2011 Quality Review that was conducted at Camp Creek Middle School by Cambridge Education. DeMarcos Holland focused on two areas: What the school does well and what the school needs to improve on. A Cohort 1 School Strategic Planning Model Timeline was introduced to the members for implementation of the Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3. DeMarcos Holland shared that Westlake is hosting a Westlake Cluster Meeting on Monday, May 6th, 2013 at 6:00 pm to “meet and greet” and allow for Fulton County to receive feedback from the community stakeholders.
Alternative Suspension Program –DeMarcos Holland announced that Camp Creek Middle School has received a $150,000 grant to implement the Alternative Suspension Program. The goal of the program is to provide an alternate to students being suspended because CCMS has a high suspension rate for In School Suspension (ISS) and Out of School Suspension (OSS). The program will focus on the repeat offenders and will provide students with academic and therapeutic support in order to get to the core of the behavior issues. The program will consist of 1 Teacher and 1 Paraprofessional, Counseling Support, and Positive Social Interaction Support. The goal is for the program to be implemented in August for the 2013-2014 school year.
School Uniforms-Dress Code –Marteka Buncomb shared information relating to positive reasons for wearing uniforms at Camp Creek Middle School along with four stores in the area that sell school uniforms. The average price for five uniforms including five tops and bottoms was discussed - $150.00. DeMarcos Holland raised the question about the quality of materials. Machelle Allen referenced her own experience with purchasing uniforms and the quality being acceptable. It was noted that Prestige Apparel located in Greenbriar Mall is the only local store that has the Camp Creek logo. Shaleen Connally-James raised the question of what colors for the uniforms – Black, White, and Gold. Marteka Buncomb shared information from Atlanta Public Schools in regards to uniform colors based ongrade and hallway colors because it allows for easy identification of the students.
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April 30, 2013
CCMS Governance Council
Shaleen Connally-James passed out materials from Fulton County relating to Dress Codes/Uniforms and Parent Involvement Tips Sheet. Questions were raised in regards to how to enforce and have all stakeholders buy into the policy of wearing uniforms because consequences cannot be given for not wearing the uniform. DeMarcos Holland suggested that a survey be given to the students in order to receive their feedback. Marteka Buncomb raised the question of financial issues for parents that may not be able to afford the cost of uniforms. DeMarcos Holland shared that assistance would be available
for parents that can prove they need assistance. DeMarcos Holland discussed that Camp Creek Middle School has a 90% rate of Public Assistance. Council members discussed teachers wearing uniforms as a way to help implement the program. Marteka Buncomb asked if the Council Members could visit a school similar to Camp Creek Middle School to see how they are implementing a uniform policy – Young Middle School or Best Academy- with the goal to determine how uniforms have impacted the school.
Parental Involvement – Shaleen Connally-James introduced the topic of Parental involvement and asked for comments. Shaleen Connally-James referenced the After 3 Program and requiring parents to volunteer for 20 or more hours. Machelle Allen suggested using incentives to get more parents involved in the school. Linda Rhea asked about the working status of the parents of the students of Camp Creek MS. DeMarcos Holland responded that the majority of the parents are working parents. Linda Rhea suggested that recreation centersin the neighborhoods be used as a meeting location in order to helpincrease parental involvement. The recreation center could be used as a meeting location to allow for more parents to participate in Title I workshops such as Parent University. DeMarcos Holland suggested that parental involvement be included in the School Improvement Plan.
Afterschool Study Hall – Shaleen Connally-James introduced this topic for discuss. No comments were made, continued to next agenda item.
Future Agenda Topics
- Uniform Survey Results (Staff/Students/Parents/Community)
- School Visit – Young Middle School
- Advanced Academy (Build Camp Creek Middle School’s Brand Name)
- Committee Members (Staff/Community)
Meeting Location Change – Kimira Jefferson motioned to have the School Governance Council Meetings in the Cafeteria at Camp Creek Middle School instead of the Media Center. Machelle Allen seconded. All members voted in favor of the location change.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Minutes taken by Dione Belser, Parliamentarian