To: EARN and JSST Providers
From: Susan Kirby, Director of Workforce Strategies
Date: August 9, 2012,
RE: Process for Referral to Job Specific Skills Training Providers (JSST)
Philadelphia Works wants to ensure that our service providers are committed to using all of the resources available within our network to maximize each jobseekers potential for successful job placement and retention. In most instances, successful employment can be obtained after a thorough assessment of a customer’s skills, education, job interest and work history are used to identify the right opportunity. However, there are also those jobseekers that will require additional skills and training before successful employment can become a reality. To help those individuals, we maintain skills training providers as a vital resource within our workforce development network. It is the expectation of Philadelphia Works that all stakeholders will consider training as an option when deciding in the best interest of the customer.
Training slots are available for EARN customers who require training during FY 13. To ensure a representative number of customers are linked to training opportunities each month, we are asking that each EARN provider identify at least ten (10) customers monthly who would improve their employability through training and meet eligibility requirements.
Step 1: Eligibility Criteria
EARN providers will make referrals to JSST providers immediately after orientation or shortly thereafter. It is critical that EARN staff only consider customers who are likely to succeed and who require training in order to obtain employment. Customers should not be considered for referral to JSST until EARN staff have been able to assess that the customer meets the following criteria:
Memorandum, page 5
Work experience and/or skills assessment indicate vocational training is needed to obtain a job
Customer indicates an interest in training
Time and attendance requirements are met
The ability to follow directions is demonstrated
Works well with others
Adequate vocational training (code 24) time verified in CIS
Meets educational and other entrance requirements for a specified training.
TABE Results are adequate for JSST Provider standards
Criminal Background Check or Child Abuse Clearance obtained (if required)
When a criminal background check is required to begin training, a free one may be obtained through the Administrative office of the Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) website:
Instructions for running background checks through this site can be found here:
Important note: For determining eligibility for referrals to JSST, the free criminal background check through the AOPC is just as valid as one obtained through PA Access to Criminal History (PATCH).
Contractors should not share a print-out of the AOPC results with employers, because the AOPC results include arrests that did not lead to a conviction and it is illegal for employers to consider arrests that do not lead to conviction.
The PATCH results must still be obtained for providers requiring a clean criminal background check for enrollment.
Step 2: EARN Customer Site Visits
EARN Center training coordinators contact each JSST point person to arrange for eligible customers to visit the training locations of interest.
Providers that are registered to use KRONOS or Telephony will have potential students clock-in or dial-in upon arrival at the site visit. If visiting customers are unable to clock-in or dial-in or a provider is unregistered, the training site will email show/no-show information to the EARN training coordinators by close of business of the scheduled site visit day so the visitation hours can be credited.
Once site visits are completed, customers return to the EARN Centers to meet with staff and finalize their career training program choice and receive information regarding that program’s start date and time of the provider’s 2-day pre-enrollment phase.
Step 3: Referral to JSST Pre-enrollment Phase
EARN training coordinators will forward a list of customers scheduled to start assessment to each applicable JSST provider and to .
JSST providers complete the Day One Confirmation Sheet (attached) for all students that attend the first day of assessment and forward it to every Thursday by 12:00 Noon. All referrals will be tracked.
EARN Centers must initiate and maintain outreach to the participants during the pre-enrollment phase to ensure they attend training. If scheduled participants fail to report on day one or do not complete the pre-enrollment phase, they must return to the EARN Centers immediately for re-engagement.
Also during the pre-enrollment phase, JSST providers will complete the Pre-Enrollment Feedback form (form and instructions attached). This tool gives the skills training provider the opportunity to carefully review the student’s attendance, abilities, education and support services; all of which effect successful completion of training and future employment opportunities.
Step 4: Transition to Training
After successful completion of the pre-enrollment phase, training providers have until close of business Monday to submit completed Job Specific Skills Training Pre-Enrollment Feedback Forms for all customers to the referring EARN Centers and to both ; .
EARN Centers identify participants being transitioned to skills training and perform the following:
1. Enter an outcome under the customers’ enrollment record in CAPS. Terminate customers in CAPS to show enrollment with training provider and in CWDS (using code 7 “other”). The termination date will be the last business day of the pre-enrollment phase. Data entry is expected to be completed by COB on Tuesday so JSST providers can enroll promptly. All EARN transition dates will be on the Friday that ends the training provider assessment period. Customers will be required to report on Monday. No backdating is permitted.
2. EARN Center staff will request that the on-site CAO co-located worker open Project D0017 for Philadelphia Works training providers (JSST). However in the event the co-located worker is unable to open a timely referral and ensure the appropriate and timely closure of an EARN enrollment, Philadelphia Works will submit those requests directly to central CAO. An updated AMR is needed for those transitioning to training providers.
3. EARN Centers will also fax the full transition packet to the point person at the training provider by close of business Monday. If PDF documents/scans are used to e-mail transition paperwork for customers, the documents must be password protected to avoid HIPAA violations of confidentiality. Also remember to maintain customer confidentiality when identifying students within the body of any email, use only the first initial, last name, and last four digits of the social security number. No identifying information may be placed on the subject line.
The transition packet must include:
• Updated AMR
• Updated My Personal Goals and Action Plan indicating the JSST provider and activity
• Copy of the My Self-Assessment (MSA)
• TABE test results
• Criminal Background and Child Abuse Clearance (if applicable)
• Signed Excused Absence Log indicating time remaining for excused absences
JSST providers enroll students in CAPS using the Monday, (or first business day in the event of a holiday), following a successfully completed pre-enrollment phase as the enrollment date. In the event enrollment cannot take place within 3 days, a request for technical support will be e-mailed to both ; .
Philadelphia Works reconciles all feedback forms weekly to ensure all enrollments occur in a timely matter.
1. Complete the entire top portion of the form: JSST Provider, Student Name, Referring Agency and Last Four Digits of the student’s social security number.
2. Review and carefully discuss each of the three subsection questions with staff: Attendance/Abilities Assessment, Supportive Service Assessment, and Educational Assessment.
3. Select the appropriate response option (Yes, No or N/A (not applicable)) from the drop down box at the end of each question. If a High School Diploma or GED is not a requirement for entrance into your program, please select N/A. Do not select “No” as a response.
4. The “Score” and “Suggestion” boxes will automatically provide results when responses are entered for all of the subsection questions via the drop down boxes.
5. The Outcome box has a drop down with two selections; Accepted- Enrollment is approved for this student and Not Accepted-Student will not enroll in the training. Please select the outcome that applies.
6. Comments are required for students who are and are not accepted. With the exception of question # 4, comments should reflect specific reasons for all “No” responses. A corrective action statement is also required in the Comments section. The statement should indicate the ways that you have tried to resolve the issues that lead to a “No” response. Students may have the opportunity to resume training once issues have been resolved.