Bellflower High School
Language Arts Course Syllabus
Mrs. Kennebrew
Course Objectives:
· Develop literary analysis skills through the examination of fictional and nonfictional literary works.
· Develop writing skills by practicing writing in the different literary styles
· Expand vocabulary skills by analyzing words in isolation and in literary works
· Provide the remediation necessary to ensure that each student has an opportunity to pass the high school exit exam
Attendance/Tardy Policy:
Students must be in their seat, ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Students who are not in the door when the bell rings will be marked tardy, however, they will not go to tardy sweep. The school policy will be followed as far as consequences (3 tardies = Saturday school).
Class Rules and Policies
Rules and guidelines set forth in the student handbook will be followed in this class. All electronics and food items including cell phones and gum will not be permitted in the classroom Any student who distracts other students or interferes with the learning environment should expect consequences. There will also be a zero tolerance policy for bullying in this class.
1. Warning/Name on the board
2. Detention with teacher/Parent contact
3. Suspension from Class
4. Discipline Referral
· Students are expected to complete all classroom and homework assignments. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to make up the work (within 2 weeks). Work can only be made up with an excused absence. Any late assignments beyond your accommodations will have points deducted.
· Students will be expected to complete 2 book reports and 8 writing assignments throughout the year.
· Students are expected to come prepared to class, with appropriate materials. Every student must have 3 writing utensils, a composition book, and paper.
· I will be available after school for tutoring anytime a student requests it.
90-100 = A 80 -89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 59 and below = F
Thank you and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Miranda Kennebrew
562-920-1801 ext. 3510
I have read and understand the course syllabus above.
Print Student Name Student Signature
Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature