Institutions working on HIV/AIDS programs.

The following list of institutions /organizations are either directly involved in HIV/AIDS programs or provide information on HIV/AIDS in Africa.

AEGiS: AIDS Education Global Information System

Objectives: The AEGiS gives a daily briefing on HIV/AIDS news from around the world.

Activities and coverage: It publishes materials and information about HIV/AIDS.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:

Executive Director: and

Objectives: To provide up-to-date news from all over Africa.

Activities and coverage: It is a multi-media country service provider that produces and distributes news, including up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS, from across Africa to tens of millions of end users.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address: Allafrica operates from Johannesburg, Lagos, Dakar, Port Louis, Mauritius and Washington DC

Administrative Office in Washington DC (202) 546-0777

Fax:(202) 546-0676

Mailing Address: 920 M Street SE, Washington DC, 20003

Aidspan:(Fundraising Assistance for Developing Country HIV/AIDS Project)

Objectives: Aidspan is a small UN-based, non-profit organization whose mission is to reinforce the effectiveness of the Global/ Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Activities and coverage: It provides occasional facilitating services to developing country AIDS projects.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address: Bernard Rivers (Executive Director, Aidspan & Editor Global Fund Observer)

532 West 111th Street, New York, NY 10025,USA


Phone: 212-662-6800

Fax: 212-208 2543

Africa Alive:

Objectives: A network of youth HIV/AIDS prevention programs that uses popular entertainment to educate and give youth the skills they need to fight HIV/AIDS.

Activities and coverage: This website has news, links and an online store for purchasing CDs, DVDs, books and videos. The proceeds benefit youth AIDS prevention programs.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address: In South Africa:

Africa Alive, Suite 11a,Chartwell Drive, Gnanada Centre, Umhlaga Rocks, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 4320


Africa Alive, JHU/CCP, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, MD, 21200 USA

The Body: The Body serves as a public space in which organizations and experts can exchange information and ideas on various issues surrounding HIV/AIDS.

Objectives: The Body’s main objectives are to:

1)Use the web to lower barriers between patients and clinicians,

2)Demystify HIV/AIDS and its treatment

3)Improve patients’ quality of life

4)Foster community through human connections.

Activities and coverage: The Body is an interactive HIV/AIDS information resource, providing information and publications on AIDS and related issues such as prevention, treatment, quality of life, and nutrition. One of the site’s best features is the online forum where users can ask questions. HIV/AIDS information can be accessed by region: Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address: Body Health Resources Corporation, 250 West 57th Street, New York, NY10107

Eldis: Gateway to Development Information

Objectives: Eldis is a gateway to information on development issues, providing free and easy access to wide range of high quality online resources.

Activities and coverage: It provides summaries and links to online documents. It offers a directory of websites, databases, library catalogues and e-mail discussion of HIV/AIDS policy resources or another subject. Its email news services bring the latest research to your mailbox. It works on various HIV/AIDS programs on education and impact of HIV/AIDS. Eldis is funded by Sida, NORAD, SDC and DFID (Department for International Development)

Source of information:(

Contact person/address:

Rachel Otieno,Eldis Programme at:

Institute of Development Studies

Email: iversity of Sussex

Tel: +44(0) 1273 877330Brighton BN19RE

Fax: +44(0) 1273 621202UK

Family Health International (FHI)

Objectives: FHI is a not-for profit organization committed to help women and men to have access to state effectiveness, acceptable and affordable family planning methods, preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and improving the health of women and children. FHI’s work in HIV/AIDS includes prevention research, program management and support, and technical services.

Activities and coverage: FHI’s programs include HIV/AIDS prevention Trials Network (HPTN), a five-year international program to evaluate HIV prevention interventions and the Implementing AIDS Prevention Care (IMPACT) Project, which builds the capacity of local governments and non-governmental organizations to design, manage and evaluate HIV/AIDS prevention and care projects in more than 30 countries.

Source of information: (http:

Contact person/address:

Family Health International

P.O.Box 13950

Research Triangle Park

NC27709, USA

Tel: +(919) 544-7040

Fax: +(919) 544-7261

FEWS NET (Famine Early Warning Systems Network)

Objectives: The goal of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) is to strengthen the abilities of African countries and regional organizations to manage risk of food insecurity through the provision of timely and analytical early warning and vulnerability information.

Activities and coverage: FEWS NET: Health/HIV/AIDS web page explores the economic effects of HIV/AIDS at the household level.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:

FANTA:(Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance)

Objectives: FANTA projects on HIV/AIDS are based on their unique strength in food security and nutrition programming, to improve the health and well being of women and children.

Activities and coverage: They focus on mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS at the community and households level and nutritional care and support. FANTA’S multidisciplinary term includes professionals with backgrounds in health, maternal and child nutrition, HIV/AIDS nutritional care and support, emergency nutrition, agriculture and natural resources, economics, food policy, rural sociology and communications. FANTA takes an integrated approach to food security, nutrition and HIVAIDS. FANTA’S technical assistance and support are in the areas of country strategic monitoring and evaluation training and dissemination of promising practices. They work in collaboration with FAO, UNAIDS, USAID, UN/SCN etc in the mitigation activities in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address:

Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project Academy for Educational Development

1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20009-5721

Tel: +1 (202) 884-8000

Fax: +1(202) 884-8432


FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization)

Objectives: Its main mandate is to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity and to better the condition of rural populations.

Activities: FAO’s main activities include: incorporating HIV/AIDS into all programmes, assessing impacts on food security, and assisting countries to cope with the pandemic. In 1999, FAO and UNAIDS formally agreed to work together in the fight against AIDS. In 2001, FAO, WFP, IFAD and UNAIDS organized a technical meeting to identify agricultural sectors strategies.

Coverage: FAO site is designed to educate people about the links between HIV/AIDS and food security. Provides a comprehensive resource for researchers, policy-makers, nongovernmental organization and infected people. FAO focus on HIV/AIDS is on the prevention of further spread of the epidemic and on the mitigation of its effects through a concreted response from the agricultural sector. FAO recognizes that HIV/AIDS is a determine factor of food insecurity as well as a consequence of food and nutrition insecurity.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address:

Population and Development Services

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy

Tele:(+39) 06 57052346

Fax (+39) 57055490/52004

E-mail: HIV/

Fund the Fund:

Objective: A campaign group aiming to help mobilize civil society organizations globally to advocate for increased government investment in the global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria.

Source of information:

Contact Person/address:

Shannon Lynch

Health GAP (Global Access Project)

Tel: +1 212-674-9598

Fax: +1 646-645-5225


The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria:

Objective: The purpose of the fund is to attract, manage and disburse additional resources through a new public-private partnership that will make a sustainable and significant contribution to the reduction of infection, illness and death, thereby mitigating the impact caused by HIV/AIDS, tuberculoses and malaria in countries in need and contributing to poverty reduction as part of the Millennium Development goals.

Source of information:


53 Avenue Louis- Casai,

1216 Geneva-Coinrin


Tel: +41-22 791 1700

Fax: +41 22 791-1701


Global Health Council:

Objectives: They work to ensure that all who strive for improvement and equity in global health have the information and resources they need to succeed.

Activities and coverage: The Global AIDS Program works to influence policy on AIDS activities and issues worldwide through educational advocacy and information exchange.

The largest membership alliance dedicated to saving lives by improving health through out the world.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:

Global Health Council, Inc

1701 K St NW

Suite600, Washington DC, 20006-1503

Tel: +1 202-833-5900

Fax: +1 202-833-0075


Global Health Department USAID

The Global Health department of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Objectives: To contract global health challenges through improving the quality, availability and use of essential health and family planning services.

Activities and coverage: USAID strategy for global health seeks to stabilize world population and protect human health through programmes in maternal, child health, HIV/AIDS, family planning and reproductive health, infectious diseases, environmental health, nutrition and other life-saving areas.

Source of information:

Contact person/address:

USAID information Center, Ronald Reagan Building,

Washington DC, 20523-1000

Tel: +202-712-4810

Fax: +202-216-3524


Global Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS (GNP+)

Objective: The overall aim of GNP+ is to work to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Activities and coverage: The organization’s focus is on building the capacity of people with HIV/AIDS on the global, regional and national level. They carry out advocacy activities to promote global access to HIV/AIDS and treatment, combat stigma and discrimination against PLWHA, promote greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS. It also focuses on linking organizations through conference, online discussions and a newsletter.

Source of information:

HEARD: (The Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division) University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Objectives: To undertake academic and applied research into the economic, development and social impacts of HIV/AIDS, provide training workshops for senior professionals concerned with planning for the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, organize conferences and symposia to identify ideas and strategies and review interventions to deal with the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Activities and coverage: They undertake academic teaching activities concerned with health economics and HIV/AIDS

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:

Level 9 Denis Shepstone Building,

University of Natal, Durban, South Africa

Tel: +27 (031) 260 2592

Fax: +27(031) 260 2587


HIV/AIDS and STD Directorate, Department of Health S/Africa

Objective: Is the key national body within the Department of Health that leads with AIDS. It provides information directly related to government activities, general information and useful links such as: National and international data, key programmes and organizations, publications, campaign, information for prevention and care.

Source of information:

HIV/AIDS Department, WHO

Objectives: It was created to coordinate a more strategic organization-wide response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and to enable WHO provide enhanced technical support in HIV/AIDS to countries and regional offices.

Activities and coverage: Provides information about WHO’s work on HIV/AIDS, access to key references in publications, strategic information and facts.

Source of information:

HIV and Development Programme, UNDP

Objectives: Draw together UNDP’s headquarters, regional and country programming and other initiatives designed to strengthen the capacity of nations and organizations to respond effectively to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Source of information:

Contact person/address:

IAEN (International AIDS Economics Network)

Objectives: IAEN focus on the economics of HIV/AIDS prevention, providing data, tools, and analysis for researchers and policy-makers working to define and implement effective AIDS policy.

Activities and coverage: They also focus on the prevention and treatment in developing countries to help developing countries devise cost-effective responses to the global epidemic. Support has been provided by UNAIDS, the World Bank and USAID, while additional support has been provided by the POLICY project, the European Commission, ANRS, and Merck and Co. Inc.

They are involved in sponsoring research on the economics of HIV/AIDS through travel Scholarships and monitoring.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address: Jim Cachel

Co-director, IAEN

ILO (International Labor Organization):

Objectives: The ILOAIDS and world of work, has three objectives:

1)To raise awareness of the economic and social impact of AIDS in the world of work,

2)To help government, employers and workers support national efforts to prevent the spread and reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS and

3)To fight discrimination and stigma related to HIV/AIDS status.

Activities and coverage: The programme responds to the effects of HIV/AIDS in the world of work and supports the effects of its tripartite constitutions through:

Research, policy analysis and advocacy, advisory services, technical meetings, development of education and training programmes and information resources and publications. They work with donor partners from Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the US Department of Labor, with UNAIDS funding. They also have nationally executed projects on HIV/AIDS and the world of work. Examples: Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Togo, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, and Senegal.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:


4 route des Morillons, CH-1211 Geneva 22


Tel: +41 22 799 6486

Fax: +41 22 799 6349


Kaiser Family Foundation:

Objectives: Focuses on issue related to health policy, media and public education and health and development in South Africa

Activities and coverage: This is a non- profit private operating foundation focusing on the major health care issues facing the nations. The foundation has a HIV/AIDS policy program that seeks to provide the latest information, research and analysis on the major domestic and global HIV/AIDS policy issues. This includes analysis and monitoring of key epidemic trends, global and domestic spending on HIV/AIDS, the major programs that provide preventions, care and treatment of people at risk of and living with HIV/AIDS, public opinion about HIV/AIDS, and highlighting the impact of the epidemic on those populations and regions of the US and the World that have been the most affected including the young, women and minority communities. The foundation is also engaged in many other HIV- related activities.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address:

Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report

National Journal Group

600 New Hampshire Ave.

NW. Washington, DC20037

Tel: +202-672-5952

Fax: +202-672-5767


Nigeria-Aids eForum

Objectives: To contribute to the prevention, care and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria by providing innovative communication interventions that will facilitate positive behavior change to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Activities and coverage: They provide information on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and West Africa region, and open discussion to anyone interested in HIV/AIDS and other health issues in Nigeria.Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) Nigeria is a media-based non-governmental organization in Nigeria working in the field of HIV/AIDS and development.

Source of information: ()

Contact person/address: JAAIDS Media Resource Centre on HIV/AIDS, 42 Ijaye Road, Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria.

Telephone: 243-1-7731457.

Postal Address:

P O Box 56282,Falomo


RENEWAL:(Regional Network on HIV/AIDS, Rural Livelihoods and Food Security)

Objectives: A network in Africa to tackle HIV/AIDS and agriculture linkages. Activities and coverage: Renewal brings together national networks of agricultural institutions, public, private, non-government and farmers’ organization, together with partners working on HIV/AIDS and public health issues. RENEWAL is facilitated by the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), with the support of Norway, Canada, (CIDA and IDRC), USAID and WFP. They work in the South and East Africa.

Source of information:(

Contact person/address:


Red Ribbon

Objective: It is a portal about AIDS with focus on Africa.

Activities and coverage: The site features basic information about AIDS as well as information specific to people living with HIV/AIDS, children, nutrition, legal issues as well as other research and news.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:

Manager Editor

AIDS Analysis Africa online

P.O.Box 2212

Bellville, 7535

South Africa

Tel: +27 21 9406717

Fax: +27 21 9405522


SAfAIDS (Southern Africa HIV and AIDS information Dissemination Service)

Objectives: The mission is to promote effective and ethical development responses to the epidemic and its impact through HIV/AIDS knowledge management, capacity building, advocacy, policy analysis and research.

Activities and coverage: SAfAIDS is a regional HIV/AIDS resource (RHR) established in 1994 and based in Zimbabwe. The organization’s goal is to disseminate information in order to promote, inform and support appropriate responses to the epidemic in the fields of HIV prevention, care, long-term planning and coping with the impact.

Source of information: (

Contact person/address:

17 Beveridge Rd

P.O.Box A509 Avondale, Harare


Tel: +(263-4) 336193/4 307898

Fax: +(263-4) 336195

SARPN (Southern African Regional Poverty Network)