Greater Milwaukee Area, Area Athletics Competition
Saturday, April 30th, 2011
8:00 a.m.: First call to assemble for Opening Ceremony participants and parade of athletes
8:15 a.m.: All Ozaukee County Athletes and Coaches on the Track for parade line-up
in uniform and warm-ups.
8:30 a.m.: Opening Ceremony
9:00 am:Gazelles warming up
9:30 a.m.: Stage 4x400M relay (Buss, Priesler, Buivid, Scott) (Div 01, Lane 2) Alt Grafwallner
10:30 a.m.:Pentathletes to High Jump (Buss, Div 01; Buivid, Div 02; Scott, Div 02)
ROTATION I (10:30 AM) <starting times can be 1 hour off>
400M Walk (Burch Div 05); (Fuchs Div 01)
100M 30+ (Breest Div 18 L2; Buchach Div 17 L2; Yarney Div 12 L8)
100M 22-29 (Effio Div 05 L2; Esselman Div 5 L3; Preisler Div 07 L6; Weber Div 06 L7)
Shot Put Female 22-end (Burch Div 01; Kultgen Div 02, Yarney Div 02)
Turbo Jav 16-21 (Fuchs Div 03; Gahn Div 06; Keefe Div 06; Konkel Div 02; Shafer Div 05)
Event Conflicts
(Burch 400M Walk and Shot Put; Fuchs 400M Walk and Turbo Jav; Yarney for 100M and Shot Put)
400 Meter Run (Grafwallner Div 04 L2 )
ROTATION II(About 11:30 AM)
Shot Put Male 22-29 (Bartel Div 06; Effio Div 06; Esselman Div 07, Weber Div 06)
Shot Put Male 30+ (Buchach Div 11)
Turbo Jav 22-29 (Burch Div 10)
Running Long Jump 22-30+ (Breest Div 11; Preisler Div 10; Stangel Div 11)
Shot Put Male 16-21 (Weber Div 06; West Div 26)
Event Conflicts
(Stangel 800M Run and Running Long Jump)
800M Run (Bartel Div 02 Lane 1); (Kultgen Div 01 Lane 1); (Stangel Div 01 Lane 3)
ROTATION IV(About 2:00 PM)
100M 16-21 (Gahn Div 28 L5; Keefe Div 27 L6; Konkel Div 21 L2
Shafer Div 24 L6; West Div 28 L8)
Turbo Jav 12-15 (Fuchs Div 03; Grafwallner Div 01)
ROTATION V(About 3:00 PM)
ROTATION VI(About 4:00 PM) 4x100M Relay’s
Rhinos Div 04 Lane 3 (Esselman, Buchach, Stangel, Weber) Alternate Effio
Impalas Div 03 Lane 3 (Bartel, Breest, Kultgen, Yarney) Alternate None
PumasDiv 04 Lane 2 (Gahn, Keefe, Shafer, West) Alternate None
This is going to be a long day. Dress for anything. Bring fluids. Lunches will be provided. If you cannot make this event, call me at (414) 630-1186 as soon as you can. The key is, stay warm, keep dry, drink plenty of fluids, be a little hungry, and stay loose.
FLAG COLORS: Athletes report to different colored flags to be guided to different
events. The colors are:
50 meter run female - red
50 meter run male & coed, 25 meter walk - green
shot put - orange
100 meter run & 100 meter walk - white
200 meter run - yellow
running long jump - purple
standing long jump - blue
softball throw & turbo jav - florescent green
400, 800, 3000 meter race walks - pink