Syllabus (ST 501-601/301)
Instructor:Dr. Justin Post
Office:SAS Hall5260 Phone:(919) 515-0637 Email:
Online Office hours:M/F 1:30-2:30 (I can schedule more if there is demand!)
Note: I also have in person office hours if you are local - T/Th 1:30-2:30, Th 10:00-11:00 - feel free to stop by anytime my door is open!
TA:Arkaprava Roy,
Online Office hours:T/Th 5-7pm
Course Goal:First of a two-semester sequence in probability and statistics taught at a calculus-based level. Probability: discrete and continuous distributions, expected values, transformations of random variables, sampling distributions.
Students should gain an understanding of probability and random variables in order to have the foundation to conduct statistical inference in ST 502.
Prerequisites:MA 242 (Calc III) is required.
Required Texts:
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis,Third Edition. Author:John A. Rice. Approximately $300 new. ISBN:978-0534399429
This course will cover the first 6 chapters of the book as well as a few topics not included in the book. The book will also be used for ST 502.
Communication:Students are expected to check their NCSU email regularly to receive course announcements. Students who do not use their NCSU email should arrange to have this email forwarded to an account they do use. Due to university regulations the instructor can send course announcements only to NCSU email addresses.
Course Content:Students in this course do not attend a typical class period. Instead students will watch videos and complete activities. Students should set aside sufficient time in their schedules to complete these materials. Note that material will be due during the week.
Course Assistance:To obtain course help there are a number of options:
- General Discussion Board -This should be used for any question you feel comfortable asking and having others view. The TA, other students, and I will answer questions on this board. This will be the fastest way to receive a response!
- E-mail -If there is a question that you don't feel comfortable asking to the whole class you can use e-mail. The TA and I will be checking daily.
- Blackboard Collaborate -These sessions can be used to share screens and have multiple users. You can do chat, voice, and video.
- Blackboard Collaborate Sessions (Office hours):
Arkaprava Roy - TBD
Justin Post - Monday/Friday 1:30-2:30pm
Calculator:Students will need a basic calculator that can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square roots.Note you must use a basic calculator only, use of calculators that store information is not allowed.
Software: Students in this course will useR statistical software. This software is open source and free to anyone. It is widely used in statistics and is especially great for visualizations and custom analyses. You may also want to download R studio.
Grades:It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of their grades in the course and the appropriate level of work required. Your final grade in this course will depend on the following:
Item / Portion of Grade2 Midterm Exams / 50% of grade (25% each)
Homework / 10% of grade (Lowest Score Dropped)
Comprehensive Final Exam / 30% of grade
R Project / 5% of grade
Discussion Board Posts / 5% of grade
The course uses the standard NCSU grading scale:
Grade / F / D- / D / D+ / C- / C / C+ / B- / B / B+ / A- / A / A+Score / <60% / 60%-63% / 63%-67% / 67%-70% / 70%-73% / 73%-77% / 77%-80% / 80%-83% / 83%-87% / 87%-90% / 90%-93% / 93%-97% / >97%
Incomplete (IN) grades are given only as specified in university regulations. Students who wish to audit the course with satisfactory status must register officially for the course and will be required to obtain an 80% or greater on the homework assignments to receive credit.
Homework:There will be 9-12 homework assignments during the semester with the lowest assignment being dropped.Many of the assignments will include a programming portion. As the lowest score is dropped,no late assignments are accepted.
Scanner:Students will need to submit their "written" homework in pdf or word format. It is acceptable to write the homework by hand and scan it to a pdf. Therefore, you will need to have access to a scanner or use a phone app. Alternatively, students may also type their homework assignment.
R Project:Toward the end of the semester, there will be a larger R project.
Discussion Board Postings:Student in this course will be broken into small groups of 3 students. Each week these groups will answer questions and discuss course content using the online discussion board. These discussion questions will be keyed to the specific weeks material and will have specific due dates. Due dates are firm and your fellow group members will be counting on your contributions to be submitted by the due date. Discussion postings will be graded based on quality of responses. Students are expected to treat each other with respect on the boards.
Exams:All exams are closed book and closed notes. However, students will be provided with a formula sheet by the instructor for each exam so that memorization is not required. The final is cumulative.Students who are unable to attend an exam for a legitimate unavoidable reason may be given the opportunity for a make-up exam or be given a reweighting of their final exam. The midterm exams are limited to 1.25 hours. The final exam is limited to 3 hours.
Exam proctoring:Students must arrange to take their exams during the assigned testing window. Exceptions may be made but will be at the discretion of the instructor. Students may take exams in their choice of two possible methods.
- Through the Distance Education Proctoring Offices. Students who are in Wake and adjoining counties may arrange to take their exams at the DE Proctoring offices on a walk in basis. For more information see
- Off campus proctoring. Students who are not in Wake County or the adjoining counties or have extenuating circumstances may take exams through an approved proctor. All remote proctoring should be arranged through the Distance Education Proctoring Office For more information on arranging proctors see
Students with disabilities:Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see
Academic Misconduct:Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. To create a fair and equitable environment, the instructor aggressively enforces the universities policies on academic misconduct. All exams are to be completed individually. Although working together on written assignments to overcome obstacles is encouraged, each student must compose and write their own analysis and reports. All cases of academic misconduct will be handled as set out in university policies. For additional information see:
Please be advised this course is being recorded for currentand potential future educational purposes. By your continuedparticipation in this recorded course, you are providing yourpermission to be recorded.
Course Outline:
Basic Probability and Counting
Random Variables and their properties
Common PMFs and PDFs
Joint and Conditional Distributions
Covariance and Correlation
Delta Method and Limit Theorems
Sampling from the Normal Distribution or Point Estimation
Calendar of Events:
9/29/16-9/30/16 (Thursday/Friday) – Exam 1
10/6/16 (Thursday) No class – Fall break.
10/14/16 (Friday)–Drop/Revision deadline
11/8/16-11/9/16 (Tuesday/Wednesday) – Exam 2
11/24/16 (Thursday) – Thanksgiving break.
12/1/16 (Thursday)– Last day of our class
12/12/16-12/13/16 (Monday/Tuesday) – Final exam
Syllabus (ST 501-001)
Instructor:Dr. Justin Post
Office:SAS Hall5260Phone:(919) 515-0637Email:
Office hours:T/Th 1:30-2:30, Th 10:00-11:00 - feel free to stop by anytime my door is open!
Problem session (not required):W 1:30-2:30 in SAS hall 5270
Office hours (in room 1101 SAS Hall): TBA
Course Goal:First of a two-semester sequence in probability and statistics taught at a calculus-based level. Probability: discrete and continuous distributions, expected values, transformations of random variables, sampling distributions.
Students should gain an understanding of probability and random variables in order to have the foundation to conduct statistical inference in ST 502.
Prerequisites:MA 242 (Calc III) is required.
Required Texts:
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis,Third Edition. Author:John A. Rice. Approximately $300 new. ISBN:978-0534399429
This course will cover the first 6 chapters of the book as well as a few topics not included in the book. The book will also be used for ST 502.
Calculator:Students will need a basic calculator that can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square roots.Note you must use a basic calculator only, use of calculators that store information is not allowed.
Software: Students in this course will useR statistical software. This software is open source and free to anyone. It is widely used in statistics and is especially great for visualizations and custom analyses. You may also want to download R studio.
Communication:Students are expected to check their NCSU email regularly. Students who do not use their NCSU email should arrange to have this email forwarded to an account they do use. Due to university regulations the instructor can send course announcements only to NCSU email addresses.
Grades:It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of their grades in the course and the appropriate level of work required. Your final grade in this course will depend on the following:
Item / Portion of Grade2 Midterm Exams / 50% of grade (25% each)
Homework / 12% of grade (Lowest Score Dropped)
Comprehensive Final Exam / 32% of grade
R Project / 6% of grade
The course uses the standard NCSU grading scale:
Grade / F / D- / D / D+ / C- / C / C+ / B- / B / B+ / A- / A / A+Score / <60% / 60%-63% / 63%-67% / 67%-70% / 70%-73% / 73%-77% / 77%-80% / 80%-83% / 83%-87% / 87%-90% / 90%-93% / 93%-97% / >97%
Incomplete (IN) grades are given only as specified in university regulations. Students who wish to audit the course with satisfactory status must register officially for the course and will be required to obtain an 80% or greater on the homework assignments to receive credit.
Homework:There will be 9-12 homework assignments during the semester with the lowest assignment being dropped.Many of the assignments will include a programming portion. As the lowest score is dropped,no late assignments are accepted.
R Project:Toward the end of the semester, there will be a larger R project.
Exams:All exams are closed book and closed notes. However, students will be provided with a formula sheet by the instructor for each exam so that memorization is not required. The final is cumulative.Students who are unable to attend an exam for a legitimate unavoidable reason may take a make-up exam only if the student provides suitable documentation of the delay and take the make-up in a timely manner. The midterm exams are limited to 1.25 hours. The final exam is limited to 3 hours.
Students with disabilities:Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see
Academic Misconduct:Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. To create a fair and equitable environment, the instructor aggressively enforces the universities policies on academic misconduct. All exams are to be completed individually. Although working together on written assignments to overcome obstacles is encouraged, each student must compose and write their own analysis and reports. All cases of academic misconduct will be handled as set out in university policies. For additional information see:
Please be advised this course is being recorded for currentand potential future educational purposes. By your continuedparticipation in this recorded course, you are providing yourpermission to be recorded.
Course Outline:
Basic Probability and Counting
Random Variables and their properties
Common PMFs and PDFs
Joint and Conditional Distributions
Covariance and Correlation
Delta Method and Limit Theorems
Sampling from the Normal Distribution or Point Estimation
Calendar of Events:
9/29/16 (Thursday) – Exam 1
10/6/16 (Thursday) No class – Fall break.
10/14/16 (Friday)–Drop/Revision deadline
11/8/16 (Tuesday) – Exam 2
11/24/16 (Thursday) – Thanksgiving break.
12/1/16 (Thursday)– Last day of our class
12/8/16 (Thursday) 1-4pm – Final exam
Syllabus (ST 502)
Instructor:Dr. Justin Post
Office:SAS Hall5260 Phone:(919) 515-0637 Email:
Office hours:T/Th 1:30-2:30, Th 10:00-11:00 - feel free to stop by anytime my door is open!
Problem session (not required):T 10:00-11:00 in SAS hall 5270
TA:Won Gyo Suh
Office hours (in room 1101 SAS Hall):T 11-1, W 11-12
Course Goal:Second of a two-semester sequence in probability and statistics taught at a calculus-based level. Statistical Inference including Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals.
Prerequisites:ST 501 is required.
Required Texts:
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis,Third Edition. Author:John A. Rice. Approximately $300 new. ISBN:978-0534399429
This course will cover parts of chapters 7-13.
Calculator:Students will need a basic calculator that can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square roots.Note you must use a basic calculator only, use of calculators that store information is not allowed.
Software: Students in this course will useR statistical software. This software is open source and free to anyone. It is widely used in statistics and is especially great for visualizations and custom analyses. You may also want to download R studio.
Communication:Students are expected to check their NCSU email regularly to receive course announcements. Students who do not use their NCSU email should arrange to have this email forwarded to an account they do use. Due to university regulations the instructor can send course announcements only to NCSU email addresses.
Course Policies:
Courtesy and Respect in the classroom are expected.
I reserve the right to change any policy given, or add new policies as needed.
Grades:It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of their grades in the course and the appropriate level of work required. Your final grade in this course will depend on the following:
Item / Percentage of Grade2 Midterm Exams / 50% of grade (25% each)
Homework / 10% of grade (Lowest Score Dropped)
Comprehensive Final Exam / 30% of grade
R Project(s) / 10% of grade (5% each)
The course uses the standard NCSU grading scale:
Grade / F / D- / D / D+ / C- / C / C+ / B- / B / B+ / A- / A / A+Score / <60% / 60%-63% / 63%-67% / 67%-70% / 70%-73% / 73%-77% / 77%-80% / 80%-83% / 83%-87% / 87%-90% / 90%-93% / 93%-97% / >97%
Incomplete (IN) grades are given only as specified in university regulations. Students who wish to audit the course with satisfactory status must register officially for the course and will be required to obtain an 80% or greater on the homework assignments to receive credit.
Homework:There will be approximately 10 homework assignments during the semester with the lowest assignment being dropped.Many of the assignments will include a programming portion. As the lowest score is dropped,no late assignments are accepted. Homework will need to be submitted in either word or pdf format. You may need a scanner or a picture to pdf app.
R Project:There will be two group R projects assigned during the semester.
Exams:All exams are closed book and closed notes. However, students will be provided with a formula sheet by the instructor for each exam so that memorization is not required. The final is cumulative.Students who are unable to attend an exam for a legitimate unavoidable reason may take a make-up exam only if the student provides suitable documentation of the delay and take the make-up in a timely manner. Alternatively, the exam scores may be reweighted.
Students with disabilities:Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see
Academic Misconduct:Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. To create a fair and equitable environment, the instructor aggressively enforces the universities policies on academic misconduct. All exams are to be completed individually. Although working together on written assignments to overcome obstacles is encouraged, each student must compose and write their own analysis and reports. All cases of academic misconduct will be handled as set out in university policies. For additional information see:
Course Outline:
Survey Sampling
Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis Testing
Categorical Data Analysis
Calendar of Events:
9/27/16 (Tuesday) – Exam 1
10/6/16 (Thursday) No class – Fall break.
10/14/16 (Friday)–Drop/Revision deadline
11/3/16 (Thursday) – Exam 2
11/24/16 (Thursday) – Thanksgiving break.
12/1/16 (Thursday)– Last day of our class
12/13/16 (Tuesday) 8-11pm – Final exam
Syllabus (ST 307)
Instructor:Dr. Justin Post
Office:SAS Hall5260
Phone:(919) 515 - 0637
Office Hours:T/Th 1:30-2:30, Th 10:00-11:00 - feel free to stop by anytime my door is open
Teaching Assistant (TA):Zekun Xu(Also the instructor for Section 002)
Office Hours (Held in SAS 1101): M 1:00-3:00, T 9:00-10:00
Classroom: 10:40-11:30 (Section 001) - Mann Hall 321
11:45-12:35 (Section 002) - Mann Hall 301
Course Goals:
An introduction to using the SAS statistical programming environment. The course will combine lecture and a virtual computing laboratory to teach students how to use the SAS sytem for:
- basic data input and manipulation
- graphical displays of univariate and bivariate data
- one- and two-sample analyses of means;
- simple linear regression
- one-way ANOVA
- Documentation of code and writing of statistical reports will be included.
Course Content:
This class is a "flipped" class. This means that the students will watch videos prior to class and then come to class to work. The course also requires group work. Each member of the group is expected to contribute. For each group assignment you will rate your other group members' participation for that assignment. This rating can affect the score for individuals deemed not fully contributing.