Good Morning
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Morning Announcements
Please stand for the flag salute.
Monday, January 21st is a Single Session Day. It will be a Day 5
Dismissal is at 12:20PM
No lunch will be served
Parents / Guardians:
It is important that you notify the attendance line if your child is going to be absent or late. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day. You may also notify us by writing to inform us of an upcoming absence.
Ms. DePaolo's Reading Club will not meet on Monday, January 21, 2013.
Checkout the Year In Review update on the Terrill website under the section “Principal – Articles.” The update will provide you with some of the activities that have happened at our school to promote a positive school climate. The update is provided courtesy of the school safety team.
Attention all Junior Solar Sprint team members. Our first team meeting will be today, Tuesday, January 15th in room 7 from 2:45 to 3:45 pm.
Newspaper Club will not meet this Thursday, January 17, 2013.
When going to and from the Villas, grade six can only enter and exit the building through the doors by the 5th grade wing; students in grades 7 and 8 can only enter and exit the building through the doors by the band room.
Our next meeting will be today, Tuesday, January 15th in Mr. Rogers's room 19.
Attention all PALS members January meeting dates are as follows:
8th grade PALS members will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, January 16th.
7th grade PALS members will meet both January 23rd and January 30th.
Meeting dates and PALS club information are posted outside rooms 34, 13, and 6.
The Word of the Week is “SCRUTINIZE”, a verb. “Scrutinize” means ‘to examine closely”, as in “Before speaking, Jane scrutinized her words.”
Also, scrutinize your best work for a compelling Word of the Week sentence for the Word of the Week song contest!
Only one book captures this year’s incredible events and experiences at Terrill Middle School, your 2013 Yearbook. Remember all the friends, fashion, fun, favorite teachers and classes, games, music, art, dances, and everything in between. It’s all here. And it’s only available once!
Attention all students who have not purchased a yearbook, yet! This is the first year that you can personalize your yearbook by adding your name or special phrase and pictures to the front cover, add an autograph section, photo pockets, or a clear protective cover. Personalizing your yearbook will only be available until January 25th! So, hurry
up and order now to add your own personal style to our TMS yearbook!
Forms can be found in the Main Office or you can order online.
Terrill Middle School’s Builder’s Club and the American Red Cross team up for a Blood Drive on Thursday, January 24th, 2013. Please see flyer under the section “Principal.”
Any student who has forgotten their lunch, lunch money or if you realize that you have forgotten an item from home please check the table outside of the Main Office to see if your item is there. We will not call the classroom for forgotten homework or projects.
If you are planning to attend a high school other than SPF-HS, a parent or guardian must complete a record release form and submit it to the counseling office. Records will not be released unless we have a record release form on file. The form can be found on the TMS website under the section “Letters Principal.” Additionally, all forms will be processed on Thursdays only.