Before you move forward with this instruction sheet, make sure you’ve created a Slack account. If you have not, refer to the PTO’s “Introduction to Slack” document. If you do not have it, please contact .
Once you have a Slack account you can login at and use your Internet browser. However, if you want to take advantage of alerts and other Slack functionality, you should install the Slack app on your computer. These instructions are for installing the Slack app on a Windows device.
- Open your preferred Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc)
- Go to
- Once you reach that page, you’ll see different options depending on the type of device you’re using. Choose your device and click the ‘Download’ button.
4. You will run through a quick, easy install process.
- After the install is complete, a login window will pop up next. It asks for a team domain. Type in websterschoolpto and click ‘Continue’
6. Next it will ask for your login e-mail address. Enter your address and click ‘Continue’
7. Enter your password next and click ‘Sign In’
8. Once your password has been accepted you’ll be in the app. Even if you close or minimize the app it will continue running in your notification area in the lower-right hand corner of your screen. You will continue to get pop up alerts in that corner when someone sends you a message. You can reopen Slack when you need it by clicking on the Slack icon in the notification area. You can also find it in your start menu, or just pin a shortcut to your desktop or taskbar.
9. There are also apps available in the App Store on Apple mobile devices and the Google Play Store on Android Devices. To download these, just go to the store on your device and search for Slack. The app is free. Once you’ve installed it, use the same sign-in instructions that you used in steps 5-8 on this sheet. You can now send and receive Slack messages on your mobile device as well.
If you have any questions or need help with this, please contact .