NASPA Student-Athlete Knowledge Community Leadership Team Monthly Meeting

November 10, 2016 Teleconference Minutes

Participants: Archibald, Artale, Graham, Hartung, Hinnen, Kareti, Marsh, Nagy, Navarro, and Spivak.
Action items are highlighted in yellow.

1.  Welcome and Review Report from September meeting. Brent Marsh welcomed the team to the meeting, and mentioned the election results and taking care of our students and one another. The October teleconference meeting minutes were accepted as drafted.

2.  Communication & Media Strategy Updates. Carrie Smith was unable to join the meeting. Leah Kareti was unable to locate any research or best practice articles on national anthem protests. Marsh had submitted to Smith a first draft of the Welcome from the Chair letter. Bryan Hinnen viewed the Last Chance U documentary and wrote up a review, which he characterized as a candid response.

3.  SAKC Online Learning Subcommittee Update. Paul Artale and Courtney Spivak shared the following information regarding the subcommittee’s progress and plans. One panelist, Mary Wilfert, Associate Director of Prevention and Health Promotion with the NCAA, has been secured. Wilfert is helping to identify/recruit other potential panelists. (Mary Anne Nagy mentioned that Wilfert was an initial SAKC leadership team member from the NCAA.) The subcommittee hopes to have the following information secured by December 16: panelist name, title, bio and headshot; brief description of the live briefing; Learning outcomes; and complete Live Briefing outline. Group plans to submit proposal for Live Briefing via NASPA website by December 19. Would like to develop and produce marketing concepts by November 31, with a goal of marketing the Live Briefing to NASPA communities from late-December through mid-January with the actual event occurring mid-late January 2017.

4.  NCAA Convention SAKC Sponsored Session. Eric Hartung shared the details regarding this session, entitled “Lessons from Student Affairs on Mental Health Wellness: Preparing Coaches and Athletic Staff to Support Student-Athletes of Concern.” Held Thursday, January 19, 2017, from 9:45-11:15 a.m., which Hartung described at a prime spot in the schedule, the panel presentation will feature the following individuals: SAKC leadership team member Carrie Smith, Assistant Dean of Students, University of Georgia; Dawn Stewart, Director of Athletics, Otterbein University; and Jody Russell, Health Science Faculty Member and FAR, Lock Haven University. The session will feature brief introductions, 20-minute presentations per presenter, and approximately 10-15 minutes for Q&A. Kareti suggested the slide deck be preserved by the SAKC for potential future use.

5.  NASPA Dates/Times for Your Calendars. Marsh shared via the agenda the following dates/times related to the 2017 NASPA Conference:

o  Spring Forward! Sunday, March 12, 2:00 a.m.

o  SAKC Leadership Team Meeting: Monday, March 13, 7:00-8:00 a.m. CDT, Ruth’s Chris

o  SAKC Business Meeting: Monday, March 13, 3:30-4:30 p.m. CDT (pending confirmation)

o  Communities/Grad Prep Fair: Monday, March 13, 7:00-9:00 p.m. CDT

o  SAKC Sponsored and Affiliated Sessions:

o  Student-Athlete Knowledge Community Mental Health Data Blitz (CP: Leah Kareti), Monday, March 13, 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM

o  Student-Athlete Roundtable: Real Conversations for Life after Sport (CP: Kristina Navarro), Monday, March 13, 11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.

o  College Athletics: Pathway to Lifelong Opportunities (CP: Monica Miller), Monday, March 13, 3:40 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

o  Understanding Student-Athlete Identity and Implications for Student Development (CP: Markesha Henderson), Tuesday, March 14, 1:15 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.

6.  Data Blitz Update at NASPA in San Antonio. Kareti suggested a next step is to solicit proposal submissions from members of the SAKC plus the following KCs suggested by Kareti and other team members: Campus Safety and Violence Prevention, Men and Masculinities, Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education, Veterans, and Wellness and Health Promotion. Kareti will draft an invitation. After the submission date closes, team members can help review proposals and make decisions. Artale and Hartung volunteered. Regarding timing for the solicitation, Nagy suggested a teaser this fall with full solicitation in January.

7.  NASPA National News. Marsh highlighted the Knowledge Community Regional Representatives training on Monday, March 13, 2017, from 8:00-10:00 a.m. Reps can register at this link:

In addition, Marsh referenced the SAKC’s winter board report which was attached as supplement no. 2. Finally, Marsh mentioned the recently released ACPA/NASPA Professional Competency Rubrics available at the following link:

8.  Other Updates. A few regional conferences are about to happen and should provide great opportunities to connect with colleagues and promote the SAKC’s work. James Archibald mentioned DII news related to the NCAA international membership pilot program. Hartung added that the program has existed for about 10 years, and the DII President’s Council is asking to remove the “pilot” tag. Related to N4A, Kristina Navarro shared that meetings scheduled in January include plans to finalize the new name, structure, and membership which will be voted upon in June. Additionally, Navarro believes the SAKC’s Education Plan will provide a great connection point with the new life skills arm of N4A that is being developed.

9.  Open Discussion and Adjournment. There was no additional discussion. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Eastern. A recording of the teleconference is available at (712) 775-7029 Access Code - 365-007 or