Aide-Memoire - Interview with Curriculum Leaders
- What are the standards being attained in your area in EYFS, KS1 and KS2?
- How do you obtain information on this?
- Have you written any analysis of standards?
- Do you have clear improvement strategies based on assessment data?
- What percentage of / how many children are on track to meet two levels of progress or better by the end of KS2?
- What percentage of / how many children have made better than expected progress across the school?
- What analysis is there of the progress of all pupils?
- What analysis is there of the progress of vulnerable groups in comparison to all children?
- How good is the teaching in your area including assessment for learning?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses? How do you know?
- Have you written any evaluations of teaching?
- How are you trying to develop the quality of teaching?
- Are schemes of work in place? (e.g. Primary Framework)
- How do schemes of work support progression of knowledge, skills and understanding throughout the school?
- How do you ensure a consistent approach to long, medium and short term planning?
- How is the curriculum refined and developed?
- How do you embed literacy skills in your subject area?
- Are there adequate resources for each key stage?
- Are staff aware of resources?
- How much money do you receive and how do you decide how it is spent?
- Do you have an action plan? what are your current priorities?
- Are there sections in the SIP related to your subject? How do these link to your action plan?
- Are there up to date subject policiesin place and how do you know if they are being implemented?
- What are the subject induction procedures for new staff?
- How do you identify and meet the INSET needs of the staff?
- How often do you have line-management meetings in relation to your subject leadership?
- How do you inform Governors re. your subject?
Equal Opportunities
- How do equal opportunities inform your work as curriculum leader?
- Who are the vulnerable groups of pupils in your school? (see question 4 – progress)
- How do you monitor the teaching and progressof pupils with SEN in your subject? (e.g. liaison with inclusion manager/SENCO)
- How do you support the development of teaching and learning of pupils with SEN?
SMSC (social, moral, spiritual and cultural education)
- How do you support SMSC through your subject?
- What links are made between your subject and other curriculum areas?
- How do schemes of work support links to the local area?