LIQUI MOLY suppliesaircraftenginemanufacturerAustro Engine

The enginesarefilled ex-works withengineoilfrom Ulm

May 2016 - Austro Engine setsstorebythemade-in-Germany quality: Goingforward, theaircraftenginemanufacturer'sengines will bedeliveredwith LIQUI MOLY oilinsidethem. The LIQUI MOLY Austro Engine Aero 5W-40 will also beusedwhentheenginesareserviced. "Weareveryproudtobethefirst German manufacturertohavetheiroilusedforaircraftfirstfill," said Peter Baumann, LIQUI MOLY'smarketingdirector. "Ithasreallyopenedthedoorto a newfieldofbusiness."

LIQUI MOLY'scorebusinessiscars. The majorityofthecompany'sturnoverisgeneratedfromengineoilsand additives alongwithmaintenanceandserviceproducts. Over 50 yearsofexperiencehasgoneintoproducingtheirproductrangeforgeneralaviationaircraftwhichbecamecommerciallyavailableover a yearago.

Austro Engine and LIQUI MOLY announcedtheircollaboration at theAerotradefair. The enginemanufacturerchose LIQUI MOLY fortworeasons: itsparticularly high-performance motoroilanditsclosecontactswiththeoilmanufactures' researchdepartments. In ordertogettheoptimumengineoil, boththepropertiesandtheperformanceweredefined.

The Austro Engine enginesarebased on a Mercedes twoliterdieselengine. Diesel technologyis still a novelty in flight. Oneofthebiggestadvantagesofdieselenginesisthefacttheyaredoublyefficient. On theonehandtheyconsumelessthangasolineenginesand on theotherhand, like jet planes, theycanrun on kerosenewhichischeaperthanspecialaircraftenginefuel. The environment also benefitsas, unlike traditional aviationfuel, thereisnoneedtohavelead in thisfuel. As a result, dieselenginesarethecurrentinnovationforpistonengines in airplanes.

However, dieselenginesdemandmorefromengineoil. Burningdieselproducesmoreresiduesthanwithgasoline, so theoilneedstohave a highercleaningperformance. Also, theoilneedstofunctionwithin a much wider rangeoftemperatures - fromSiberiancoldto Sahara hot. Obviously, reliablelubricationismuchmoreimportant in airplaneenginesthan in carengines.

Airplanemanufacturer Diamond AircraftuseAustro Engine engines in a wholerangeofsingleandtwinengineaircraft. LIQUI MOLY Austro Engine Aero 5W-40 is also usedformaintenanceworkwhentheairplanescometothefactoryforinspection. The nextstep will betocarefullyexaminetheengineoilover a long-term test. The intention, at a laterdate, isthatengines will last longeriftheyareexclusivelylubricatedwith LIQUI MOLY Austro Engine Aero 5W-40.

The new LIQUI MOLY Austro Engine Aero 5W-40 will bemarketedanddistributedbyAustro Engine themselves, aswellasthrough MM aeronauticalautomotiveaffairs GmbH based in Austria. The latter also distributes LIQUI MOLY'scompleteAeroproductrange.


LIQUI MOLY GmbH from Ulm in South Germany offers a wide range of high-quality products such as motor oils, additives, vehicle care products and service products. The range includes some 4000 items. LIQUI MOLY develops and tests their products in their own laboratories, manufactures exclusively in Germany and markets all of their products themselves. LIQUI MOLY was founded some 50 years ago and is now one of the leading companies in the industry. The products are sold in Germany and in 120 other countries.

For more information, please contact:

Peter Szarafinski

Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4

89081 Ulm-Lehr


Tel.: +49 7 31/14 20 189

Fax: +49 7 31/14 20 82