Multnomah Neighborhood Association (MNA) Minutes from February 9, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Chair Carol McCarthy.
All present introduced themselves.
Meeting Agenda was approved, all in favor.
Minutes from January were approved, all but 1 abstention in favor.
Treasurer’s Report, given by Carol McCarthy: Balances are $815 Community Events Fund, $212 General Fund, $5197 Land Use Fund, $1000 Special Project to Prepare Study Guide on History of the Neighborhoods in Portland, $3877 Spring Garden Park Fund
Chair’s Report, Carol McCarthy: The MNA Board voted to send a letter requesting an apology for testimony submitted to the comp plan public record that impugned the reputation of the MNA Board and the MNA. The Board voted to pursue a grievance should an apology not be forthcoming. Carol sent the letter and she will keep us posted on the outcome.
Work is in progress on an op-ed piece regarding endorsement of MNA’s position on the role of the NAs in Comp Plan. It is the intention of the authors to promote transparency in organizations that have special status with the City, such as business associations. Policies that require adherence to the State’s open meetings and records statutes, and policies requiring that board members with conflicts of interest recuse themselves from participation, should strengthen these special organizations increasing transparency, thereby by reducing the chances for corruption.
SWNI Board, Carol McCarthy for Martie Sucec: The Multnomah Co. Title 11 Tree Code does nothing to protect trees on development lots smaller than 5,000 SF from clear cutting. Developers can and do often cut down all trees on these lots, regardless of the size of the trees. Should trees over 48” be saved as Urban Forestry and the Planning and Sustainability Commissions recommends or over 30” as the Audubon society recommends (MNA voted previously to support this)? SWNI voted to support Audubon’s position as well.
Houston Markley added that the Urban Forest Commission hearing expressed appreciation for our letters in support of tree code amendment. They further discussed reducing the exemption to lots smaller than 3,000 SF. Portland has the second densest tree canopy in the nation and single family dwellings are the largest contributor.
SWNI discussed United Neighborhoods for Reform position that houses should be evaluated for asbestos before they are demolished and the asbestos mitigated. One MNA member says as of January1, 2016, dumps will no longer take asbestos. There must be a certificate of compliance.
Land Use Report, Jim Peterson: MNA received letter from “the tower” developer O’Brien saying they are going ahead with the permit process for the 4-story mixed-use building across from the Multnomah Arts Center. MNA will need to focus energy on looking for code violations in order to get this project into “design review” so we can have an opportunity to communicate further requests to have this project fit into the existing Multnomah Village neighborhood.
Jessica Wade moved to request that O’Brien include 10% affordable housing units for residents who earn 60% of the median income. Friendly amendments to this were discussed to request more parking & ADA compliant affordable units. Numbers and final wording need more refinement and it was agreed to table this for now. There will be Land Use subcommittee meetings reconvening soon.
Chris Lyons urged everyone to ask our legislators to support the lift on the ban forcities to mandate “inclusionary zoning” bill that will be voted on March 8, 2016. This is bill HB4001 + other pieces and AllisaKennieGyeris chairwoman of the committee. Carol suggested we might create an email blast to encourage people to send letters in support of this effort.
The new Comp Plan has defined 4 Mixed Use Zones and assigned them throughout the city to all commercial property. There has been some consideration that some portions of Multnomah village may be redesignated CM1. This may be announced in early March.
SWNI has a representative, Jim Gorten, on the City’s Residential Infill Project. Discussion at the SWNI Land Use meeting included a comment from an attendingland use lawyer who said thewording to “allow” developers to do this and that including provisions that guarantees profitability, Is most concerning. Neighbors are strongly advised to participate. This is the RIPSAC of old.
Houston discussed the many articles in various city papers on deconstruction and demolition and the perceived justification that increasing density encourages more affordable housing thru infill. There was much discussion on how this has not been successful. Rents have risen and the housing prices of these new houses is much higher than previous smaller and simpler older homes.
There is a website “Portland Chronicle” that tracks the value of previous homes and cost of sales for new homes on infill properties. Someone really needs to collect and report this data!
There is a plan to build 240 units at the Golden Touch on Barbur with parking lot access on Multnomah side road.
The following comp plan amendments were submitted by the Mayor and City Commisisoners:
Novick – 11: 4001-4007 SW Collins St. near Barbur Transit Center Change from R1 to Mixed Use Urban Center and include within the West Portland Town Center.
Salzman– 91: 4055 SW Garden Home R104021 W Parcel of R7 surrounded by R2. Change to R2
Fritz – 71: NW Dolph and 30th – change NW corner (fire station?) of intersection to R1
Hales – Hillsdale neighborhood:, 32- Bertha and Capitol Hill Rd Change this site at 6824 Capitol Hill Rd. and 1660 SW Bertha to R1. Preconference for 84 units.
Hales - Maplewood neighborhood, 25: 4545 SW California to Plaid Pantry on Vermont – St. Luke’s Change to R1
We have only taken a position on the last proposed amendment. We voted in January to oppose it.
Parks Committee: Carol asked for anyone who is interested in replacing her as the representative the SWNI Parks Committee to please talk to her about it.
Members of the Friends of Gabriel Park spoke about the Gabriel Park Pollinator Meadow. There is a 1-year preparation to rid the weeds before planting begins.
The preferred option for the $3.5M improvements to Spring Garden Park is available for viewing online.
Carol suggested we have a 3-day party in the Park this year the two other NAs that adjoin Gabriel Park.
Request for 5k feed the hungry Fundraiser for Neighborhood House letter to be signed by Carol.
Safety Committee: Committee chair Beth Omansky has resigned and we are looking for a replacement.
Jessica says we should fill out the PBEM survey to get people’s response to major disaster. Steve Hall asked anyone interested to complete NET training (see link on SWNI web page). Steve is a HAMM radio operator andhe is looking for more support at to help provide communication services for emergency response.
Schools: Committee chair was not present but quite a few school redistricting changes are planned with the biggest effect on Bridlemile.
Transportation: Chris Lyons discussed plans to study the I5 exit and Multnomah Blvd slip lane merge and safety improvements.
PBOT design for Capitol Highway from Barbur to “the Village” should be available any day now. City Council approved the 10c/gal gas tax to fund this and it will now be on the next ballot for city wide vote. Several neighbors walked Capitol to enlist more neighbors in supporting this effort.
ODOT plans to put a protected pedestrian crossing on Barbur with flashing lights at Alice.
SW Corridor Survey to get community input on Mode preference (Bus Rapid Transit vs Light Rail) and Route Barbur/I5 with/without PCC tunnel was extended to February 15, 2016. Please complete this to give your input.
With the Spring Garden Park improvements they would like to install new parking and a sidewalk on the park side of DolphCt to 30th. This is a LID (Local Improvement District) with no opposition at this time.
Unfinished Business:
Mayor Hales will hold a neighborhood meeting on the use of the Sears Armory as a temporary homeless shelter February 16, 2016 7-8:30pm in the Multnomah Arts Center Auditorium. Questions were submitted based on neighborhood input. The MNA is working with Transition Projects, the shelter manager, to complete memorandum of understanding to promote effective communication to address any problems.
SW Hope is doing a food drive and a group of neighbors has organized a sock drive too.
City Police upgraded their software and they are unable to generate any statistics regarding their response to calls. The fire department has reportedly responded 28 times but no data compilation is available. The main complaint is about the early morning beeping noise made during the wheelchair lift operations.
Overlook Neighborhood learned that the city is getting ready to permit the Hazelnut Grove Encampment. They developed a list of requirements and would like neighborhoods to support them: non-extendable end date, monitored limit of 30 campers, campers must provide a full legal name, campers must conform to the code of conduct, they want a physical buffer between the forest, private property and the camp and fences around the bike trails. They want violations to revoke the permit immediately. They asked for neighborhoods to endorse their press release and send a letter in support of their position. MNA had mixed response to this request. There was agreement that the process is not working for communication to neighborhoods regarding homeless.
Discussion moved to the city’s request to have neighborhoods identify park space to allow additional camps. The city is holding a meeting February 11 at the Red Lion - Janzen beach to address community input on homeless encampments in neighborhoods.
Mayor Hales’s homeless plan adds on urban camping (please see Oregonian 2/10/16 pA7 article):
1. Safe Sleeps re. Tents, their location and time they can be setup
2. Organized Camp Systems
3. Organized car/RV Systems
4. More Shelters space (like Sears armory for the future)
Dean Smith of Ash Creek Neighborhood requested we consider some changes to our neighborhood boundaries. Crestwood Neighborhood may also be part of this too. Request for anyone interested to contact Chris Lyons to be a part of this discussion.
New Business:
Meeting adjourned 8:50pm
Submitted by Katherine Christensen for Kimberly Stevens, Secretary.