HaywoodCounty,North CarolinaHaywoodCountyNC Workstation RFP Addenda
Response to Vendor Questions
June 2, 2015
- Reference RFP Section 3.1.1
- Question: Are vendors that were not specifically identified as options within the RFP document eligible to bid?
- Response: Other vendors are eligible to submit a bid under the wording from this section stating “or as approved”. The County included four vendors as examples, but recognizes there are more vendors than those listed within the Request for Proposal (RFP) document.
- Reference “Drawings”
- Question: Can you send a copy of the latest CAD drawing for the new dispatch room dimensions?
- Response: The County has disseminated (via email) the latest copy of the Floor Plan to all Vendors are known to have attended the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on May 28, 2015. This information was provided in both AutoCAD and pdf. Versions on May 29, 2015, at 3:54 PM EDT.
- Reference RFP Section 2.3
- Question: Is there a scoring methodology to the bid responses that you are willing to share?
- Response:Bid Responses are evaluated upon the basis of accepting the Bid Response that is from the lowest responsive responsible bidder. Responsiveness is measured by how well each Respondent’s solution adheres to all requirements as set forth within the RFP.
- Question:Will there be an opportunity to do a post-bid conference to explain our proposal/alternative solutions?
- Response: Each Respondent should clearly state within their Bid Response their design solution, and/or alternate solutions, and how these meet the requirements as set forth in the RFP. The successful vendor and the County may meet before the Contract is executed; to review the solution(s) offered in order to ensure that a complete understanding of solution is achieved.
- Reference RFP Section 1.3
- Question: Would there be an opportunity to extend the due date for submittal of Responses?
- Response: Vendor responses are due by June 9, 2015, at 4:00 P.M. EDT. The County’s response to all questions submitted will be provided to all known Vendors having received this RFP before June 5, 2015 by the means of email delivery method.
- Reference RFP Section 3.1.3,page 9 Individual Heating and Ventilation Controls
- Question: Is a design that offers one (1) supply point for heat and one (1) supply point for filtered air acceptable?
- Response: Each Respondent’s solution should clearly state how the functionality of their design solution(s) comply with the requirements as specified within the RFP.
- Reference RFP Sections 2.1. sub-Item 2 “Overflow dispatch positions/Dispatch Overflow Workstations”-two (2) positions
- Question: It is our understanding from the Pre-Bid Meeting that the two (2) overflow dispatch positions are not to be included at this time. Will you please confirm this?
- Response: The two (2) overflow dispatch positions are not being considered, or to be included in your responses at this time. Each Respondent should submit their Bid Response based upon the eight (8) workstation positions for the Emergency Call Center, Storage Furniture, and Reference Carousel. The portion of the drawing included within the RFP that references”Dispatch Overflow Workstations” should be disregarded.
- Reference RFP Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3
- Question: Will more than one console solution proposal be acceptable?
- Response: Each Respondent may submit alternate workstation solutions, but the Respondent’s base bid shall be for the configuration as shown. Alternate designs to the 90 degree workstation configuration are acceptable provided they comply with the dimension requirements as specified in the RFP. However, each Respondent must submit at least one solution for the configuration as depicted in the drawing.