UML Marketing Committee
Minutes of April 4, 2007
Elizabeth Dafoe Library / Icelandic Board Room
Present: Jim Sutherland, Allison Erhardt, Elviera Mearon, Anne Thornton-Trump,
Marina Webster, Juliette Nadeau, Debby Brown,
Regrets: Valorie Ward
Guests: Christian Butera
1. Approval of the Agenda
The Food for Fines agenda item was moved to the top of the agenda.
2. Food for Fines Update
The total amount received for the Food for Fines event that was held from March 19-25, 2007 was $441 ($2 per item).
ACTION: C. Butera, UMSU to email Elviera Mearon the total number of food items received.
The Food for Fines survey was sent to all the individuals who participated in the Food for Fines. Out of the 55 participants only 7 people completed the survey. There was a request to bcc emails when sending out notices. It was also suggested to conduct a random selection of patrons who have fines.
The committee thanked UMSU and Christian Butera for their involvement and for providing all the printing material for the campaign. C. Butera stated that UMSU is committed to promoting this initiative.
Other recommendations were:
· Create 3 banners to display in the NJM, Elizabeth Dafoe and Sciences libraries.
· Make bins visible at the circulation desks
· Coordinate a photo-op of a student participating in the food campaign.
The Food for Fines Sub-Committee was thanked for their hard work on the event.
ACTION: J. Sutherland to send a thank you letter Susan Heidebrecht for her help on the Food for Fines Sub-Committee.
3. The minutes of the January 25, 2007 were approved as circulated
4. Business Arising:
ACTION: J. Sutherland to email N. Michaud-Oystryk, Chair of PSCC and request a PSCC representative be appointed to the Marketing Committee, C. Presser to receive a copy of the email.
5. Report on the Integrated Marketing and Communications Group:
Debbie Brown and Marina Webster attended a presentation/workshop that External Relations had arranged in January. The presentation was on integrated marketing and communications and the importance of image, reputation and financial well-being. C. Presser appointed M. Webster to be representative on the University’s IMCG. The mandate of the IMCG is to share information so that we can better coordinate efforts, integrate themes and messaging and ultimately strengthen our abilities to promote the university in a unified and professional ways that garners results.
The IMCG group is putting together a strategic plan for the university, developing new materials, creating a baseline advertising plan and will be providing photography opportunities.
Public Affairs created a shared network drive for the IMGC group to have an interactive folder that serves as a resource to add and view content that is of interest/importance to the group. This shared drive is accessible to everyone on the IMCG distribution list.
ACTION: M. Webster to forward the links that relates to the presentation by Phyllis Spies of OCLC and the results of the market research survey conducted by OLCL (Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources) to the Marketing Committee for review.
6. Review of Marketing Committee Project Calendar:
To be placed on next month’s agenda.
7. Other Items Presented by Committee Members
ACTION: Debby Brown to initiate the P.O. to subscribe to Marketing Library Science. It will be decided if the subscription will be to the paper or online.
8. Next meeting: to be determined
ACTION Marina Webster will schedule future meetings from May until December 2007.