Each One Teach One

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is AAU?

A. AAU stands for Amateur Athletic Union. AAU is a national organization based in Lake Buena Vista, FL , that is the one of the largest, non-profit, volunteer, sports organizations in the United States . AAU is dedicated exclusively to the promotion and development of amateur sports and physical fitness. The national AAU is divided into districts around the country. EOTO competes in the Georgia District.

The age groups for AAU are listed as…

7u/1st grade 11u/5th grade15u/9th grade

8u/2nd grade 12u/6th grade16u/10th grade

9u/3rd grade 13u/7th gradeJunior Boys

10u/4th grade 14u/8th gradeSenior Boys

Q. What is YBOA? A. It is a similar organization to AAU and sponsors many tournaments and our teams frequently play in these events.

Boys age groups are: 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17U. Not all tournaments have all age groups.

Q. Who is EOTO?

A. The EOTO organization will operate teams in various age groups and genders to compete in the Georgia District Championships held each summer. A major goal of the organization is to field highly competitive teams each year that will qualify for national AAU tournaments and play at a high level in other elite basketball tournaments.

The EOTO is a volunteer non-profit organization.

Q. What are the goals of the EOTO organization?

A. We want our players to develop as good basketball players and good young men and women. We want the players to have fun, be competitive, learn sportsmanship and win. For the younger players, our goal is to teach them the fundamentals of basketball so they can prepare for high school basketball and be successful. For our high school players, our goal is to assist them, their parents and coaches to prepare to play a big role on their high school team and for some, to prepare them for college basketball and possibly receive college scholarships.

Q. What are the rules of the club?

A. Proper conduct of parents and players is required at all times. We urge parents to refrain from coaching or officiating from the stands and just be a fan for your son and his teammates.

Q. What if my child is not a super star basketball player?

A. This program is also very dedicated to developing players and is a good fit for players who want to improve at basketball. The overall plan is to get each player to the next level. Teaching basketball fundamentals plays a big part of our program. We are about developing players and a benefit of that has been it helps bring in good players trying to get better.

Q. If my child makes an AAU team, is he/she guaranteed playing time or could they sit on the bench?

A. No player is guaranteed playing time. The selection process attempts to get the best players, on any given team, so competition for playing time is earned by player performance and effort. Every attempt will be made to get playing time for all players, but it is not guaranteed, for every game. Except for in very important games, everyone will play some. Over the course of the season all players get their chance to play if they work hard. AAU competition dictates great performance on the court and winning is necessary to advance in any tournament.

Q. My child is a Super Star. We think he needs to play up an age. Will you permit it?

A. The few times the club has permitted a player to play up it was for reasons other than being a super star. If a team is so good that they need a challenge, we will routinely play the team up a whole age group.

Q. When is the EOTO season?

A. The primary season for AAU basketball is February through July, particularly for the most competitive teams that compete on the national level. Teams begin to organize at the end of the high school basketball season in February of each year.

Q. What is the expected commitment of AAU basketball?

A. The commitment can be a big one, but also one than can bring many rewards for your child. AAU is not recreational or “county” ball. The commitment also varies from team to team as some teams play more competitive schedules than others. The commitment principally involves time and money. Time, because parents have to be committed to getting their players to practices and games, and money because EOTO is a volunteer organization and parents are responsible for supporting their player’s participation financially.

  • Practices could be around the corner or a 30 minute drive because much depends on availability of facilities and where you live.
  • Games are usually on the weekend. It is expected that a player will make all the games and practices. Most teams practice twice a week. While conflicts always arise in any endeavor, absences can disrupt the team’s continuity and chemistry and are not fair to teammates and coaches. The key thing is to always communicate what’s going on with your player to the coaches so they can plan accordingly.

Absenteeism causes problems with team harmony, performance, and overall chemistry on the court

Q. How far and how often does the team travel to play in tournaments?
A. We allow the coaches to determine when and where their teams go to play in tournaments. We do recommend that the coaches not play in tournaments during the weekdays. We are lucky in metro Atlanta that there is a tournament here almost every weekend. Top teams do travel to play in out of state tournaments. State and National tournaments are scheduled by the AAU and we have no flexibility on them. Please make every effort to make sure your child is available for these weekends. Your coach will let you know the dates as soon as possible.
Q. How long are tournaments and how much can we expect to pay for admission at the tournaments?
A. Generally, tournaments run from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon, with each team usually playing between 3-5 games, per tournament. Entry fees are approximately $8.00, per day, for adults and $5.00, per day, for children. Sometimes passes are available for the weekend at a discounted rate. Nationals cost is more expensive with daily passes around $15 for adults and $10 for children. Weekend passes for adults $45 and $35 for children.

Q. Is there fundraising to support teams?

A. Yes, EOTO encourages teams to actively raise funds to support its teams to lessen the financial burden on the families. The EOTO organization is non-profit, which is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3. Fund-raising can come in many forms, from the soliciting of corporate sponsorships, carwashes, candy sales, donations from family and friends, and “bucket brigades.” From sponsors, we accept all methods of fundraising from team support, player support, or gym rental.

Q. How are EOTO teams operated?

A. The EOTO organization serves as an “umbrella” to support our teams. Each team operates as a unit within the structure of the organization – meaning each team is its own organization within the organization. The head coach is the leader of each team and is assisted in operating the team by assistant coaches, team manager and Team Mom. Usually interested parents of players on the team fill these auxiliary positions to assist the coach, players and team.

Q. How are players split into teams?

A. Coaches and others evaluate each player and recommend him/her for a level they believe will suit his level of skill and aggressiveness. Coaches then meet to draw up final lists for the age groups. Not all players who tryout are offered spots on a team. However, we are very much a club that includes developmental players.

Q. How are age groups determined?

A. Sept 1, 2008 is the cut-off date.

9 and Under/3rd grade - born on or after - September 1, 1998 Grade Exception: A player who is in the 3rd grade and who was born on or after September 1, 1997 can participate in the 9: under/3rd grade division. Maximum of three grade exception athletes per team.

8 and Under/2nd grade - born on or after - September 1, 1999 Grade Exception: A player who is in the 2nd grade and who was born on or after September 1, 1998 can participate in the 8:under/2nd grade division. There is a maximum of three grade exception athletes per team.

Go to for add’l age groups

Q. How long is the boys AAU basketball season?

A. 8u through 18u play from March through June or July depending on if the team qualifies for theNational Championships.

Q. What are the initial cost?

A. Player's fees vary, starting at about $450.00 for the age groups that don’t travel as much out-of metro Atlanta to over $550.00+ for teams that play and travel a national schedule. These monies also assist to cover the following…

  • AAU registration costs for the EOTO organization and individual players and coaches with an insurance waiver;
  • Individual team registration for tournaments is approximating $270-$500 per tournament for each team.
  • Gym rental and insurance waivers;
  • Equipment (basketballs, scorebooks, first aid kits, etc. Hotline and Web site maintenance, printing, mailing, etc;
  • Uniforms; and Etc.
  • Transportation/Hotel of team members only as needed (if parents aren’t traveling to tournament)

Q. Some out of pocket expenses not included…

-travel expenses of player’s family; gas, meals, hotel

-admission to tournaments; $10.00 per day for adult, $5.00 per day child (all amounts are estimates)

-spirit wear for parents/siblings etc.

Coaches Information

Coach Scott Belyeu - 678-862-6231

Coach Rob Rodgers - 770-364-2585

Coach Ken Eskridge - 404-644-6399

If you have questions, suggestions or comments please contact Burkley James, CEO at 770-256-1885.